Citation: 唐平,魏兵,杨雯娟,刘裔莎,步宏. Pathological Examination of Sentinel Lymph Node in Breast Cancer. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2010, 17(12): 1225-1230. doi: Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Carter CL, Allen C, Henson DE. Relation of tumor size, lymph node status, and survival in 24 740 breast cancer cases [J]. Cancer, 1989; 63(1): 181-187. |
2. | Warmuth MA, Bowen G, Prosnitz LR, et al. Complications of axillary lymph node dissection for carcinoma of the breast: a report based on a patient survey [J]. Cancer, 1998; 83(7): 1362-1368. |
3. | Kuehn T, Klauss W, Darsow M, et al. Long-term morbidity following axillary dissection in breast cancer patients: clinical assessment, significance for life quality and the impact of demorgraphic, oncologic and therapeutic factors [J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2000; 64(3): 275-286. |
4. | Petrek JA, Senie RT, Peters M, et al. Lymphadema in a cohort of breast carcinoma survivors 20 years after diagnosis [J]. Cancer, 2001; 92(6): 1368-1377. |
5. | van Diset PJ, Peterse HL, Borgstein PJ, et al. Pathological investigation of sentinel lymph nodes [J]. Eur J Nucl Med, 1999; 26(4 Suppl): S43-S49. |
6. | Schrenk P, Rieger R, Shamiyeh A, et al. Morbidity following sentinel lymph node biopsy versus axillary lymph node dissection for patients with breast carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 2000; 88(3): 608-614. |
7. | Silberman AW, McVay C, Cohen JS, et al. Comparative morbidity of axillary lymph node dissection and the sentinel lymph node technique: implications for patients with breast cancer [J]. Ann Surg, 2004; 240(1): 1-6. |
8. | Mansek RE, Fallowflield L, Kissin M, et al. Randomized multicenter trial of sentinel node biopsy versus standard axillary treatment in operatable breast cancer: the ALMANAC Trial [J]. J Nat Cancer Inst, 2006; 98(9): 599-609. |
9. | Kim T, Giuliano AE, Lyman GH. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy in early-stage breast carcinoma: a metaanalysis [J]. Cancer, 2006; 106(1): 4-16. |
10. | Ferrari A, Rovera F, Dionigi P, et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy as the new standard of care in the surgical treatment for breast cancer [J]. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther, 2006; 6(10): 1503-1515. |
11. | Goyal A, Mansel RE. Recent advances in sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer [J]. Curr Opin Oncol, 2008; 20(6): 621-626. |
12. | Fortunato L, Mascaro A, Amini M, et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer [J]. Surg Oncol Clin N Am, 2008; 17(3): 673-699. |
13. | Posther KE, Wilke LG, Giuliano AE. Sentinel lymph node dissection and the current status of American trials on breast lymphatic mapping [J]. Semin Oncol, 2004; 31(3): 426-436. |
14. | Wilson LL, Giuliano AE. Sentinel lymph node mapping for primary breast cancer [J]. Curr Oncol Rep, 2005; 7(1): 12-17. |
15. | Cabanas RM. An approach for the treatment of penile carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 1977; 39(2): 456-466. |
16. | Morton DL, Wen DR, Wong JH, et al. Technical details of intraoperative lymphatic mapping for early stage melanoma [J]. Arch Surg, 1992; 127(4): 392-399. |
17. | Krag DN, Weaver DL, Alex JC, et al. Surgical resection and radiolocalization of the sentinel lymph node in breast cancer using a gamma probe [J]. Surg Oncol, 1993; 2(6): 335-340. |
18. | Giuliano AE, Kirgan DM, Guenther JM, et al. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymphadenectomy for breast cancer [J]. Ann Surg, 1994; 220(3): 391-401. |
19. | Albertini JJ, Lyman GH, Cox C, et al. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel node biopsy in the patient with breast cancer [J]. JAMA, 1996; 276(22): 1818-1822. |
20. | de Bree R, Leemans CR. Recent advances in surgery for head and neck cancers [J]. Curr Opin Oncol, 2010; 22(3): 186-193. |
21. | Borgstein PJ, Meijer S, Pijpers R. Intradermal blue dye to identify sentinel lymph node in breast cancer [J]. Lancet, 1997; 349(9066): 1668-1669. |
22. | Bass SS, Lyman GH, McCann CR, et al. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy [J]. Breast J, 1999; 5(5): 288-295. |
