- Department of General Surgery, The Affiliated Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning Province, China;
Citation: LIUYuan, LIUJin-gang. Progress on Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Biliary Dilation in Adult Patients. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2014, 21(10): 1316-1320. doi: 10.7507/1007-9424.20140316 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Miyano T, Yamataka A, Li L. Congenital biliary dilatation[J]. Semin Pediatr Surg, 2000, 9(4):187-195. |
2. | Clifton MS, Goldstein RB, Slavotinek A, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of familial typeⅠcholedochal cyst[J]. Pediatrics, 2006, 117(3):e596-e600. |
3. | Tan SS, Tan NC, Ibrahim S, et al. Management of adult choledochal cyst[J]. Singapore Med J, 2007, 48(6):524-527. |
4. | Edil BH, Cameron JL, Reddy S, et al. Choledochal cyst disease in children and adults:a 30-year single-institution experience[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2008, 206(5):1000-1006. |
5. | Söreide K, Körner H, Havnen J, et al. Bile duct cysts in adults[J]. Br J Surg, 2004, 91(12):1538-1548. |
6. | 申铭, 张俊, 秦仁义.胰胆管合流异常与先天性胆管扩张症[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):244-246. |
7. | Alonso-Lej F, Rever WB Jr, Pessagno DJ. Congenital choledochal cyst, with a report of 2, and an analysis of 94 cases[J]. Int Abstr Surg, 1959, 108(1):1-30. |
8. | Todani T, Watanabe Y, Narusue M, et al. Congenital bile duct cysts:Classification, operative procedures, and review of thirty-seven cases including cancer arising from choledochal cyst[J]. Am J Surg, 1977, 134(2):263-269. |
9. | Chaudhary A, Dhar P, Sachdev A, et al. Choledochal cysts-differences in children and adults[J]. Br J Surg, 1996, 83(2):186-188. |
10. | de Vries JS, de Vries S, Aronson DC, et al. Choledochal cysts:age of presentation, symptoms, and late complications related to Todani's classification[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 2002, 37(11):1568-1573. |
11. | Wiseman K, Buczkowski AK, Chung SW, et al. Epidemiology, presentation, diagnosis, and outcomes of choledochal cysts in adults in an urban environment[J]. Am J Surg, 2005, 189(5):527-531. |
12. | Nicholl M, Pitt HA, Wolf P, et al. Choledochal cysts in western adults:complexities compared to children[J]. J Gastrointest Surg, 2004, 8(3):245-252. |
13. | Visser BC, Suh I, Way LW, et al. Congenital choledochal cysts in adults[J]. Arch Surg, 2004, 139(8):855-862. |
14. | Saluja SS, Nayeem M, Sharma BC, et al. Management of choledochal cysts and their complications[J]. Am Surg, 2012, 78(3):284-290. |
15. | Chijiiwa K, Koga A. Surgical management and long-term follow-up of patients with choledochal cysts[J]. Am J Surg, 1993, 165(1):238-242. |
16. | 陈燕凌, 韩圣华.先天性胆管扩张症癌变及其治疗[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):196-198. |
17. | Lee KF, Lai EC, Lai PB.Adult choledochal cyst[J]. Asian J Surg, 2005, 28(1):29-33. |
18. | Huang SP, Wang HP, Chen JH, et al. Clinical application of EUS and peroral cholangioscopy in choledochocele with choledocholithiasis[J]. Gastrointest Endosc, 1999, 50(4):568-571. |
19. | Singham J, Yoshida EM, Scudamore CH. Choledochal cysts:part 2 of 3:Diagnosis[J]. Can J Surg, 2009, 52(6):506-511. |
20. | Metreweli C, So NM, Chu WC, et al. Magnetic resonance cholangiography in children[J]. Br J Radiol, 2004, 77(924):1059-1064. |
21. | Sugiyama M, Haradome H, Takahara T, et al. Anomalous pancreaticobiliary junction shown on multidetector CT[J]. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2003, 180(1):173-175. |
22. | Sacher VY, Davis JS, Sleeman D, et al. Role of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography in diagnosing choledochal cysts:case series and review[J]. World J Radiol, 2013, 5(8):304-312. |
23. | Park DH, Kim MH, Lee SK, et al. Can MRCP replace the diagnostic role of ERCP for patients with choledochal cysts?[J]. Gastrointest Endosc, 2005, 62(3):360-366. |
