Objective To summarize our diagnostic and treatment experience for patients with acute Stanford type A aortic dissection (AAAD) during pregnancy. Methods Clinical data of 3 AAAD gravida (age of 30,32,35) who received surgical treatment in Beijing Anzhen Hospital of Capital Medical University from May 2008 to July 2010 were retros-pectively analyzed. One gravida received Sun’s procedure (total arch replacement combined with stented elephant trunk implantation) 3 days after cesarean section,but the fetus died in the uterus. Another gravida successfully underwent Bentall procedure and Sun’s procedure immediately after cesarean section and hysterectomy. The third gravida received cesarean section with the uterus in situ followed by ascending aorta replacement and Sun’s procedure. Results All the 3 puerperasrecovered uneventfully,and the 2 newborns of the second and third puerperas also lived well. The 3 puerperas were followedup for 6 months after discharge. CT scan showed organized thrombus in the aortic false lumen. During follow-up,the 3 puerperas recovered well,and the 2 infants had normal growth and development. Conclusions Management principles of AAAD during pregnancy firstly include timely and accurate diagnosis,which is of prime importance. Secondly,gravidas’hemodynamics should maintain stable. Thirdly,intraoperative hemorrhage should be satisfactorily controlled. Lastly,multi-modality treatment is very important to improve the prognosis of both gravidas and fetuses.
Citation: LIU Feng,LIU Fengzhen,ZHU Junming,SUN Lizhong,HAN Jingmei,HOU Xiaotong.. Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Stanford Type A Aortic Dissection during Pregnancy. Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2013, 20(6): 642-646. doi: 10.7507/1007-4848.20130203 Copy
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