23. | Chagpar A, Martin RC 3rd, Chao C, et al. Validation of subareolar and periareolar injection techniques for breast sentinel lymph node biopsy [J]. Arch Surg, 2004; 139(6): 614-618; discussion 618-620. |
24. | Povoski SP, Olsen JO, Young DC, et al. Prospective randomized clinical trial comparing intradermal, intraparenchymal, and subareolar injection routes for sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy in breast cancer [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2006; 13(11): 1412-1421. |
25. | Rodier JF, Velten M, Wilt M, et al. Prospective multicentric randomized study comparing periareolar and peritumoral injection of radiotracer and blue dye for the detection of sentinel lymph node in breast sparing procedure: FRANSENODE trial [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2007; 25(24): 3664-3669. |
26. | Cody HS III, Hill ADK, Tran KN, et al. Credentialing for breast lymphatic mapping: How many cases are enough? [J]. Ann Surg, 1999; 229(5): 723-728. |
27. | Cserni G, Bianchi S, Boecker W, et al. Improving the reproductibility of diagnosing micrometastases and isolated tumor cells [J]. Cancer, 2005; 103(2):358-367. |
28. | de Mascarel I, MacGrogan G, Debled M, et al. Distinction between isolated tumor cells and micrometastases in breast cancer: is it reliable and useful? [J]. Cancer, 2008; 112(8): 1672-1678. |
29. | American Joint Committee on Cancer. AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook [M]. 7th ed. Chicago, IL: Springer, 2010: 347-376. |
30. | Calhoun KE, Hansen NM, Turner RR, et al. Nonsentinel node metastasese in breast cancer patients with isolated tumor cells in the sentinel node: implications for completion axillary node dissection [J]. Am J Surg, 2005; 190(4): 588-591. |
31. | Cserni G, Bianchi S, Vezzosi V, et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in staging small (up to 15 mm) breast carcinomas. Results from a European multi-institutional study [J]. Pathol Oncol Res, 2007; 13(1): 5-14. |
32. | International (Ludwig) Breast Cancer Study Group. Prognostic importance of occult axillary lymph node micrometastases from breast cancers [J]. Lancet, 1990; 335(8705): 1565-1568. |
33. | Viale G, Maiorano E, Mazzarol G, et al. Histologic detection and clinical implications of micrometastases in axillary sentinel lymph nodes for patients with breast carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 2001; 92(6): 1378-1384. |
34. | Cserni G, Gregori D, Merletti F, et al. Meta-analysis of non-sentinel node metastases associated with micrometastatic sentinel nodes in breast cancer [J]. Br J Surg, 2004; 91(10): 1245-1252. |
35. | Houvenaeghel G, Nos C, Mignotte H, et al. Micrometastases in sentinel lymph node in a multicentric study: predictive factors of nonsentinel lymph node involvement-Groupe des Chirurgiens de la Federation des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2006; 24(12): 1814-1822. |
36. | Rutgers EJ. Sentinel node biopsy: interpretation and management of patients with immunohistochemistry-positive sentinel nodes and those with micrometastases [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2008; 26(5): 698-702. |
37. | Cox CE, Kiluk JV, Riker AI, et al. Significance of sentinel lymph node micrometastases in human breast cancer [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2008; 206(2): 261-268. |
38. | Reed J, Rosman M, Verbanac KM, et al. Prognostic implications of isolated tumor cells and micrometastases in sentinel nodes of patients with invasive breast cancer: 10-year analysis of patients enrolled in the prospective East Carolina University/Anne Arundel Medical Center Sentinel Node Multicenter Study [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2009; 208(3): 334-340. |
39. | McCready DR, Yong WS, Ng AK, et al. Influence of the new AJCC breast cancer staging system on sentinel lymph node positivity and false-negative rates [J]. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2004; 96(11): 873-875. |
