Surgical treatments for macular hole and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment are the most common and principle procedures for vitreoretinal specialists. The surgical success rate reached 95.0% and above for vitrectomy, macular surgeries with ILM peeling, or local/total scleral buckling. However, the postoperative visual function recovery is nowhere near good enough. Specialists must pay more attention to the visual function recovery of those patients. Postoperative macular anatomical and functional rehabilitation for macular hole and scleral buckling procedures need a long period of time. At present, the postoperative visual acuity for macular hole depends on many factors, such as macular hole closure conditions, surgical procedures, microsurgical invasive ways, skills of membrane peeling, usage of dye staining, and tamponade material choice. It also depends on residual subretinal fluid under macular area for patients received scleral buckling. It is important for us to investigate these factors affecting recovery of macular anatomy and function, and thus develop some drugs to improve the macular function recovery.
Citation: JiaYading. To improve the macular function and visual quality after vitreoretinal surgeries. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2014, 30(4): 333-338. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1005-1015.2014.04.001 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | 禹海, 高明宏, 李颖, 等.累及黄斑的孔源性视网膜脱离手术后黄斑下积液眼黄斑形态变化与视力预后的关系及其影响因素分析[J].中华眼底病杂志, 2013, 29:136-141. |
2. | 孟自军, 高永峰, 王艳婷.孔源性视网膜脱离术后持续性黄斑下积液的相干光断层扫描观察与分析[J].中华眼科杂志, 2013, 49:1057-1080. |
3. | 惠延年.值得重视的眼底病研究热点和难点:原发性视网膜脱离的治疗和手术后视力恢复[J].中华眼底病杂志, 2013, 29:117-120. |
4. | 张钊填, 雁涛, 黄雄高, 等.影响特发性黄斑裂孔微创玻璃体切割手术后视力预后的相关因素研究[J].中华眼底病杂志, 2013, 29:126-130. |
5. | 孙吉君, 杨嘉嵩, 李聪慧, 等.黄斑区脉络膜厚度与孔源性视网膜脱离成功手术复位后视力的相关性[J].中华眼底病杂志, 2013, 29:131-135. |
6. | Mester V, Kuhn F. Internal limiting membrane removal in the management of full thicknessmacular holes[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2000, 129:769-777. |
7. | Tognetto D, Grandin R, Sanguinetti G, et al. Internal limiting membrane removal during macular hole surgery: results of a multicenter retrospective study[J]. Ophthalmology, 2006, 113:1401-1410. |
8. | Tadayoni R, Gaudric A, Haouchine B, et al. Relationship between macular hole size and the potential benefit of internal limiting membrane peeling[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2006, 90:1239-1241. |
9. | David SB. Vitreomacular adhesion: pathology and treatment. Retina Today, 2013(3):69-71. |
10. | Ezra E. Idiopathic full thickness macular hole: natural history and pathogenesis[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2001, 85: 102-108. |
11. | Kelly NE, Wendel RT. Vitreous surgery for idiopathic macular holes: results of a pilot study[J]. Arch Ophthalmol, 1991, 109: 654-659. |
12. | Al-Abdulla NA, Thompson JT, Sjaarda RN. Results of macular hole surgery with and without epiretinal dissection or internal limiting membrane removal[J]. Ophthalmology, 2004, 111: 142-149. |
13. | Yooh HS, Brooks HL, Capone A, et al. Ultrastructural features of tissue removed during idiopathic macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1996, 122: 67-75. |
14. | Brooks HL Jr. Macular hole surgery with and without internal limiting membrane peeling[J]. Ophthalmology, 2000, 107:1939-1948. |
15. | Jumper JM, Gallemore RP, Mccuen BW, et al. Features of macular hole closure in the early postoperative period using optical coherence tomography[J]. Retina, 2000, 20: 232-237. |
16. | Michalewska Z, Michalewski J, Nawrocki J. Continuous changes in macular morphology after macular hole closure visualized with spectral optical coherence tomography[J]. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2010, 248: 1249-1255. |
17. | Wakabayashi T, Fujiwara M, Sakaguchi H, et al. Foveal microstructure and visual acuity in surgically closed macular holes: spectral-domain optical coherence tomographic analysis[J]. Ophthalmology, 2010, 117: 1815-1824. |
18. | Baba T, Yamamoto S, Arai M, et al. Correlation of visual recovery and presence of photoreceptor inner/outer segment junction in optical coherence images after successful macular hole repair[J]. Retina, 2008, 28: 453-458. |