24. | Carrera C, Castiella A, Fernandez J, et al. Caroli's disease diagnosed by magneticresonance cholangiopancreatography[J]. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2002, 14(5):577. |
25. | Liu YB, Wang JW, Devkota KR, et al. Congenital choledochal cysts in adults:twenty-five-year experience[J]. Chin Med J (Engl), 2007, 120(16):1404-1407. |
26. | Liu QY, Lai DM, Gao M, et al. MRI manifestations of adult choledochal cysts associated with biliary malignancy:a report of ten cases[J]. Abdom Imaging, 2013, 38(5):1061-1070. |
27. | You Y, Gong JP. Diagnosis and management experience of adult choledochal cysts:reasons for reoperation[J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2013, 60(123):470-474. |
28. | Singham J, Yoshida EM, Scudamore CH. Choledochal cysts.Part 3 of 3:management[J]. Can J Surg, 2010, 53(1):51-56. |
29. | 彭淑牖, 王许安.先天性胆管扩张症诊治演变[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):186-187. |
30. | Takeshita N, Ota T, Yamamoto M.Forty-year experience with flow-diversion surgery for patients with congenital choledochal cysts with pancreaticobiliary maljunction at a single institution[J]. Ann Surg, 2011, 254(6):1050-1053. |
31. | Ohashi T, Wakai T, Kubota M, et al. Risk of subsequent biliary malignancy in patients undergoing cyst excision for congenital choledochal cysts[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2013, 28(2):243-247. |
32. | Lilly JR. Total excision of choledochal cyst[J]. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 1978, 146(2):254-256. |
33. | 彭淑牖, 王建伟.先天性胆总管囊肿术后远期并发症[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2002, 22(7):389-390. |
34. | Shimotakahara A, Yamataka A, Yanai T, et al. Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy or hepaticoduodenostomy for biliary reconstruction during the surgical treatment of choledochal cyst:which is better?[J]. Pediatr Surg Int, 2005, 21(1):5-7. |
35. | Watanabe Y, Toki A, Todani T. Bile duct cancer developed after cyst excision for choledochal cyst[J]. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg, 1999, 6(3):207-212. |
36. | 刘源, 周勇, 姚旭, 等.腹腔镜手术治疗成人先天性胆管扩张症14例分析[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):218-219. |
37. | Liu Y, Liu B, Zhou Y, et al. Treatment of long-term complications after primary surgery for congenital choledochal cysts[J]. Am Surg, 2013, 79(11):1221-1224. |
38. | Urushihara N, Fukumoto K, Fukuzawa H, et al. Long-term outcomes after excision of choledochal cysts in a single institution:operative procedures and late complications[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 2012, 47(12):2169-2174. |
39. | Felder SI, Menon VG, Nissen NN, et al. Hepaticojejunostomy using short-limb Roux-en-Y reconstruction[J]. JAMA Surg, 2013, 148(3):253-258. |
40. | Farello GA, Cerofolini A, Rebonato M, et al. Congenital choledochal cyst:video-guided laparoscopic treatment[J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc, 1995, 5(5):354-358. |
41. | 刘金钢.全腹腔镜下成人先天性胆管扩张症治疗策略[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):198-200. |
42. | Kang CM, Chi HS, Kim JY, et al. A case of robot-assisted excision of choledochal cyst, hepaticojejunostomy, and extracorporeal Roux-en-y anastomosis using the da Vinci surgical system[J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2007, 17(6):538-541. |
43. | Jang JY, Yoon YS, Kang MJ, et al. Laparoscopic excision of a choledochal cyst in 82 consecutive patients[J]. Surg Endosc, 2013, 27(5):1648-1652. |
44. | Gander JW, Cowles RA, Gross ER, et al. Laparoscopic excision of choledochal cysts with total intracorporeal reconstruction[J]. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 2010, 20(10):877-881. |
45. | Hwang DW, Lee JH, Lee SY, et al. Early experience of laparoscopic complete en bloc excision for choledochal cysts in adults[J]. Surg Endosc, 2012, 26(11):3324-3329. |
46. | Jabłońska B. Biliary cysts:etiology, diagnosis and management[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2012, 18(35):4801-4810. |
47. | 吴志勇, 陈炜.Ⅲ型先天性胆管扩张症诊断与治疗[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):193-196. |
