• 1. Peking University Fifth School of Clinical Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, 100029, P.R.China;
  • 2. Department of Thoracic Surgery, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, 100029, P.R.China;
LIU Deruo, Email: deruoliu@vip.sina.com
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Lung cancer is the most common malignant tumor in the world and the leading cause of cancer-related death. Due to the lack of effective early diagnosis methods, the prognosis of lung cancer is poor, but compared with advanced lung cancer, the survival rate of early lung cancer is greatly improved. Therefore, early diagnosis of lung cancer is crucial. As a major epigenetic modification, DNA methylation plays an important role in the development of lung cancer. A large number of studies have shown that detection of tumor suppressor gene methylation is an ideal early diagnosis method for lung cancer. With the continuous improvement of detection technology, methylation detection of multiple genes can be achieved. And it is found that multi-gene methylation combined detection of tissue samples obtained by minimally invasive operation such as puncture of diseased tissue and puncture of lymph node tissue, as well as the noninvasive samples such as peripheral blood, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and sputum have higher detection rate and higher sensitivity and specificity than single gene methylation. It is an ideal method for early diagnosis of lung cancer.

Citation: LIU Zhan, ZHANG Zhenrong, LIU Deruo. Combined detection of tumor suppressor gene methylation and early diagnosis of lung cancer. Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2019, 26(8): 810-814. doi: 10.7507/1007-4848.201811006 Copy

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