19. | Hangai M, Ojima Y, Gotoh N, et al. Three-dimensional imaging of macular holes with high-speed optical coherence tomography[J]. Ophthalmology, 2007, 114: 763-773. |
20. | Sano M, Shimoda Y, Hashimoto H, et al. Restored photoreceptor outer segment and visual recovery after macular hole closure[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2009, 147: 313-318. |
21. | Christensen UC. Value of internal limiting membrane peeling in surgery for idiopathic macular hole and the correlation between function and retinal morphology[J]. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh), 2009, 87: 1-23. |
22. | Haritoglou C, Gass CA, Schaumberger M, et al. Macular changes after peeling of the internal limiting membrane in macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2001, 132: 363-368. |
23. | Hotta K, Hirakata A, Shinoda K, et al. Posterior segment complications after macular hole surgery[J]. Nihon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi, 1997, 101: 808-813. |
24. | Park SS, Marcus DM, Duker JS, et al. Posterior segment complications after vitrectomy for macular hole[J]. Ophthalmology, 1995, 102: 775-781. |
25. | Terasaki H, Miyake Y, Nomura R, et al. Focal macular ERGs in eyes after removal of macular ILM during macular hole surgery[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2001, 42: 229-234. |
26. | Weinberger AW, Schlossmacher B, Dahlke C, et al. Indocyanine-green-assisted internal limiting membrane peeling in macular hole surgery--a follow-up study[J]. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2002, 240:913-917. |
27. | Ando F, Sasano K, Ohba N, et al. Anatomic and visual outcomes after indocyanine green-assisted peeling of the retinal internal limiting membrane in idiopathic macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2004, 137: 609-614. |
28. | Horio N, Horiguchi M. Effect on visual outcome after macular hole surgery when staining the internal limiting membrane with indocyanine green dye[J]. Arch Ophthalmol, 2004, 122: 992-996. |
29. | Ferencz M, Somfai GM, Farkas A, et al. Functional assessment of the possible toxicity of indocyanine green dye in macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2006, 142: 765-770. |
30. | Lai CC. Update on chromovitrectomy and macular hole repair[J]. Retina Today, 2013(12): 36-38. |
31. | Jackson TL, Hillenkamp J, Knight BC, et al. Safety testing of indocyanine green and trypan blue using retinal pigment epithelium and glial cell cultures[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2004, 45: 2778-2785. |
32. | Gale JS, Proulx AA, Gonder JR, et al. Comparison of the in vitro toxicity of indocyanine green to that of trypan blue in human retinal pigment epithelium cell cultures[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2004, 138: 64-69. |
33. | Haritoglou C, Gandorfer A, Schaumberger M, et al. Light-absorbing properties and osmolarity of indocyanine-green depending on concentration and solvent medium[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2003, 44: 2722-2729. |
34. | Scupola A, Mastrocola A, Sasso P, et al. Assessment of retinal function before and after idiopathic macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2013, 156: 132-139. |
35. | Shiono A, Kogo J, Klose G, et al. Effects of indocyanine green staining on the recovery of visual acuity and macular morphology after macular hole surgery[J]. Ophthalmologica, 2013, 230: 138-143. |
36. | Jackson TL. Indocyanine green accused[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2005, 89:395-396. |
37. | Nukada K, Hangai M, Ooto S, et al. Tomographic features of macula after successful macular hole surgery[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2013, 54: 2417-2428. |
38. | Spaide RF. "Dissociated optic nerve fiber layer appearance" after internal limiting membrane removal is inner retinal dimpling[J]. Retina, 2012, 32: 1719-1726. |
39. | Clark A, Balducci N, Pichi F, et al. Swelling of the arcuate nerve fiber layer after internal limiting membrane peeling[J]. Retina, 2012, 32: 1608-1613. |
40. | Purtskhvanidze K, Treumer F, Junge O, et al. The long-term course of functional and anatomical recovery after macular hole surgery[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2013, 54: 4882-4891. |
