- 1. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services;? 2. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, Norway and Department of Medicine, Innlandet Hospital Health Authority;?3. Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis;?4. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway;?5. Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, Medical Research Council of South Africa;
本文旨在介绍如何进行知证卫生决策的组织方法。促进研究与实践结合的一系列活动包括:与决策者高度相关的研究证据的生产和恰当的合成,促进研究与实践结合的诸多努力,以及对其的评估。几乎没人知道如何更好地开展此类系列活动,直到最近才有很少几个机构专门负责研究利用证据制定卫生政策。为此本文通过提出5 个问题来指导开展机构措施以支持研究证据在知证卫生决策中的使用:① 您所在机构进行知证决策的能力是什么? ② 应采用什么策略确保决策者、研究者和利益相关者之间的合作? ③ 应采用什么策略确保研究的独立性和有效管理利益冲突? ④ 应采用什么策略确保使用系统和透明的方法获取、评价和利用研究证据?⑤ 应采用什么策略以确保有足够能力运用这些方法?
Citation: Andrew D Oxman,Per Olav Vandvik,John N Lavis,Atle Fretheim,Simon Lewin. SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP) 2: Improving how your organisation supports the use of research evidence to inform policymaking*. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2010, 10(3): 247-254. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20100394 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Lavis JN, Oxman AD, Lewin S, et al. SUPPORT Tools for evidenceinformed health Policymaking (STP). Introduction. Health Res Policy Syst, 7(Suppl 1): I1. |
2. | Granados A, Jonsson E, Banta HD, et al. EUR-ASSESS Project Subgroup Report on Dissemination and Impact. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 1997, 13: 220-286. |
3. | Sevene E, Lewin S, Marino A, et al. Can a drug be too cheap? The unavailability of magnesium sulphate for the treatment of eclampsia and preeclampsia in Mozambique and Zimbabwe: systems and market failures. BMJ, 2005, 331: 765. |
4. | Trostle J, Bronfman M, Langer A. How do researchers influence decision-makers? Case studies of Mexican policies. Health Policy Plan, 1999, 14: 103-114. |
5. | Working Group on Research to Action and Policy: Lessons in Research to Action and Policy – Case studies from seven countries. [http://www.cohred.org/libarchive/content/696.pdf] webcite Council of Health Research and Development (COHRED); 2000. |
6. | Tomson G, Paphassarang C, Jonsson K, et al. Decision-makers and the usefulness of research evidence in policy implementation--a case study from Lao PDR. Soc Sci Med, 2005, 61: 1291-1299. |
7. | Aaserud M, Lewin S, Innvaer S, et al. Translating research into policy and practice in developing countries: a case study of magnesium sulphate for pre-eclampsia. BMC Health Serv Res, 2005, 5: 68. |
8. | Albert MA, Fretheim A, Maiga D. Factors influencing the utilization of research findings by health policy-makers in a developing country: the selection of Mali’s essential medicines. Health Res Policy Syst, 2007, 5: 2. |
9. | Lavis JN, Davies HTO, Oxman A, et al. Towards systematic reviews that inform healthcare management and policymaking. J Health Serv Res Policy, 2005, 10: 35-48. |
10. | Innvaer S, Vist G, Trommald M, Oxman A. Health policy-makers’ perceptions of their use of evidence: a systematic review. J Health Serv Res Policy, 2002, 7: 239-244. |
11. | Graham ID, Logan J, Harrison MB, et al. Lost in knowledge translation: time for a map? J Contin Educ Health Prof, 2006, 26: 13-24. |
12. | Nutley S, Walter I, Davies HTO. From knowing to doing: a framework for understanding the evidence-into-practice agenda. Evaluation, 2003, 9: 125-148. |
13. | Sauerborn R, Nitayarumphong S, Gerhardus A. Strategies to enhance the use of health systems research for health sector reform. Trop Med Int Health, 1999, 4: 827-835. |
14. | Lomas J. Connecting research and policy. Can J Policy Res, 2000, 1: 140-144. |
15. | Dobbins M, Ciliska D, Cockerill R, et al. A framework for the dissemination and utilization of research for health-care policy and practice. Online J Knowl Synth Nurs, 2002, 9: 7. |
16. | Jacobson N, Butterill D, Goering P. Development of a framework for knowledge translation: understanding user context. J Health Serv Res Policy, 2003, 8: 94-99. |
