• Department of General Surgery, Shanghai Third People's Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai 201900, China;
YANGSun-hu, Email: yangsh06@126.com
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Objective To understand research progress of animal model of esophageal achalasia and discuss its pathogenesis briefly.Method  Literatures about research progress of animal model of esophageal achalasia were reviewed. Results The models of esophageal achalasia could been made in several ways, such as the obstruction model, the classic denervation model, and the increasingly popular gene model. These models were all based on the theory of the corresponding causes, with the processing of different factors, then completed the preparation of animal model. Conclusions animal model of esophageal achalasia goes through three stages: obstruction model, denervation model, and gene model. gene model of esophageal achalasia based on congenital theory could help us understand this disease better and make an ideal animal model, which could provide a reliable evidence for etiology study.

Citation: ZHANGLong-long, WANGGen-wang, QIANBin-bin, GUYue-lei, YANGSun-hu. Research Progress of Animal Model of Esophageal Achalasia. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2016, 23(5): 638-638. doi: 10.7507/1007-9424.20160171 Copy

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