Citation: CHEN Jian, LI Wei. Research progress of pedicled flaps for defect repair and reconstruction after head and neck tumor resection. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2018, 32(3): 369-376. doi: 10.7507/1002-1892.201710098 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Lo Nigro C, Denaro N, Merlotti A, et al. Head and neck cancer: improving outcomes with a multidisciplinary approach. Cancer Manag Res, 2017, 9: 363-371. |
2. | Marur S, Forastiere AA. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: update on epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Mayo Clin Proc, 2016, 91(3): 386-396. |
3. | 毛驰, 彭歆, 张雷, 等. 简化的头颈显微重建外科技术及其临床应用. 中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科, 2016, 23(3): 127-130. |
4. | Ragbir M, Brown JS, Mehanna H. Reconstructive considerations in head and neck surgical oncology: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines. J Laryngol Otol, 2016, 130(S2): S191-S197. |
5. | Patel SA, Chang EI. Principles and practice of reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer. Surg Oncol Clin N Am, 2015, 24(3): 473-489. |
6. | Hanasono MM. Reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer patients. Adv Med, 2014, 2014: 795483. |
7. | 李晓明, 宋琦. 头颈肿瘤切除术后重要缺损的特点及修复与重建的原则和策略. 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2015, 29(17): 1504-1507. |
8. | Rigby MH, Hayden RE. Regional flaps: a move to simpler reconstructive options in the head and neck. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2014, 22(5): 401-406. |
9. | Patel UA, Hartig GK, Hanasono MM, et al. Locoregional flaps for oral cavity reconstruction: A review of modern options. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2017, 157(2): 201-209. |
10. | Martin D, Pascal JF, Baudet J, et al. The submental island flap: a new donor site. Anatomy and clinical applications as a free or pedicled flap. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1993, 92(5): 867-873. |
11. | 吴跃煌, 唐平章, 祁永发, 等. 颏下岛状皮瓣应用结果回访. 中华口腔医学杂志, 2002, 37(6): 418-420. |
12. | 王伯钧, 秦小云, 陆明琛. 带血管蒂颏下皮瓣的应用解剖学. 中华显微外科杂志, 1996, 19(2): 125-127. |
13. | Schonauer F, Di Martino A, Nele G, et al. Submental flap as an alternative to microsurgical flap in intraoral post-oncological reconstruction in the elderly. Int J Surg, 2016,33 Suppl 1: S51-S56. |
14. | Howard BE, Nagel TH, Barrs DM, et al. Reconstruction of lateral skull base defects: A comparison of the submental flap to free and regional flaps. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2016, 154(6): 1014-1018. |
15. | Lin HC, Huang YS, Chu YH, et al. Vascular anatomy is a determining factor of successful submental flap raising: a retrospective study of 70 clinical cases. PeerJ, 2017, 5: e3606. |
16. | Aslam-Pervez N, Caldroney SJ, Isaiah A, et al. A retrospective volume matched analysis of the submental artery island pedicled flap as compared to the forearm free flap: Is it a good alternative choice for the reconstruction of defects of the oral cavity and oropharynx? J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2017.[Epub ahead of print]. |
17. | 肇杨, 项敬周, 刘法昱. 前臂皮瓣、股前外侧穿支皮瓣及颏下岛状皮瓣修复舌癌患者术后生活质量评估. 上海口腔医学, 2017, 26(1): 111-114. |
18. | Husso A, Suominen S, Acarturk TO, et al. Submental artery flap with sentinel lymph node biopsy in the reconstruction of oral cancer. J Reconstr Microsurg, 2016, 32(2): 153-159. |
19. | Sittitrai P, Srivanitchapoom C, Reunmakkaew D, et al. Submental island flap reconstruction in oral cavity cancer patients with levelⅠlymph node metastasis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2017, 55(3): 251-255. |
20. | Kramer FJ, Böhrnsen F, Moser N, et al. The submental island flap for the treatment of intraoral tumor-related defects: No effect on recurrence rates. Oral Oncol, 2015, 51(7): 668-673. |
21. | Rahpeyma A, Khajehahmadi S. A protocol for management of the hairs problem in oral cavity reconstruction by submental flap. J Maxillofac Oral Surg, 2017, 16(1): 108-112. |