17. | Lavis JN, Robertson D, Woodside JM, et al. How can research organizations more effectively transfer research knowledge to decision makers? Milbank Q, 2003, 81: 221-222. |
18. | Dobrow MJ, Goel V, Lemieux-Charles L, et al. The impact of context on evidence utilization: a framework for expert groups developing health policy recommendations. Soc Sci Med, 2006, 63: 1811-1824. |
19. | Bowen S, Zwi AB. Pathways to “evidence-informed” policy and practice: a framework for action. PLoS Med, 2005, 2: e166. |
20. | Lavis JN, Lomas J, Hamid M, et al. Assessing country-level efforts to link research to action. Bull World Health Organ, 2006, 84: 620-628. |
21. | Moynihan R, Oxman A, Lavis JN, et al. Evidence-Informed Health Policy: Using Research to Make Health Systems Healthier. [http:// www.kunnskapssenteret.no/binary?download=true&id=765] webcite Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten; 2008. |
22. | Hamid M, Bustamante-Manaog T, Dung TV, et al. EVIPNet: translating the spirit of Mexico. Lancet, 2005, 366: 1758-1759. |
23. | The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF): Is research working for you? A self-assessment tool and discussion guide for health services management and policy organizations. [http:// www.chsrf.ca/other_documents/working_e.php] webcite Canadian health Services Research Foundation; 2008. |
24. | Thornhill J, Judd M, Clements D. CHSRF knowledge transfer: (re)introducing the self-assessment tool that is helping decisionmakers assess their organization’s capacity to use research. Healthc Q, 2009, 12: 22-24. |
25. | Grol R, Wensing M, Eccles M. Improving patient care: implementing change in clinical practice. Oxford, Elsevier; 2005. |
26. | Oxman AD, Fretheim A, Schunemann HJ. Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: introduction. Health Res Policy Syst, 2006, 4: 12. |
27. | Akl EA, Treweek S, Foy R, et al. NorthStar, a support tool for the design and evaluation of quality improvement interventions in healthcare. Implement Sci, 2007, 2: 19. |
28. | Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research: Strengthening health systems: the role and promise of policy and systems research. [http://www.who.int/alliance-hpsr/resources/ Strengthening_complet.pdf] webcite Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research; 2004. |
29. | Taylor R, Reeves B, Mears R, et al. Development and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based practice teaching. Med Educ, 2001, 35: 544-547. |
30. | Johnston JM, Leung GM, Fielding R, et al. The development and validation of a knowledge, attitude and behaviour questionnaire to assess undergraduate evidence-based practice teaching and learning. Med Educ, 2003, 37: 992-1000. |
31. | Ramos KD, Schafer S, Tracz SM. Validation of the Fresno test of competence in evidence based medicine. BMJ, 2003, 326: 319-321. |
32. | Kothari A, Edwards N, Hamel N, et al. Is research working for you? Validating a tool to examine the capacity of health organizations to use research. Implement Sci, 2009, 4: 46. |
33. | Gonzalez-Block MA, Mercado FJ, Ochoa H, et al. Utilización de investigación por gestores de salud. Desarrollo y validación de una herramienta de autodiagnóstico para países de habla hispana. Salud Publica Mex, 2008, 50: 490-497. |
34. | Lomas J. The in-between world of knowledge brokering. BMJ, 2007, 334: 129-32. |
35. | Lavis JN, Permanand G, Oxman AD, et al. SUPPORT Tools for evidence- informed health Policymaking (STP). 13. Preparing and using policy briefs to support evidence-informed policymaking. Health Res Policy Syst, in press. |
36. | Lavis JN, Boyko J, Oxman AD, et al. SUPPORT Tools for evidenceinformed health Policymaking (STP). 14. Organising and using policy dialogues to support evidence-informed policymaking. Health Res Policy Syst, 7(Suppl 1): S14. |
37. | The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF): Executive Training for Research Application (EXTRA). [http://www. chsrf.ca/extra] webcite Canadian Health Services Research Foundation; 2009. |
38. | Fox DM, Greenfield L. Helping public officials use research evaluating healthcare. J Law Policy, 2006, 14: 531-550. |