48. | Dong JH, Yang SZ, Xia HT, et al. Aggressive hepatectomy for the curative treatment of bilobar involvement of typeⅣ-A bile duct cyst[J]. Ann Surg, 2013, 258(1):122-128. |
49. | Zheng X, Gu W, Xia H, et al. Surgical treatment of typeⅣ-A choledochal cyst in a single institution:children vs. adults[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 2013, 48(10):2061-2066. |
50. | Harring TR, Nguyen NT, Liu H, et al. Caroli disease patients have excellent survival after liver transplant[J]. J Surg Res, 2012, 177(2):365-372. |
51. | Mabrut JY, Kianmanesh R, Nuzzo G, et al. Surgical management of congenital intrahepatic bile duct dilatation, Caroli's disease and syndrome:long-term results of French Association of Surgery Multicenter Study[J]. Ann Surg, 2013, 258(5):713-721. |
52. | Kimura W. Congenital dilatation of the common bile duct and pancreaticobiliary maljunction:clinical implications[J]. Langenbecks Arch Surg, 2009, 394(2):209-213. |
53. | 刘颖斌, 马孝明, 王建伟, 等.先天性胆总管囊肿癌变20例报告[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2007, 27(9):723-724. |
54. | Mabrut JY, Bozio G, Hubert C, et al. Management of congenital bile duct cysts[J]. Dig Surg, 2010, 27(1):12-18. |
55. | Cho MJ, Hwang S, Lee YJ, et al. Surgical experience of 204 cases of adult choledochal cyst disease over 14 years[J]. World J Surg, 2011, 35(5):1094-1102. |
56. | Takeshita N, Ota T, Yamamoto M. Forty-year experience with flow-diversion surgery for patients with congenital choledochal cysts with pancreaticobiliary maljunction at a single institution[J]. Ann Surg, 2011, 254(6):1050-1053. |
57. | Kim JW, Moon SH, Park do H, et al. Course of choledochal cysts according to the type of treatment[J]. Scand J Gastroenterol, 2010, 45(6):739-745. |
58. | Gong L, Qu Q, Xiang X, et al. Clinical analysis of 221 cases of adult choledochal cysts[J]. Am Surg, 2012, 78(4):414-418. |
59. | Lee SE, Jang JY, Lee YJ, et al. Choledochal cyst and associated malignant tumors in adults:a multicenter survey in South Korea[J]. Arch Surg, 2011, 146(10):1178-1184. |
- 1. Miyano T, Yamataka A, Li L. Congenital biliary dilatation[J]. Semin Pediatr Surg, 2000, 9(4):187-195.
- 2. Clifton MS, Goldstein RB, Slavotinek A, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of familial typeⅠcholedochal cyst[J]. Pediatrics, 2006, 117(3):e596-e600.
- 3. Tan SS, Tan NC, Ibrahim S, et al. Management of adult choledochal cyst[J]. Singapore Med J, 2007, 48(6):524-527.
- 4. Edil BH, Cameron JL, Reddy S, et al. Choledochal cyst disease in children and adults:a 30-year single-institution experience[J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2008, 206(5):1000-1006.
- 5. Söreide K, Körner H, Havnen J, et al. Bile duct cysts in adults[J]. Br J Surg, 2004, 91(12):1538-1548.
- 6. 申铭, 张俊, 秦仁义.胰胆管合流异常与先天性胆管扩张症[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):244-246.
- 7. Alonso-Lej F, Rever WB Jr, Pessagno DJ. Congenital choledochal cyst, with a report of 2, and an analysis of 94 cases[J]. Int Abstr Surg, 1959, 108(1):1-30.
- 8. Todani T, Watanabe Y, Narusue M, et al. Congenital bile duct cysts:Classification, operative procedures, and review of thirty-seven cases including cancer arising from choledochal cyst[J]. Am J Surg, 1977, 134(2):263-269.
- 9. Chaudhary A, Dhar P, Sachdev A, et al. Choledochal cysts-differences in children and adults[J]. Br J Surg, 1996, 83(2):186-188.
- 10. de Vries JS, de Vries S, Aronson DC, et al. Choledochal cysts:age of presentation, symptoms, and late complications related to Todani's classification[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 2002, 37(11):1568-1573.
- 11. Wiseman K, Buczkowski AK, Chung SW, et al. Epidemiology, presentation, diagnosis, and outcomes of choledochal cysts in adults in an urban environment[J]. Am J Surg, 2005, 189(5):527-531.
- 12. Nicholl M, Pitt HA, Wolf P, et al. Choledochal cysts in western adults:complexities compared to children[J]. J Gastrointest Surg, 2004, 8(3):245-252.