41. | Ezra E, Arden GB, Riordan-Eva P, et al. Visual field loss following vitrectomy for stage 2 and 3 macular holes[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 1996, 80: 519-525. |
42. | Hutton WL, Fuller DG, Snyder WB, et al. Visual field defects after macular hole surgery: a new finding[J]. Ophthalmology, 1996, 103:2152-2158. |
43. | Remy M, Thaler S, Schumann RG, et al. An in vivo evaluation of brilliant blue G in animals and humans[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2008, 92: 1142-1147. |
44. | Lai CC, Wang NK, Chuang LH, et al. Blood clump-assisted vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling for macular hole repair[J]. Retina, 2011, 31: 2014-2020. |
45. | Kuriyama S, Hayashi H, Jingami Y, et al. Efficacy of inverted internal limiting membrane flap technique for the treatment of macular hole in high myopia[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2013, 156:125-131. |
46. | Michalewska Z, Michalewski J, Adelman RA, et al. Inverted internal limiting membrane flap technique for large macular holes[J]. Ophthalmology, 2010, 117: 2018-2025. |
47. | Morizane Y, Shiraga F, Kimura S, et al. Autologous transplantation of the internal limiting membrane for refractory macular holes[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2014, 157:861-869. |
48. | Tornambe PE. Macular hole genesis: the hydration theory[J]. Retina, 2003, 23: 421-424. |
49. | Karia N, Laidlaw A, West J, et al. Macular hole surgery using silicone oil tamponade[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2001, 85: 1320-1323. |
50. | Lai JC, Stinnett SS, Mccuen BW. Comparison of silicone oil versus gas tamponade in the treatment of idiopathic full-thickness macular hole[J]. Ophthalmology, 2003, 110: 1170-1174. |
51. | Iezzi R, Kapoor KG. No face-down positioning and broad internal limiting membrane peeling in the surgical repair of idiopathic macular holes[J]. Ophthalmology, 2013, 120:1998-2003. |
52. | Iezzi R. facedown positioning is not necessary in idiopathic macular hole repair[J]. Retina Today, 2014(2):58-60. |
53. | Fujii GY, De Juan E, Humayun MS, et al. A new 25-gauge instrument system for transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy surgery[J]. Ophthalmology, 2002, 109: 1807-1813. |
54. | Sodhi A, Leung LS, Do DV, et al. Recent trends in the management of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment[J]. Surv Ophthalmol, 2008, 53: 50-67. |
55. | Abouzeid H, Becker K, Holz FG, et al. Submacular fluid after encircling buckle surgery for inferior macula-off retinal detachment in young patients[J]. Acta Ophthalmol, 2009, 87:96-99. |
56. | Banaee T, Hosseini SM, Ghooshkhanei H, et al. Anatomical and visual outcomes of three different scleral buckling techniques[J]. J Ophthalmic Vis Res, 2009, 4: 90-96. |
57. | Rossetti A, Doro D, Manfrè A, et al. Long-term follow-up with optical coherence tomography and microperimetry in eyes with metamorphopsia after macula-off retinal detachment repair[J]. Eye, 2010, 24:1808-1813. |
58. | Delolme MP, Dugas B, Nicot F, et al. Anatomical and functional macular changes after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with macula off[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2012, 153:128-136. |
59. | Ricker LJ, Noordzij LJ, Goezinne F, et al. Persistent subfoveal fluid and increased preoperative foveal thickness impair visual outcome after macula-off retinal detachment repair[J]. Retina, 2011, 31:1505-1512. |
60. | Okamoto F, Sugiura Y, Okamoto Y, et al. Metamorphopsia and optical coherence tomography findings after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2014, 157: 214-220. |
61. | Veckeneer M, Derycke L, Lindstedt EW, et al. Persistent subretinal fluid after surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: hypothesis and review[J]. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2012, 250: 795-802. |
62. | van Meurs JC, Feron E, van Ruyven R, et al. Postoperative laser coagulation as retinopexy in patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment treated with scleral buckling surgery: a prospective clinical study[J]. Retina, 2002, 22:733-739. |
