OBJECTIVE :To investigate ocular vessel flow velocity in normal eyes by color Doppler imaging(CDI). METHODS: Ninety people (180 normal eyes)had flow velocity measured by CDI in three vessels,ophthalmic artery (OA),central retinal artery(CRA) and posterior ciliary artery (PCA),and the relations between velocity and affecting factors were analysed. RESULT: The diastolic and systolic velocity of OA,CRA and PCA were (31.7 plusmn;10.9)cm/s, (7.2 plusmn;2.6)cm/,s, (10.2 plusmn;3.4)cm/s, (2.8 plusmn;1.2)cm/s and (11.3 plusmn;3.6)cm/s, (3.2 plusmn;1.4)cm/s respectively. The velocity of OA had possitive correl-ativity with RBC,HCT and negative correlativity with age,while it revealed no relationship with sex, laterality of right or left eye,and normal IOP. CDI of ocular vessels in normal eyes is a triangle with three peaks and double sunkens in its frenquency spectum, revealed highly resistant,and both the pulsatility and resistive indexes were relatively high. The width of each frequency band basically was the same,and there was no obvious frequency window. CONCLUSION: The ocular application of CDI might lay the foundation of a comparatively comprehensive knowledge of the ocular hemodynamics. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis,1997,13: 99-101)
Citation: Yang Wenli,Liu Shumin,Liu Lei,et al.. COLOR DOPPLER ANALYSIS OF OCULAR VESSEL BLOOD VELOCITY IN NORMAL EYES. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 1997, 13(2): 99-101. doi: Copy
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