40. | Wasif N, Ye X, Giuliano AE. Survey of ASCO members on management of sentinel node micrometastasis in breast cancer: variation in treatment recommendations according to specialty [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2009; 16(9): 2442-2449. |
41. | Marinho VF, Zagury MS, Caldeira LG, et al. Relationship between histologic features of primary breast carcinomas and axillary lymph node micrometastases: Detection and prognostic significance [J]. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol, 2006; 14(4): 426-431. |
42. | Bultea CSE, van der Heiden-van der Loo M, Hennipman A. Axillary recurrence rate after tumor negative and micrometastatic positive sentinel node procedures in breast cancer patients, a population based multicenter study EJSO 2008 [J]. Euo J Surg Oncol, 2009; 35(1): 25-31. |
43. | Patani N, Mokbel K. The clinical significance of sentinel lymph node micrometastasis in breast cancer [J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2009; 114(3): 393-402. |
44. | Tan LK, Giri D, Hummer AJ, et al. Occult axillary node metastases in breast cancer are prognostically significant: results in 368 node-negative patients with 20-year follow-up [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2008; 26(11): 1803-1809. |
45. | Cserni G, Bianchi S, Vezzosi V, et al. Variations in sentinel node isolated tumour cells/micrometastasis and non-sentinel node involvement rates according to different interpretations of the TNM definitions [J]. Eur J Cancer, 2008; 44(15): 2185-2191. |
46. | Turner RR, Weaver DL, Cserni G, et al. Nodal stage classification for breast carcinoma: improving interobserver reproducibility through standardized histologic criteria and image-based training [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2008; 26(2): 258-265. |
47. | Lyman GH, Giuliano AE, Somerfield MR, et al. American Society of Clinical Oncology guideline recommendations for sentinel lymph node biopsy in early-stage breast cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2005; 23(30): 7703-7720. |
48. | Xing Y, Foy M, Cox DD, et al. Meta-analysis of sentinel lymph node biopsy after preoperative chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer [J]. Br J Surg, 2006; 93(5): 539-546. |
49. | Kelly AM, Dwamena B, Cronin P, et al. Breast cancer: sentinel node identification and classification after neoadjuvant chemotherapy-systematic review and meta analysis [J]. Acad Radiol, 2009; 16(5): 551-563. |
50. | Chan SW, LaVigne KA, Port ER, et al. Does the benefit of sentinel node frozen section vary between patients with invasive duct, invasive lobular, and favorable histologic subtypes of breast cancer? [J]. Ann Surg, 2008; 247(1): 143-149. |
51. | Giuliano AE, McCall L, Beitsch P, et al. Locoregional recurrence after sentinel lymph node dissection with or without axillary dissection in patients with sentinel lymph node metastases: the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z0011 randomized trial [J]. Ann Surg, 2010; 252(3): 426-433. |
52. | Wada N, Imoto S, Hasebe T, et al. Evaluation of intraoperative frozen section diagnosis of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer [J]. Jpn J Clin Oncol, 2004; 34(3): 113-117. |
53. | van de Vrande S, Meijer J, Rijnders A, et al. The value of intraoperative frozen section examination of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2009; 35(3): 276-280. |
54. | Langer I, Guller U, Berclaz G, et al. Accuracy of frozen section of sentinel lymph nodes: a prospective analysis of 659 breast cancer patients of the Swiss multicenter study [J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2009; 113(1): 129-136. |
55. | Kanngurn S, Chewatanakornkul S, Premprapha T, et al. Comparability of different pathologic protocols in sentinel lymph node evaluation: an analysis of two step-sectioning methods for the same patients with breast cance [J]. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 2009; 133(9): 1437-1440. |
56. | Cox C, Centeno B, Dickson D, et al. Accuracy of intraoperative imprint cytology for sentinel lymph node evaluation in the treatment of breast carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 2005; 105(1): 13-20. |