39. | Jewell CJ, Bero LA. “Developing good taste in evidence”: Facilitators of and hindrances to evidence-informed health policymaking in state government. Milbank Quarterly, 2008, 86: 177-208. |
40. | Oxman AD, Lewin S, Lavis JN, et al. SUPPORT Tools for evidenceinformed health Policymaking (STP). 15. Engaging the public in evidence-informed policymaking. Health Res Policy Syst, 7(Suppl 1): S15. |
41. | Nilsen ES, Myrhaug HT, Johansen M, et al. Methods of consumer involvement in developing healthcare policy and research, clinical practice guidelines and patient information material. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006, 3: CD004563. |
42. | Milne R, Oliver S. Evidence-based consumer health information: developing teaching in critical appraisal skills. Int J Qual Health Care, 1996, 8: 439-445. |
43. | Dickersin K, Braun L, Mead M, et al. Development and implementation of a science training course for breast cancer activists: Project LEAD (leadership, education and advocacy development). Health Expect, 2001, 4: 213-220. |
44. | United States Cochrane Center: Understanding evidence-based healthcare: a foundation for action. [http://apps1.jhsph.edu/cochrane/ CUEwebcourse.htm] webcite United States Cochrane Centre; 2009. |
45. | Grilli R, Ramsay C, Minozzi S. Mass media interventions: effects on health services utilisation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2002, 1: CD000389. |
46. | Boyd EA, Bero LA. Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: 4. Managing conflicts of interests. Health Res Policy Syst, 2006, 4: 16. |
47. | Oxman AD, Schunemann HJ, Fretheim A. Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: 8. Synthesis and presentation of evidence. Health Res Policy Syst, 2006, 4: 20. |
48. | Schunemann HJ, Fretheim A, Oxman AD. Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: 1. Guidelines for guidelines. Health Res Policy Syst, 2006, 4: 13. |
49. | Green A, Bennett S. Sound Choices: Enhancing Capacity for Evidence- Informed Health Policy. [http://www.who.int/alliance-hpsr/ resources/Alliance_BR.pdf] webcite World Health Organization; 2007. |
50. | Culyer AJ. Involving stakeholders in healthcare decisions--the experience of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in England and Wales. Healthc Q, 2005, 8: 56-60. |
51. | de Joncheere K, Hill SR, Klazinga N, et al. The Clinical Guideline Programme of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. A review by the WHO. [http://www.nice.org.uk/niceMedia/ pdf/boardmeeting/brdjan07item2b.pdf] webcite NICE; 2007. |
52. | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: About the Patient and Public Involvement Programme (PPIP). [http://www.nice. org.uk/media/D44/49/AboutPPIP.pdf] webcite National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence; 2009. |
53. | Oxman AD, Lavis JN, Fretheim A. The use of evidence in WHO recommendations. Lancet, 2007, 369: 1883-1889. |
54. | Hill S, Pang T. Leading by example: a culture change at WHO. Lancet, 2007, 369: 1842-1844. |
55. | Lancet editorial. WHO signals strong commitment to evidence. Lancet, 2007, 369(9574): 1666. |
56. | EVIPNet Americas Secretariat. EVIPNet Americas: informing policies with evidence. Lancet, 2008, 372: 1130-1131. |
57. | van Kammen J, de Savigny D, Sewankambo N. Using knowledge brokering to promote evidence-based policy-making: The need for support structures. Bull World Health Organ, 2006, 84: 608-612. |
58. | Andersen KS. The reforming states group and the promotion of federalism. Milbank Q, 1998, 76: 103-120. |
59. | Center for Evidence-based Policy: Addressing public policy challenges by identifying and applying best available evidence through self-governing communities of interest. [http://www.ohsu.edu/ohsuedu/ research/policycenter/index.cfm] webcite Center for Evidencebased Policy; 2009. |
- 1. Lavis JN, Oxman AD, Lewin S, et al. SUPPORT Tools for evidenceinformed health Policymaking (STP). Introduction. Health Res Policy Syst, 7(Suppl 1): I1.