- 13. Visser BC, Suh I, Way LW, et al. Congenital choledochal cysts in adults[J]. Arch Surg, 2004, 139(8):855-862.
- 14. Saluja SS, Nayeem M, Sharma BC, et al. Management of choledochal cysts and their complications[J]. Am Surg, 2012, 78(3):284-290.
- 15. Chijiiwa K, Koga A. Surgical management and long-term follow-up of patients with choledochal cysts[J]. Am J Surg, 1993, 165(1):238-242.
- 16. 陈燕凌, 韩圣华.先天性胆管扩张症癌变及其治疗[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):196-198.
- 17. Lee KF, Lai EC, Lai PB.Adult choledochal cyst[J]. Asian J Surg, 2005, 28(1):29-33.
- 18. Huang SP, Wang HP, Chen JH, et al. Clinical application of EUS and peroral cholangioscopy in choledochocele with choledocholithiasis[J]. Gastrointest Endosc, 1999, 50(4):568-571.
- 19. Singham J, Yoshida EM, Scudamore CH. Choledochal cysts:part 2 of 3:Diagnosis[J]. Can J Surg, 2009, 52(6):506-511.
- 20. Metreweli C, So NM, Chu WC, et al. Magnetic resonance cholangiography in children[J]. Br J Radiol, 2004, 77(924):1059-1064.
- 21. Sugiyama M, Haradome H, Takahara T, et al. Anomalous pancreaticobiliary junction shown on multidetector CT[J]. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2003, 180(1):173-175.
- 22. Sacher VY, Davis JS, Sleeman D, et al. Role of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography in diagnosing choledochal cysts:case series and review[J]. World J Radiol, 2013, 5(8):304-312.
- 23. Park DH, Kim MH, Lee SK, et al. Can MRCP replace the diagnostic role of ERCP for patients with choledochal cysts?[J]. Gastrointest Endosc, 2005, 62(3):360-366.
- 24. Carrera C, Castiella A, Fernandez J, et al. Caroli's disease diagnosed by magneticresonance cholangiopancreatography[J]. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2002, 14(5):577.
- 25. Liu YB, Wang JW, Devkota KR, et al. Congenital choledochal cysts in adults:twenty-five-year experience[J]. Chin Med J (Engl), 2007, 120(16):1404-1407.
- 26. Liu QY, Lai DM, Gao M, et al. MRI manifestations of adult choledochal cysts associated with biliary malignancy:a report of ten cases[J]. Abdom Imaging, 2013, 38(5):1061-1070.
- 27. You Y, Gong JP. Diagnosis and management experience of adult choledochal cysts:reasons for reoperation[J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2013, 60(123):470-474.
- 28. Singham J, Yoshida EM, Scudamore CH. Choledochal cysts.Part 3 of 3:management[J]. Can J Surg, 2010, 53(1):51-56.
- 29. 彭淑牖, 王许安.先天性胆管扩张症诊治演变[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):186-187.
- 30. Takeshita N, Ota T, Yamamoto M.Forty-year experience with flow-diversion surgery for patients with congenital choledochal cysts with pancreaticobiliary maljunction at a single institution[J]. Ann Surg, 2011, 254(6):1050-1053.
- 31. Ohashi T, Wakai T, Kubota M, et al. Risk of subsequent biliary malignancy in patients undergoing cyst excision for congenital choledochal cysts[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2013, 28(2):243-247.
- 32. Lilly JR. Total excision of choledochal cyst[J]. Surg Gynecol Obstet, 1978, 146(2):254-256.
- 33. 彭淑牖, 王建伟.先天性胆总管囊肿术后远期并发症[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2002, 22(7):389-390.
- 34. Shimotakahara A, Yamataka A, Yanai T, et al. Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy or hepaticoduodenostomy for biliary reconstruction during the surgical treatment of choledochal cyst:which is better?[J]. Pediatr Surg Int, 2005, 21(1):5-7.
- 35. Watanabe Y, Toki A, Todani T. Bile duct cancer developed after cyst excision for choledochal cyst[J]. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg, 1999, 6(3):207-212.
- 36. 刘源, 周勇, 姚旭, 等.腹腔镜手术治疗成人先天性胆管扩张症14例分析[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):218-219.
- 37. Liu Y, Liu B, Zhou Y, et al. Treatment of long-term complications after primary surgery for congenital choledochal cysts[J]. Am Surg, 2013, 79(11):1221-1224.