57. | Tew K, Irwig L, Matthews A, et al. Meta-analysis of sentinel node imprint cytology in breast cancer [J]. Br J Surg, 2005; 92(9): 1068-1080. |
58. | Chicken DW, Kocjan G, Falzon M, et al. Intraoperative touch imprint cytology for the diagnosis of sentinel lymph node metastases in breast cancer [J]. Br J Surg, 2006; 93(5): 572-576. |
59. | Motomura K, Nagumo S, Komoike Y, et al. Intraoperative imprint cytology for the diagnosis of sentinel node metastases in breast cancer [J]. Breast Cancer, 2007; 14(4): 350-353. |
60. | Feng J, Bernacki EG. Intraoperative cytologic evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes in patients with breast carcinoma by scrape preparation [J]. Diagn Cytopatho, 2008; 36(11): 790-793. |
61. | Motomura K, Nagumo S, Komoike Y, et al. Accuracy of imprint cytology for intraoperative diagnosis of sentinel node metastases in breast cancer [J]. Ann Surg, 2008; 247(5): 839-842. |
62. | Pérez-Sánchez VM, Vela-Chávez TA, Villarreal-Colin P, et al. Intraoperative touch imprint cytology of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer: experience at a tertiary care center in Mexico [J]. Med Oncol, 2010; 27(2): 233-236. |
63. | Contractor K, Gohel M, Al-Salami E, et al. Intra-operative imprint cytology for assessing the sentinel node in breast cancer: results of its routine use over 8 years [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2009; 35(1): 16-20. |
64. | Jahromi AH, Narayanan S, MacNeill F, et al. Testing the feasibility of intra-operative sentinel lymph node touch imprint cytology [J]. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 2009; 91(4): 336-339. |
65. | Turner RR, Ollila DW, Stern S, et al. Optimal histopathologic examination of the sentinel lymph node for breast carcinoma staging [J]. Am J Surg Pathol, 1999; 23(3): 263-267. |
66. | Nhrig J, Richter T, Kowolik J, et al. Comparison of different histopathological methods for the examination of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer [J]. Anticancer Res, 2000; 20(3B): 2209-2212. |
67. | Ollila DB, Stitzenberg KB. Breast cancer sentinel node metastases: histopathologic detection and clinical significance [J]. Cancer Control, 2001; 8(5): 407-414. |
68. | Creager AJ, Geisinger KR, Shiver SA, et al. Intraoperative evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes for metastatic breast carcinoma by imprint cytology [J]. Mod Pathol, 2002; 15(11): 1140-1147. |
69. | Brogi E, Torres-Matundan E, Tan LK, et al. The results of frozen section, touch preparation, and cytological smear are comparable for intraoperative examination of sentinel lymph nodes: a study in 133 breast cancer patients [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2005; 12(2): 173-180. |
70. | Chao C. The use of frozen section and immunohistchemistry for sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer [J]. Am Surg, 2004; 70(5): 414-419. |
71. | Holm M, Paaschburga B, Balslevb E, et al. Intraoperative immunohistochemistry staining of sentinel nodes in breast cancer: clinical and economical implications [J]. Breast, 2008; 17(4): 372-375. |
72. | Giobuin SM, Kavanagh DO, Myers E, et al. The significance of immunohistochemistry positivity in sentinel nodes which are negative on haematoxylin and eosin in breast cancer [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2009; 35(12): 1257-1260. |
73. | Salem AA, Douglas-Jones AG, Sweetland HM, et al. Intraoperative evaluation of axillary sentinel lymph nodes using touch imprint cytology and immunohistochemistry: Ⅰ. Protocol of rapid immunostaining of touch imprints [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2003; 29(1): 25-28. |
74. | Salem AA, Douglas-Jones AG, Sweetland HM, et al. Intraoperative evaluation of axillary sentinel lymph nodes using touch imprint cytology and immunohistochemistry. Part Ⅱ. Results [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2006; 32(5): 484-487. |
75. | Blumencranz P, Whitworth PW, Deck K, et al. Scientific impact recognition award. sentinel node staging for breast cancer: intraoperative molecular pathology overcomes conventional histologic sampling errors [J]. Am J Surg, 2007; 194(4): 426-432. |