- 2. Granados A, Jonsson E, Banta HD, et al. EUR-ASSESS Project Subgroup Report on Dissemination and Impact. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 1997, 13: 220-286.
- 3. Sevene E, Lewin S, Marino A, et al. Can a drug be too cheap? The unavailability of magnesium sulphate for the treatment of eclampsia and preeclampsia in Mozambique and Zimbabwe: systems and market failures. BMJ, 2005, 331: 765.
- 4. Trostle J, Bronfman M, Langer A. How do researchers influence decision-makers? Case studies of Mexican policies. Health Policy Plan, 1999, 14: 103-114.
- 5. Working Group on Research to Action and Policy: Lessons in Research to Action and Policy – Case studies from seven countries. [http://www.cohred.org/libarchive/content/696.pdf] webcite Council of Health Research and Development (COHRED); 2000.
- 6. Tomson G, Paphassarang C, Jonsson K, et al. Decision-makers and the usefulness of research evidence in policy implementation--a case study from Lao PDR. Soc Sci Med, 2005, 61: 1291-1299.
- 7. Aaserud M, Lewin S, Innvaer S, et al. Translating research into policy and practice in developing countries: a case study of magnesium sulphate for pre-eclampsia. BMC Health Serv Res, 2005, 5: 68.
- 8. Albert MA, Fretheim A, Maiga D. Factors influencing the utilization of research findings by health policy-makers in a developing country: the selection of Mali’s essential medicines. Health Res Policy Syst, 2007, 5: 2.
- 9. Lavis JN, Davies HTO, Oxman A, et al. Towards systematic reviews that inform healthcare management and policymaking. J Health Serv Res Policy, 2005, 10: 35-48.
- 10. Innvaer S, Vist G, Trommald M, Oxman A. Health policy-makers’ perceptions of their use of evidence: a systematic review. J Health Serv Res Policy, 2002, 7: 239-244.
- 11. Graham ID, Logan J, Harrison MB, et al. Lost in knowledge translation: time for a map? J Contin Educ Health Prof, 2006, 26: 13-24.
- 12. Nutley S, Walter I, Davies HTO. From knowing to doing: a framework for understanding the evidence-into-practice agenda. Evaluation, 2003, 9: 125-148.
- 13. Sauerborn R, Nitayarumphong S, Gerhardus A. Strategies to enhance the use of health systems research for health sector reform. Trop Med Int Health, 1999, 4: 827-835.
- 14. Lomas J. Connecting research and policy. Can J Policy Res, 2000, 1: 140-144.
- 15. Dobbins M, Ciliska D, Cockerill R, et al. A framework for the dissemination and utilization of research for health-care policy and practice. Online J Knowl Synth Nurs, 2002, 9: 7.
- 16. Jacobson N, Butterill D, Goering P. Development of a framework for knowledge translation: understanding user context. J Health Serv Res Policy, 2003, 8: 94-99.
- 17. Lavis JN, Robertson D, Woodside JM, et al. How can research organizations more effectively transfer research knowledge to decision makers? Milbank Q, 2003, 81: 221-222.