22. | Ferrari S, Copelli C, Bianchi B, et al. The submental island flap: pedicle elongation and indications in head and neck reconstruction. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 2014, 42(6): 1005-1009. |
23. | Ishihara T, Igata T, Masuguchi S, et al. Submental perforator flap: location and number of submental perforating vessels. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg, 2008, 42(3): 127-131. |
24. | Mutlu ÖÖ, Yasak T, Egemen O, et al. The use of submental artery perforator island flap without including digastric muscle in the reconstruction of lower face and intraoral defects. J Craniofac Surg, 2016, 27(4): e406-e409. |
25. | Ma N, Li YQ, Tang Y, et al. Pre-expanded submental island flap for resurfacing middle and lower facial defect. J Craniofac Surg, 2016, 27(8): e739-e741. |
26. | Chow TL, Choi CY, Ho LI, et al. The use of bipaddled submental flap for reconstructing composite buccal defect. J Maxillofac Oral Surg, 2014, 13(1): 75-77. |
27. | Oseni OG, Fadare AE, Majaro MO, et al. Total reconstruction of the upper lip using bilateral nasolabial flaps, submental flap, and mucosa graft following complete resection for squamous cell carcinoma. Case Rep Surg, 2015, 2015: 782151. |
28. | Wiedermann JP, Joshi AS, Jamshidi A, et al. Utilization of a submental island flap and 3D printed model for skull base reconstruction: Infantile giant cranio-cervicofacial teratoma. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 2017, 92: 143-145. |
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33. | 张大明, 陈伟良, 柴强, 等. 延长锁骨上岛状皮瓣在修复舌鳞状细胞癌术后缺损中的应用. 中华口腔医学杂志, 2011, 46(1): 24-26. |
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41. | Kozin ED, Sethi RK, Herr M, et al. Comparison of perioperative outcomes between the supraclavicular artery island flap and fasciocutaneous free flap. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2016, 154(1): 66-72. |
42. | Zhang S, Chen W, Cao G, et al. Pedicled supraclavicular artery island flap versus free radial forearm flap for tongue reconstruction following hemiglossectomy. J Craniofac Surg, 2015, 26(6): e527-e530. |
43. | Granzow JW, Suliman A, Roostaeian J, et al. Supraclavicular artery island flap (SCAIF) vs free fasciocutaneous flaps for head and neck reconstruction. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2013, 148(6): 941-948. |
44. | Razdan SN, Albornoz CR, Ro T, et al. Safety of the supraclavicular artery island flap in the setting of neck dissection and radiation therapy. J Reconstr Microsurg, 2015, 31(5): 378-383. |
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- 1. Lo Nigro C, Denaro N, Merlotti A, et al. Head and neck cancer: improving outcomes with a multidisciplinary approach. Cancer Manag Res, 2017, 9: 363-371.
- 2. Marur S, Forastiere AA. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: update on epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Mayo Clin Proc, 2016, 91(3): 386-396.
- 3. 毛驰, 彭歆, 张雷, 等. 简化的头颈显微重建外科技术及其临床应用. 中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科, 2016, 23(3): 127-130.
- 4. Ragbir M, Brown JS, Mehanna H. Reconstructive considerations in head and neck surgical oncology: United Kingdom National Multidisciplinary Guidelines. J Laryngol Otol, 2016, 130(S2): S191-S197.
- 5. Patel SA, Chang EI. Principles and practice of reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer. Surg Oncol Clin N Am, 2015, 24(3): 473-489.
- 6. Hanasono MM. Reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer patients. Adv Med, 2014, 2014: 795483.
- 7. 李晓明, 宋琦. 头颈肿瘤切除术后重要缺损的特点及修复与重建的原则和策略. 临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志, 2015, 29(17): 1504-1507.
- 8. Rigby MH, Hayden RE. Regional flaps: a move to simpler reconstructive options in the head and neck. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2014, 22(5): 401-406.
