Purpose To study changes of cell cycle of vascular endothelial cell in non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Methods Alloxan induced Wistar-rats were employed and immunohistochemistry,Western blotting methods were used. Results The vascular endothelial cells of retinas of 8~20 weeks diabetic rats were observe to be cyclinD1,cyclinD3,cyclinB1,p21 and p27 positive stained with light and electronmicroscopies.CyclinE immuno-stained vascular endothelial cells was observed occasionally.Meanwhile,the evidences of morphologic changes of the vascular en dothelial cells were proved:less plasma,thinner cell,more bubble organelles than those of controls.But,the ultra-structures of pericytes and other type of retinal cells did not change and they also immunostain negative.Komas blue and Western blotting methods also proved that the vascular endothelial cells of retina of 20th week diabetic rats expressed cyclinD1,cyclinB1,p21 and p27 protein. Conclusion Glucose induced retinal vascular endothelial cells of 8~20th weeks diabetic rats enter cell cycle and were arrested at G1/S restriction point.This study also suggested that retinal vascular endothelial cells may possess the ability to resist glucose damage and mechanism of selfstability during very early stage of diabetes. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis,2000,16:173-176)
Citation: LI Aidong,YANG Huijun,WEI Chunyi,et al.. Cell cycle arrest of retinal vascular endothelial cell of 8~20 weeks diabetic rats. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2000, 16(3): 173-176. doi: Copy
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