- 18. Dobrow MJ, Goel V, Lemieux-Charles L, et al. The impact of context on evidence utilization: a framework for expert groups developing health policy recommendations. Soc Sci Med, 2006, 63: 1811-1824.
- 19. Bowen S, Zwi AB. Pathways to “evidence-informed” policy and practice: a framework for action. PLoS Med, 2005, 2: e166.
- 20. Lavis JN, Lomas J, Hamid M, et al. Assessing country-level efforts to link research to action. Bull World Health Organ, 2006, 84: 620-628.
- 21. Moynihan R, Oxman A, Lavis JN, et al. Evidence-Informed Health Policy: Using Research to Make Health Systems Healthier. [http:// www.kunnskapssenteret.no/binary?download=true&id=765] webcite Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten; 2008.
- 22. Hamid M, Bustamante-Manaog T, Dung TV, et al. EVIPNet: translating the spirit of Mexico. Lancet, 2005, 366: 1758-1759.
- 23. The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF): Is research working for you? A self-assessment tool and discussion guide for health services management and policy organizations. [http:// www.chsrf.ca/other_documents/working_e.php] webcite Canadian health Services Research Foundation; 2008.
- 24. Thornhill J, Judd M, Clements D. CHSRF knowledge transfer: (re)introducing the self-assessment tool that is helping decisionmakers assess their organization’s capacity to use research. Healthc Q, 2009, 12: 22-24.
- 25. Grol R, Wensing M, Eccles M. Improving patient care: implementing change in clinical practice. Oxford, Elsevier; 2005.
- 26. Oxman AD, Fretheim A, Schunemann HJ. Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: introduction. Health Res Policy Syst, 2006, 4: 12.
- 27. Akl EA, Treweek S, Foy R, et al. NorthStar, a support tool for the design and evaluation of quality improvement interventions in healthcare. Implement Sci, 2007, 2: 19.
- 28. Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research: Strengthening health systems: the role and promise of policy and systems research. [http://www.who.int/alliance-hpsr/resources/ Strengthening_complet.pdf] webcite Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research; 2004.
- 29. Taylor R, Reeves B, Mears R, et al. Development and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based practice teaching. Med Educ, 2001, 35: 544-547.
- 30. Johnston JM, Leung GM, Fielding R, et al. The development and validation of a knowledge, attitude and behaviour questionnaire to assess undergraduate evidence-based practice teaching and learning. Med Educ, 2003, 37: 992-1000.
- 31. Ramos KD, Schafer S, Tracz SM. Validation of the Fresno test of competence in evidence based medicine. BMJ, 2003, 326: 319-321.
- 32. Kothari A, Edwards N, Hamel N, et al. Is research working for you? Validating a tool to examine the capacity of health organizations to use research. Implement Sci, 2009, 4: 46.
- 33. Gonzalez-Block MA, Mercado FJ, Ochoa H, et al. Utilización de investigación por gestores de salud. Desarrollo y validación de una herramienta de autodiagnóstico para países de habla hispana. Salud Publica Mex, 2008, 50: 490-497.
- 34. Lomas J. The in-between world of knowledge brokering. BMJ, 2007, 334: 129-32.
- 35. Lavis JN, Permanand G, Oxman AD, et al. SUPPORT Tools for evidence- informed health Policymaking (STP). 13. Preparing and using policy briefs to support evidence-informed policymaking. Health Res Policy Syst, in press.
- 36. Lavis JN, Boyko J, Oxman AD, et al. SUPPORT Tools for evidenceinformed health Policymaking (STP). 14. Organising and using policy dialogues to support evidence-informed policymaking. Health Res Policy Syst, 7(Suppl 1): S14.
- 37. The Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF): Executive Training for Research Application (EXTRA). [http://www. chsrf.ca/extra] webcite Canadian Health Services Research Foundation; 2009.
- 38. Fox DM, Greenfield L. Helping public officials use research evaluating healthcare. J Law Policy, 2006, 14: 531-550.
