Turning gait is very common in daily lives. However, study of turning is still limited. For researching the differences of the walking characteristics between straight gait and turning gait and between different turning strategies, and for analyzing the endopathic factor, this study selected 10 healthy young men to perform straight walking and 90° turning using two turning strategies (outside leg turning and inside leg turning). The Vicon capture system and plantar pressure capture system were used to measure gait parameters and plantar pressure parameters at the same time. The study showed that stride velocity reduced while stride time and proportion of stance time increased when turning was compared to straight walking. Inside leg turning strategy needed stronger muscle controlling and could promote turning, while outside leg turning strategy was more stable. This results will offer data for projecting gait of biped robot and provide reference value for walking rehabilitation training design and development of walking assistive equipments, etc.
Citation: ZHANGJunxia, CHENGFangmin, SUHailong, WANGXinting. Comparison of Characteristics between Different Turning Strategies. Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2016, 33(3): 448-454. doi: 10.7507/1001-5515.20160076 Copy
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