• Department of Thorocic Surgery, the First Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University, Xiamen 361003 Fujian, P. R. China;
JIANGJie, Email: jiangjie06@126.com
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Objective To compare solitary pulmonary nodule resection via thoracoscopic 3D mode or 2D mode and to further evaluate the clinical application value of thoracoscopic 3D mode. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 120 patients with solitary pulmonary nodule between March 2013 and March 2014 in the First Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University. The patients were allocated into two groups including a 3D-VATS group (50 patients) and a 2D-VATS group (70 patients). Pulmonary partial resection was performed firstly. Pulmonary lobectomy would be conducted or not on the basis of intra operative rapid pathological results. Results Twenty three patients were performed 3D-VATS in the 3D-VATS group. Twenty-nine patients were diagnosed as pathological malignancy underwent lobectomy plus partial dissection. There were statistical differences between the 3D-VATS group and the 2D-VATS group in operative time (t=1.967, P<0.05), intra operative blood loss (t=7.85, P<0.05), drainage volume 24 h after operation (t=6.18, P<0.05), postoperative chest tube retention time (t=7.1, P<0.05), and postoperative hospital stay (t=2.35, P<0.05). Following-up time in the 3D-VATS group was 6.3 (2-12) months. Complications occurred in 3 patients, including 2 patients with postoperative pneumonia and 1 patient with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the 3D-VATS group. The following-up time in the 2D-VATS group was 8.2 (2-15) months. Complications occurred in 4 patients, including 1 patient with chylous hydrothorax, 2 patients with pneumothorax, 1 patient with delayed pulling up the chest closed drainage in the 2D-VATS group. The patients in both groups with complications were cured by appropriate treatment. Conclusion 3D-VAST for SPN is a new operation mode choice. It is safe and feasible with low incidence of postoperative complications. Surgery vision, stereo feeling, the operation of adaptation, and postoperative recovery have certain advantages. It is worthy popularizing.

Citation: GENGGuo-jun, YUXiu-yi, JIANGJie, MIYan-jun, SHENGDong-yan, LINing, ZHUJian-wen. Video-assisted Thoracoscopic 3D versus 2D Mode Operation for Solitary Pulmonary Nodules: A Case Control Study. Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2015, 22(7): 664-667. doi: 10.7507/1007-4848.20150169 Copy

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