- 39. Jewell CJ, Bero LA. “Developing good taste in evidence”: Facilitators of and hindrances to evidence-informed health policymaking in state government. Milbank Quarterly, 2008, 86: 177-208.
- 40. Oxman AD, Lewin S, Lavis JN, et al. SUPPORT Tools for evidenceinformed health Policymaking (STP). 15. Engaging the public in evidence-informed policymaking. Health Res Policy Syst, 7(Suppl 1): S15.
- 41. Nilsen ES, Myrhaug HT, Johansen M, et al. Methods of consumer involvement in developing healthcare policy and research, clinical practice guidelines and patient information material. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2006, 3: CD004563.
- 42. Milne R, Oliver S. Evidence-based consumer health information: developing teaching in critical appraisal skills. Int J Qual Health Care, 1996, 8: 439-445.
- 43. Dickersin K, Braun L, Mead M, et al. Development and implementation of a science training course for breast cancer activists: Project LEAD (leadership, education and advocacy development). Health Expect, 2001, 4: 213-220.
- 44. United States Cochrane Center: Understanding evidence-based healthcare: a foundation for action. [http://apps1.jhsph.edu/cochrane/ CUEwebcourse.htm] webcite United States Cochrane Centre; 2009.
- 45. Grilli R, Ramsay C, Minozzi S. Mass media interventions: effects on health services utilisation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2002, 1: CD000389.
- 46. Boyd EA, Bero LA. Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: 4. Managing conflicts of interests. Health Res Policy Syst, 2006, 4: 16.
- 47. Oxman AD, Schunemann HJ, Fretheim A. Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: 8. Synthesis and presentation of evidence. Health Res Policy Syst, 2006, 4: 20.
- 48. Schunemann HJ, Fretheim A, Oxman AD. Improving the use of research evidence in guideline development: 1. Guidelines for guidelines. Health Res Policy Syst, 2006, 4: 13.
- 49. Green A, Bennett S. Sound Choices: Enhancing Capacity for Evidence- Informed Health Policy. [http://www.who.int/alliance-hpsr/ resources/Alliance_BR.pdf] webcite World Health Organization; 2007.
- 50. Culyer AJ. Involving stakeholders in healthcare decisions--the experience of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in England and Wales. Healthc Q, 2005, 8: 56-60.
- 51. de Joncheere K, Hill SR, Klazinga N, et al. The Clinical Guideline Programme of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. A review by the WHO. [http://www.nice.org.uk/niceMedia/ pdf/boardmeeting/brdjan07item2b.pdf] webcite NICE; 2007.
- 52. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: About the Patient and Public Involvement Programme (PPIP). [http://www.nice. org.uk/media/D44/49/AboutPPIP.pdf] webcite National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence; 2009.
- 53. Oxman AD, Lavis JN, Fretheim A. The use of evidence in WHO recommendations. Lancet, 2007, 369: 1883-1889.
- 54. Hill S, Pang T. Leading by example: a culture change at WHO. Lancet, 2007, 369: 1842-1844.
- 55. Lancet editorial. WHO signals strong commitment to evidence. Lancet, 2007, 369(9574): 1666.
- 56. EVIPNet Americas Secretariat. EVIPNet Americas: informing policies with evidence. Lancet, 2008, 372: 1130-1131.
- 57. van Kammen J, de Savigny D, Sewankambo N. Using knowledge brokering to promote evidence-based policy-making: The need for support structures. Bull World Health Organ, 2006, 84: 608-612.
- 58. Andersen KS. The reforming states group and the promotion of federalism. Milbank Q, 1998, 76: 103-120.
- 59. Center for Evidence-based Policy: Addressing public policy challenges by identifying and applying best available evidence through self-governing communities of interest. [http://www.ohsu.edu/ohsuedu/ research/policycenter/index.cfm] webcite Center for Evidencebased Policy; 2009.