63. | Veckeneer M, van Overdam K, Bouwens D, et al. Randomized clinical trial of cryotherapy versus laser photocoagulation for retinopexy in conventional retinal detachment surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2001, 132:343-347. |
64. | Benson SE, Schlottmann PG, Bunce C, et al. Optical coherence tomography analysis of the macula after vitrectomy surgery for retinal detachments[J]. Ophthalmology, 2006, 113:1179-1183. |
65. | Benson SE, Schlottmann PG, Bunce C, et al. Optical coherence tomography analysis of the macula after scleral buckling surgery for retinal detachments[J]. Ophthalmology, 2007, 114:108-112. |
66. | Abouzeid H, Becker K, Holz FG, et al. Submacular fluid after encircling buckle surgery for inferior macula-off retinal detachment in young patients[J]. Acta Ophthalmol, 2009, 87:96-99. |
67. | Hagimura N, Iida T, Suto K, et al. Persistent foveal retinal detachment after successful rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2002, 133:516-520. |
68. | Abouzeid H, Wolfensberger TJ. Macular recovery after retinal detachment[J]. Acta Ophthalmol Scand, 2006, 84: 597-605. |
69. | Gharbiya M, Grandinetti F, Scavella V, et al. Correlation between spectral-domain optical coherence tomography findings and visual outcome after primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair[J]. Retina, 2012, 32: 43-53. |
70. | Spaide R. Autofluorescence from the outer retina and subretinal space: hypothesis and review[J].Retina, 2008, 28:5-35. |
71. | Kim YK, Woo SJ, Park KH, et al. Comparison of persistent submacular fluid in vitrectomy and scleral buckle surgery for macula-involving retinal detachment[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2010, 149: 623-629. |
72. | Anderson DH, Stern WH, Fisher SK, et al. Retinal detachment in the cat: the pigment epithelial-photoreceptor interface[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 1983, 24: 906-926. |
73. | Zacks DN, Han Y, Zeng Y, et al. Activation of signaling pathways and stress-response genes in an experimental model of retinal detachment[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2006, 47:1691-1695. |
74. | Gregory CY, Converse CA, Foulds WS. Effect of glycoconjugates on rod outer segment phagocytosis by retinal pigment epithelial explants in vitro assessed by a specific double radioimmunoassay procedure[J]. Curr Eye Res, 1990, 9: 65-77. |
75. | Veckeneer M, van Aken E, Wong D, et al. Subretinal lavage to prevent persistent subretinal fluid after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery: a study of feasibility and safety[J]. J Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2011, 2:154-156. |
76. | Kreissig I, Rose D, Jost B. Minimized surgery for retinal detachments with segmental buckling and nondrainage: an 11-year follow-up[J]. Retina, 1992, 12:224-231. |
77. | Schimel AM. Complications and controversies in retinal surgery[J]. Retina Today, 2013(12):40-42. |
- 1. 禹海, 高明宏, 李颖, 等.累及黄斑的孔源性视网膜脱离手术后黄斑下积液眼黄斑形态变化与视力预后的关系及其影响因素分析[J].中华眼底病杂志, 2013, 29:136-141.
- 2. 孟自军, 高永峰, 王艳婷.孔源性视网膜脱离术后持续性黄斑下积液的相干光断层扫描观察与分析[J].中华眼科杂志, 2013, 49:1057-1080.
- 3. 惠延年.值得重视的眼底病研究热点和难点:原发性视网膜脱离的治疗和手术后视力恢复[J].中华眼底病杂志, 2013, 29:117-120.
- 4. 张钊填, 雁涛, 黄雄高, 等.影响特发性黄斑裂孔微创玻璃体切割手术后视力预后的相关因素研究[J].中华眼底病杂志, 2013, 29:126-130.
- 5. 孙吉君, 杨嘉嵩, 李聪慧, 等.黄斑区脉络膜厚度与孔源性视网膜脱离成功手术复位后视力的相关性[J].中华眼底病杂志, 2013, 29:131-135.
- 6. Mester V, Kuhn F. Internal limiting membrane removal in the management of full thicknessmacular holes[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2000, 129:769-777.
- 7. Tognetto D, Grandin R, Sanguinetti G, et al. Internal limiting membrane removal during macular hole surgery: results of a multicenter retrospective study[J]. Ophthalmology, 2006, 113:1401-1410.
- 8. Tadayoni R, Gaudric A, Haouchine B, et al. Relationship between macular hole size and the potential benefit of internal limiting membrane peeling[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2006, 90:1239-1241.
- 9. David SB. Vitreomacular adhesion: pathology and treatment. Retina Today, 2013(3):69-71.
- 10. Ezra E. Idiopathic full thickness macular hole: natural history and pathogenesis[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2001, 85: 102-108.
- 11. Kelly NE, Wendel RT. Vitreous surgery for idiopathic macular holes: results of a pilot study[J]. Arch Ophthalmol, 1991, 109: 654-659.