76. | Viale G, Dell’Orto P, Biasi MO, et al. Comparative evaluation of an extensive histopathologic examination and a real-time reverse-transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay for mammaglobin and cytokeratin 19 on axillary sentinel lymph nodes of breast carcinoma patients [J]. Ann Surg, 2008; 247(1): 136-142. |
77. | Veys I, Durbecq V, Majjaj S, et al. Eighteen months clinical experience with the GeneSearch breast lymph node assay [J]. Am J Surg, 2009; 198(2): 203-209. |
78. | Martin Martinex MD, Veys I, Majjaj S, et al. Clinical validation of a molecular assay for intra-operative detection of metastases in breast sentinel lymph nodes [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2009; 35(4): 387-392. |
79. | Julian TB, Blumencranz P, Deck K, et al. Novel intraoperative molecular test for sentinel lymph node metastases in patients with early-stage breast cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2008; 26(20): 3338-3345. |
80. | Treseler P. Pathologic examination of the sentinel lymph node: what is the best method? [J]. Breast J, 2006; 12(5 Suppl 2): S143-S151. |
81. | Cserni G. Pathological evalution of sentinel lymph nodes [J]. Surg Oncol Clin N Am, 2007; 16(1): 17-34. |
82. | Cody HS 3rd, van Zee KJ. Predicting nonsentinel node metastases in sentinel node-positive breast cancer: what have we learned, can we do better, and do we need to? [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2008; 15(11): 2998-3002. |
83. | Fortunato L, Amini M, Costarelli L, et al. A standardized sentinel lymph node enhanced pathology protocol (SEPP) in patients with breast cancer [J]. J Surg Oncol, 2007; 96(6): 470-473. |
84. | Cote RJ, Peterson HF, Chaiwun B, et al. Role of immunohistochemical detection of lymph-node metastases in management of breast cancer. International Breast Cancer Study Group [J]. Lancet, 1999; 354(9182): 896-900. |
85. | Cserni G, Bianchi S, Vezzosi V, et al. The value of cytokeratin immunohistochemistry in the evaluation of axillary sentinel lymph nodes in patients with lobular breast carcinoma [J]. J Clin Pathol, 2006; 59(5): 518-522. |
86. | Olson JA, McCall LM, Beitsch P, et al. Impact of immediate versus delayed axillary node dissection on surgical outcomes in breast cancer patients with positive sentinel lymph nodes: results from American College of Surgeons Oncology Group trials Z0010 and Z0011 [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2008; 26(21): 3530-3535. |
87. | Wong SL, Edwards MJ, Chao C, et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer: impact of the number of sentinel nodes removed on the false-negative rate [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2001; 192(6): 684-689. |
88. | Yi M, Meric-Bernstam F, Ross MI, et al. How many sentinel lymph nodes are enough during sentinel lymph node dissection for breast cancer? [J]. Cancer, 2008; 113(1): 30-37. |
89. | Kidd SA, Keto JL, Tran H, et al. First three sentinel lymph nodes accurately stage the axilla in breast cancer [J]. Am Surg, 2009; 75(3): 253-256. |
90. | Yen TW, Mann GN, Lawton TJ, et al. An axillary recurrence of breast cancer following a negative sentinel lymph node biopsy [J]. Breast J, 2003; 9(3): 234-236. |
91. | Smidt ML, Janssen CM, Kusten DM, et al. Axillary recuurence after a negative sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer: incidence and clinical significance [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2005; 12(1): 29-33. |
92. | Kim HJ, Son BH, Park EW, et al. Axillary recurrence after negative sentinel lymph node biopsy [J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2009; 114(2): 301-305. |
93. | Groetelaers RP, van Berlo CL, Nijhuis PH, et al. Axillary recurrences after negative sentinel lymph node biopsy under local anaesthesia for breast cancer: a follow-up study after 5 years [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2009; 35(2): 159-163. |
- 1. Carter CL, Allen C, Henson DE. Relation of tumor size, lymph node status, and survival in 24 740 breast cancer cases [J]. Cancer, 1989; 63(1): 181-187.