- 9. Patel UA, Hartig GK, Hanasono MM, et al. Locoregional flaps for oral cavity reconstruction: A review of modern options. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2017, 157(2): 201-209.
- 10. Martin D, Pascal JF, Baudet J, et al. The submental island flap: a new donor site. Anatomy and clinical applications as a free or pedicled flap. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1993, 92(5): 867-873.
- 11. 吴跃煌, 唐平章, 祁永发, 等. 颏下岛状皮瓣应用结果回访. 中华口腔医学杂志, 2002, 37(6): 418-420.
- 12. 王伯钧, 秦小云, 陆明琛. 带血管蒂颏下皮瓣的应用解剖学. 中华显微外科杂志, 1996, 19(2): 125-127.
- 13. Schonauer F, Di Martino A, Nele G, et al. Submental flap as an alternative to microsurgical flap in intraoral post-oncological reconstruction in the elderly. Int J Surg, 2016,33 Suppl 1: S51-S56.
- 14. Howard BE, Nagel TH, Barrs DM, et al. Reconstruction of lateral skull base defects: A comparison of the submental flap to free and regional flaps. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2016, 154(6): 1014-1018.
- 15. Lin HC, Huang YS, Chu YH, et al. Vascular anatomy is a determining factor of successful submental flap raising: a retrospective study of 70 clinical cases. PeerJ, 2017, 5: e3606.
- 16. Aslam-Pervez N, Caldroney SJ, Isaiah A, et al. A retrospective volume matched analysis of the submental artery island pedicled flap as compared to the forearm free flap: Is it a good alternative choice for the reconstruction of defects of the oral cavity and oropharynx? J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2017.[Epub ahead of print].
- 17. 肇杨, 项敬周, 刘法昱. 前臂皮瓣、股前外侧穿支皮瓣及颏下岛状皮瓣修复舌癌患者术后生活质量评估. 上海口腔医学, 2017, 26(1): 111-114.
- 18. Husso A, Suominen S, Acarturk TO, et al. Submental artery flap with sentinel lymph node biopsy in the reconstruction of oral cancer. J Reconstr Microsurg, 2016, 32(2): 153-159.
- 19. Sittitrai P, Srivanitchapoom C, Reunmakkaew D, et al. Submental island flap reconstruction in oral cavity cancer patients with levelⅠlymph node metastasis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2017, 55(3): 251-255.
- 20. Kramer FJ, Böhrnsen F, Moser N, et al. The submental island flap for the treatment of intraoral tumor-related defects: No effect on recurrence rates. Oral Oncol, 2015, 51(7): 668-673.
- 21. Rahpeyma A, Khajehahmadi S. A protocol for management of the hairs problem in oral cavity reconstruction by submental flap. J Maxillofac Oral Surg, 2017, 16(1): 108-112.
- 22. Ferrari S, Copelli C, Bianchi B, et al. The submental island flap: pedicle elongation and indications in head and neck reconstruction. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 2014, 42(6): 1005-1009.
- 23. Ishihara T, Igata T, Masuguchi S, et al. Submental perforator flap: location and number of submental perforating vessels. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg, 2008, 42(3): 127-131.
- 24. Mutlu ÖÖ, Yasak T, Egemen O, et al. The use of submental artery perforator island flap without including digastric muscle in the reconstruction of lower face and intraoral defects. J Craniofac Surg, 2016, 27(4): e406-e409.
- 25. Ma N, Li YQ, Tang Y, et al. Pre-expanded submental island flap for resurfacing middle and lower facial defect. J Craniofac Surg, 2016, 27(8): e739-e741.
- 26. Chow TL, Choi CY, Ho LI, et al. The use of bipaddled submental flap for reconstructing composite buccal defect. J Maxillofac Oral Surg, 2014, 13(1): 75-77.
- 27. Oseni OG, Fadare AE, Majaro MO, et al. Total reconstruction of the upper lip using bilateral nasolabial flaps, submental flap, and mucosa graft following complete resection for squamous cell carcinoma. Case Rep Surg, 2015, 2015: 782151.
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