- 12. Al-Abdulla NA, Thompson JT, Sjaarda RN. Results of macular hole surgery with and without epiretinal dissection or internal limiting membrane removal[J]. Ophthalmology, 2004, 111: 142-149.
- 13. Yooh HS, Brooks HL, Capone A, et al. Ultrastructural features of tissue removed during idiopathic macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 1996, 122: 67-75.
- 14. Brooks HL Jr. Macular hole surgery with and without internal limiting membrane peeling[J]. Ophthalmology, 2000, 107:1939-1948.
- 15. Jumper JM, Gallemore RP, Mccuen BW, et al. Features of macular hole closure in the early postoperative period using optical coherence tomography[J]. Retina, 2000, 20: 232-237.
- 16. Michalewska Z, Michalewski J, Nawrocki J. Continuous changes in macular morphology after macular hole closure visualized with spectral optical coherence tomography[J]. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2010, 248: 1249-1255.
- 17. Wakabayashi T, Fujiwara M, Sakaguchi H, et al. Foveal microstructure and visual acuity in surgically closed macular holes: spectral-domain optical coherence tomographic analysis[J]. Ophthalmology, 2010, 117: 1815-1824.
- 18. Baba T, Yamamoto S, Arai M, et al. Correlation of visual recovery and presence of photoreceptor inner/outer segment junction in optical coherence images after successful macular hole repair[J]. Retina, 2008, 28: 453-458.
- 19. Hangai M, Ojima Y, Gotoh N, et al. Three-dimensional imaging of macular holes with high-speed optical coherence tomography[J]. Ophthalmology, 2007, 114: 763-773.
- 20. Sano M, Shimoda Y, Hashimoto H, et al. Restored photoreceptor outer segment and visual recovery after macular hole closure[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2009, 147: 313-318.
- 21. Christensen UC. Value of internal limiting membrane peeling in surgery for idiopathic macular hole and the correlation between function and retinal morphology[J]. Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh), 2009, 87: 1-23.
- 22. Haritoglou C, Gass CA, Schaumberger M, et al. Macular changes after peeling of the internal limiting membrane in macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2001, 132: 363-368.
- 23. Hotta K, Hirakata A, Shinoda K, et al. Posterior segment complications after macular hole surgery[J]. Nihon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi, 1997, 101: 808-813.
- 24. Park SS, Marcus DM, Duker JS, et al. Posterior segment complications after vitrectomy for macular hole[J]. Ophthalmology, 1995, 102: 775-781.
- 25. Terasaki H, Miyake Y, Nomura R, et al. Focal macular ERGs in eyes after removal of macular ILM during macular hole surgery[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2001, 42: 229-234.
- 26. Weinberger AW, Schlossmacher B, Dahlke C, et al. Indocyanine-green-assisted internal limiting membrane peeling in macular hole surgery--a follow-up study[J]. Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2002, 240:913-917.
- 27. Ando F, Sasano K, Ohba N, et al. Anatomic and visual outcomes after indocyanine green-assisted peeling of the retinal internal limiting membrane in idiopathic macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2004, 137: 609-614.
- 28. Horio N, Horiguchi M. Effect on visual outcome after macular hole surgery when staining the internal limiting membrane with indocyanine green dye[J]. Arch Ophthalmol, 2004, 122: 992-996.
- 29. Ferencz M, Somfai GM, Farkas A, et al. Functional assessment of the possible toxicity of indocyanine green dye in macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2006, 142: 765-770.
- 30. Lai CC. Update on chromovitrectomy and macular hole repair[J]. Retina Today, 2013(12): 36-38.
- 31. Jackson TL, Hillenkamp J, Knight BC, et al. Safety testing of indocyanine green and trypan blue using retinal pigment epithelium and glial cell cultures[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2004, 45: 2778-2785.
- 32. Gale JS, Proulx AA, Gonder JR, et al. Comparison of the in vitro toxicity of indocyanine green to that of trypan blue in human retinal pigment epithelium cell cultures[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2004, 138: 64-69.
- 33. Haritoglou C, Gandorfer A, Schaumberger M, et al. Light-absorbing properties and osmolarity of indocyanine-green depending on concentration and solvent medium[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2003, 44: 2722-2729.
- 34. Scupola A, Mastrocola A, Sasso P, et al. Assessment of retinal function before and after idiopathic macular hole surgery[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2013, 156: 132-139.