- 2. Warmuth MA, Bowen G, Prosnitz LR, et al. Complications of axillary lymph node dissection for carcinoma of the breast: a report based on a patient survey [J]. Cancer, 1998; 83(7): 1362-1368.
- 3. Kuehn T, Klauss W, Darsow M, et al. Long-term morbidity following axillary dissection in breast cancer patients: clinical assessment, significance for life quality and the impact of demorgraphic, oncologic and therapeutic factors [J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2000; 64(3): 275-286.
- 4. Petrek JA, Senie RT, Peters M, et al. Lymphadema in a cohort of breast carcinoma survivors 20 years after diagnosis [J]. Cancer, 2001; 92(6): 1368-1377.
- 5. van Diset PJ, Peterse HL, Borgstein PJ, et al. Pathological investigation of sentinel lymph nodes [J]. Eur J Nucl Med, 1999; 26(4 Suppl): S43-S49.
- 6. Schrenk P, Rieger R, Shamiyeh A, et al. Morbidity following sentinel lymph node biopsy versus axillary lymph node dissection for patients with breast carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 2000; 88(3): 608-614.
- 7. Silberman AW, McVay C, Cohen JS, et al. Comparative morbidity of axillary lymph node dissection and the sentinel lymph node technique: implications for patients with breast cancer [J]. Ann Surg, 2004; 240(1): 1-6.
- 8. Mansek RE, Fallowflield L, Kissin M, et al. Randomized multicenter trial of sentinel node biopsy versus standard axillary treatment in operatable breast cancer: the ALMANAC Trial [J]. J Nat Cancer Inst, 2006; 98(9): 599-609.
- 9. Kim T, Giuliano AE, Lyman GH. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy in early-stage breast carcinoma: a metaanalysis [J]. Cancer, 2006; 106(1): 4-16.
- 10. Ferrari A, Rovera F, Dionigi P, et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy as the new standard of care in the surgical treatment for breast cancer [J]. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther, 2006; 6(10): 1503-1515.
- 11. Goyal A, Mansel RE. Recent advances in sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer [J]. Curr Opin Oncol, 2008; 20(6): 621-626.
- 12. Fortunato L, Mascaro A, Amini M, et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer [J]. Surg Oncol Clin N Am, 2008; 17(3): 673-699.
- 13. Posther KE, Wilke LG, Giuliano AE. Sentinel lymph node dissection and the current status of American trials on breast lymphatic mapping [J]. Semin Oncol, 2004; 31(3): 426-436.
- 14. Wilson LL, Giuliano AE. Sentinel lymph node mapping for primary breast cancer [J]. Curr Oncol Rep, 2005; 7(1): 12-17.
- 15. Cabanas RM. An approach for the treatment of penile carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 1977; 39(2): 456-466.
- 16. Morton DL, Wen DR, Wong JH, et al. Technical details of intraoperative lymphatic mapping for early stage melanoma [J]. Arch Surg, 1992; 127(4): 392-399.
- 17. Krag DN, Weaver DL, Alex JC, et al. Surgical resection and radiolocalization of the sentinel lymph node in breast cancer using a gamma probe [J]. Surg Oncol, 1993; 2(6): 335-340.
- 18. Giuliano AE, Kirgan DM, Guenther JM, et al. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymphadenectomy for breast cancer [J]. Ann Surg, 1994; 220(3): 391-401.
- 19. Albertini JJ, Lyman GH, Cox C, et al. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel node biopsy in the patient with breast cancer [J]. JAMA, 1996; 276(22): 1818-1822.
- 20. de Bree R, Leemans CR. Recent advances in surgery for head and neck cancers [J]. Curr Opin Oncol, 2010; 22(3): 186-193.
- 21. Borgstein PJ, Meijer S, Pijpers R. Intradermal blue dye to identify sentinel lymph node in breast cancer [J]. Lancet, 1997; 349(9066): 1668-1669.
- 22. Bass SS, Lyman GH, McCann CR, et al. Lymphatic mapping and sentinel lymph node biopsy [J]. Breast J, 1999; 5(5): 288-295.
