Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the treatment of chronic prostatitis(CP) in China.
Methods We search the related original studies about the treatment for Chinese CP all over the world, and only included randomized controlled trials (RCTs). MEDLINE(1966-2007.5), PubMed (1966-2007.5), EMBASE(1988-2007.05), and four Chinese databases were electronically searched and 6 related journals were handsearched. The studies included in the references of eligible studies were additionally searched. Two reviewers independently screened the studies for eligibility, evaluated the quality and extracted the data from the eligible studies, with confirmation by cross-checking. Divergences of opinion were settled by discussion or consulted by the expert. Meta-analysis was performed by using Rev Man 4.2 software.
Results Nine original studies involving 917 participants met inclusion criteria. Compared withplacebo, prostant, Wenglitong, Chuanshentong, alpha-blockers, bioflabonoid and porstat could reduce the NIH-chronic prostatitis symptom index[RR1.99, 95% CI(1.60, 2.48); RR2.76 95% CI(2.13,3.57); RR2.49, 95% CI(1.24, 4.97); WMD -5.90,95%CI(-8.12,-3.68); WMD -2.50, 95%CI(-4.85,-0.15);WMD -6.07, 95%CI(-7.92, -4.22)]. Alpha-blockers, Wengl itong, bioflabonoid and porstat can also reduce the symtom index of pain.
Conclusion Drug interventions could improve NIH-CPSI and total symptoms of CP in some degree, but can not improve all symptoms, future RCTs must use an appropriate sample size and optimal duration and follow-up of participants. It is important to improve the quality of internal original studies.
Citation: Yang Minggen,Zhao Xiaokun,Wang Xinjun. Management of Chronic Prostatitis(CP) in China: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs). Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2007, 07(10): 737-742. doi: Copy
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