- 35. Shiono A, Kogo J, Klose G, et al. Effects of indocyanine green staining on the recovery of visual acuity and macular morphology after macular hole surgery[J]. Ophthalmologica, 2013, 230: 138-143.
- 36. Jackson TL. Indocyanine green accused[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2005, 89:395-396.
- 37. Nukada K, Hangai M, Ooto S, et al. Tomographic features of macula after successful macular hole surgery[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2013, 54: 2417-2428.
- 38. Spaide RF. "Dissociated optic nerve fiber layer appearance" after internal limiting membrane removal is inner retinal dimpling[J]. Retina, 2012, 32: 1719-1726.
- 39. Clark A, Balducci N, Pichi F, et al. Swelling of the arcuate nerve fiber layer after internal limiting membrane peeling[J]. Retina, 2012, 32: 1608-1613.
- 40. Purtskhvanidze K, Treumer F, Junge O, et al. The long-term course of functional and anatomical recovery after macular hole surgery[J]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2013, 54: 4882-4891.
- 41. Ezra E, Arden GB, Riordan-Eva P, et al. Visual field loss following vitrectomy for stage 2 and 3 macular holes[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 1996, 80: 519-525.
- 42. Hutton WL, Fuller DG, Snyder WB, et al. Visual field defects after macular hole surgery: a new finding[J]. Ophthalmology, 1996, 103:2152-2158.
- 43. Remy M, Thaler S, Schumann RG, et al. An in vivo evaluation of brilliant blue G in animals and humans[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2008, 92: 1142-1147.
- 44. Lai CC, Wang NK, Chuang LH, et al. Blood clump-assisted vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling for macular hole repair[J]. Retina, 2011, 31: 2014-2020.
- 45. Kuriyama S, Hayashi H, Jingami Y, et al. Efficacy of inverted internal limiting membrane flap technique for the treatment of macular hole in high myopia[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2013, 156:125-131.
- 46. Michalewska Z, Michalewski J, Adelman RA, et al. Inverted internal limiting membrane flap technique for large macular holes[J]. Ophthalmology, 2010, 117: 2018-2025.
- 47. Morizane Y, Shiraga F, Kimura S, et al. Autologous transplantation of the internal limiting membrane for refractory macular holes[J]. Am J Ophthalmol, 2014, 157:861-869.
- 48. Tornambe PE. Macular hole genesis: the hydration theory[J]. Retina, 2003, 23: 421-424.
- 49. Karia N, Laidlaw A, West J, et al. Macular hole surgery using silicone oil tamponade[J]. Br J Ophthalmol, 2001, 85: 1320-1323.
- 50. Lai JC, Stinnett SS, Mccuen BW. Comparison of silicone oil versus gas tamponade in the treatment of idiopathic full-thickness macular hole[J]. Ophthalmology, 2003, 110: 1170-1174.
- 51. Iezzi R, Kapoor KG. No face-down positioning and broad internal limiting membrane peeling in the surgical repair of idiopathic macular holes[J]. Ophthalmology, 2013, 120:1998-2003.
- 52. Iezzi R. facedown positioning is not necessary in idiopathic macular hole repair[J]. Retina Today, 2014(2):58-60.
- 53. Fujii GY, De Juan E, Humayun MS, et al. A new 25-gauge instrument system for transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy surgery[J]. Ophthalmology, 2002, 109: 1807-1813.
- 54. Sodhi A, Leung LS, Do DV, et al. Recent trends in the management of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment[J]. Surv Ophthalmol, 2008, 53: 50-67.
- 55. Abouzeid H, Becker K, Holz FG, et al. Submacular fluid after encircling buckle surgery for inferior macula-off retinal detachment in young patients[J]. Acta Ophthalmol, 2009, 87:96-99.
- 56. Banaee T, Hosseini SM, Ghooshkhanei H, et al. Anatomical and visual outcomes of three different scleral buckling techniques[J]. J Ophthalmic Vis Res, 2009, 4: 90-96.
- 57. Rossetti A, Doro D, Manfrè A, et al. Long-term follow-up with optical coherence tomography and microperimetry in eyes with metamorphopsia after macula-off retinal detachment repair[J]. Eye, 2010, 24:1808-1813.
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- 59. Ricker LJ, Noordzij LJ, Goezinne F, et al. Persistent subfoveal fluid and increased preoperative foveal thickness impair visual outcome after macula-off retinal detachment repair[J]. Retina, 2011, 31:1505-1512.
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