- 23. Chagpar A, Martin RC 3rd, Chao C, et al. Validation of subareolar and periareolar injection techniques for breast sentinel lymph node biopsy [J]. Arch Surg, 2004; 139(6): 614-618; discussion 618-620.
- 24. Povoski SP, Olsen JO, Young DC, et al. Prospective randomized clinical trial comparing intradermal, intraparenchymal, and subareolar injection routes for sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy in breast cancer [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2006; 13(11): 1412-1421.
- 25. Rodier JF, Velten M, Wilt M, et al. Prospective multicentric randomized study comparing periareolar and peritumoral injection of radiotracer and blue dye for the detection of sentinel lymph node in breast sparing procedure: FRANSENODE trial [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2007; 25(24): 3664-3669.
- 26. Cody HS III, Hill ADK, Tran KN, et al. Credentialing for breast lymphatic mapping: How many cases are enough? [J]. Ann Surg, 1999; 229(5): 723-728.
- 27. Cserni G, Bianchi S, Boecker W, et al. Improving the reproductibility of diagnosing micrometastases and isolated tumor cells [J]. Cancer, 2005; 103(2):358-367.
- 28. de Mascarel I, MacGrogan G, Debled M, et al. Distinction between isolated tumor cells and micrometastases in breast cancer: is it reliable and useful? [J]. Cancer, 2008; 112(8): 1672-1678.
- 29. American Joint Committee on Cancer. AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook [M]. 7th ed. Chicago, IL: Springer, 2010: 347-376.
- 30. Calhoun KE, Hansen NM, Turner RR, et al. Nonsentinel node metastasese in breast cancer patients with isolated tumor cells in the sentinel node: implications for completion axillary node dissection [J]. Am J Surg, 2005; 190(4): 588-591.
- 31. Cserni G, Bianchi S, Vezzosi V, et al. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in staging small (up to 15 mm) breast carcinomas. Results from a European multi-institutional study [J]. Pathol Oncol Res, 2007; 13(1): 5-14.
- 32. International (Ludwig) Breast Cancer Study Group. Prognostic importance of occult axillary lymph node micrometastases from breast cancers [J]. Lancet, 1990; 335(8705): 1565-1568.
- 33. Viale G, Maiorano E, Mazzarol G, et al. Histologic detection and clinical implications of micrometastases in axillary sentinel lymph nodes for patients with breast carcinoma [J]. Cancer, 2001; 92(6): 1378-1384.
- 34. Cserni G, Gregori D, Merletti F, et al. Meta-analysis of non-sentinel node metastases associated with micrometastatic sentinel nodes in breast cancer [J]. Br J Surg, 2004; 91(10): 1245-1252.
- 35. Houvenaeghel G, Nos C, Mignotte H, et al. Micrometastases in sentinel lymph node in a multicentric study: predictive factors of nonsentinel lymph node involvement-Groupe des Chirurgiens de la Federation des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2006; 24(12): 1814-1822.
- 36. Rutgers EJ. Sentinel node biopsy: interpretation and management of patients with immunohistochemistry-positive sentinel nodes and those with micrometastases [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2008; 26(5): 698-702.
- 37. Cox CE, Kiluk JV, Riker AI, et al. Significance of sentinel lymph node micrometastases in human breast cancer [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2008; 206(2): 261-268.
- 38. Reed J, Rosman M, Verbanac KM, et al. Prognostic implications of isolated tumor cells and micrometastases in sentinel nodes of patients with invasive breast cancer: 10-year analysis of patients enrolled in the prospective East Carolina University/Anne Arundel Medical Center Sentinel Node Multicenter Study [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 2009; 208(3): 334-340.
- 39. McCready DR, Yong WS, Ng AK, et al. Influence of the new AJCC breast cancer staging system on sentinel lymph node positivity and false-negative rates [J]. J Natl Cancer Inst, 2004; 96(11): 873-875.
- 40. Wasif N, Ye X, Giuliano AE. Survey of ASCO members on management of sentinel node micrometastasis in breast cancer: variation in treatment recommendations according to specialty [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2009; 16(9): 2442-2449.
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