- 38. Urushihara N, Fukumoto K, Fukuzawa H, et al. Long-term outcomes after excision of choledochal cysts in a single institution:operative procedures and late complications[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 2012, 47(12):2169-2174.
- 39. Felder SI, Menon VG, Nissen NN, et al. Hepaticojejunostomy using short-limb Roux-en-Y reconstruction[J]. JAMA Surg, 2013, 148(3):253-258.
- 40. Farello GA, Cerofolini A, Rebonato M, et al. Congenital choledochal cyst:video-guided laparoscopic treatment[J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc, 1995, 5(5):354-358.
- 41. 刘金钢.全腹腔镜下成人先天性胆管扩张症治疗策略[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):198-200.
- 42. Kang CM, Chi HS, Kim JY, et al. A case of robot-assisted excision of choledochal cyst, hepaticojejunostomy, and extracorporeal Roux-en-y anastomosis using the da Vinci surgical system[J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2007, 17(6):538-541.
- 43. Jang JY, Yoon YS, Kang MJ, et al. Laparoscopic excision of a choledochal cyst in 82 consecutive patients[J]. Surg Endosc, 2013, 27(5):1648-1652.
- 44. Gander JW, Cowles RA, Gross ER, et al. Laparoscopic excision of choledochal cysts with total intracorporeal reconstruction[J]. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 2010, 20(10):877-881.
- 45. Hwang DW, Lee JH, Lee SY, et al. Early experience of laparoscopic complete en bloc excision for choledochal cysts in adults[J]. Surg Endosc, 2012, 26(11):3324-3329.
- 46. Jabłońska B. Biliary cysts:etiology, diagnosis and management[J]. World J Gastroenterol, 2012, 18(35):4801-4810.
- 47. 吴志勇, 陈炜.Ⅲ型先天性胆管扩张症诊断与治疗[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2012, 32(3):193-196.
- 48. Dong JH, Yang SZ, Xia HT, et al. Aggressive hepatectomy for the curative treatment of bilobar involvement of typeⅣ-A bile duct cyst[J]. Ann Surg, 2013, 258(1):122-128.
- 49. Zheng X, Gu W, Xia H, et al. Surgical treatment of typeⅣ-A choledochal cyst in a single institution:children vs. adults[J]. J Pediatr Surg, 2013, 48(10):2061-2066.
- 50. Harring TR, Nguyen NT, Liu H, et al. Caroli disease patients have excellent survival after liver transplant[J]. J Surg Res, 2012, 177(2):365-372.
- 51. Mabrut JY, Kianmanesh R, Nuzzo G, et al. Surgical management of congenital intrahepatic bile duct dilatation, Caroli's disease and syndrome:long-term results of French Association of Surgery Multicenter Study[J]. Ann Surg, 2013, 258(5):713-721.
- 52. Kimura W. Congenital dilatation of the common bile duct and pancreaticobiliary maljunction:clinical implications[J]. Langenbecks Arch Surg, 2009, 394(2):209-213.
- 53. 刘颖斌, 马孝明, 王建伟, 等.先天性胆总管囊肿癌变20例报告[J].中国实用外科杂志, 2007, 27(9):723-724.
- 54. Mabrut JY, Bozio G, Hubert C, et al. Management of congenital bile duct cysts[J]. Dig Surg, 2010, 27(1):12-18.
- 55. Cho MJ, Hwang S, Lee YJ, et al. Surgical experience of 204 cases of adult choledochal cyst disease over 14 years[J]. World J Surg, 2011, 35(5):1094-1102.
- 56. Takeshita N, Ota T, Yamamoto M. Forty-year experience with flow-diversion surgery for patients with congenital choledochal cysts with pancreaticobiliary maljunction at a single institution[J]. Ann Surg, 2011, 254(6):1050-1053.
- 57. Kim JW, Moon SH, Park do H, et al. Course of choledochal cysts according to the type of treatment[J]. Scand J Gastroenterol, 2010, 45(6):739-745.
- 58. Gong L, Qu Q, Xiang X, et al. Clinical analysis of 221 cases of adult choledochal cysts[J]. Am Surg, 2012, 78(4):414-418.
- 59. Lee SE, Jang JY, Lee YJ, et al. Choledochal cyst and associated malignant tumors in adults:a multicenter survey in South Korea[J]. Arch Surg, 2011, 146(10):1178-1184.