- 1. West China Stomatological Hospital; Sichuan University; Chengdu 610041; China2. Dept. of Dentistry; Peiking Union Medical College Hospital; Beijing 100730;
Objective To assess the effectiveness of intraarticular injection of hyaluronate (HA) on temporomandibular disorders (TMD).
Methods Searching various databases available, handsearching 15 Chinese dental journals to find articles, abstracts and unpublished literature with randomized or quasi-randomized design on the effects of intraarticular injection of HA on TMD.Data extraction, appraisal, and the methods for Meta-analysis were conducted based on the Cochrane guidelines.
Results 12 RCTs and 2 CCT on TMD and 1 RCT on rheumatoid arthritis involving temporomandibular joints (TMJ) were located, 10 of them fulfilled inclusion criteria in which 561 patients were reported.Except 71 cases with only qualitative data, 490 cases could be calculated in Meta-analysis: 277 on HA, 113 on placebo or non-treatment (PL) and 100 on corticosteroids (CO). In comparison with PL, HA injection showed no statistically significant effect on short and long term improvement of symptoms, and short term improvement of VAS as well. But it presented significant better effects than PL in short and long term improvement of clinical signs, especially mouth opening. When sensitivity analysis was conducted for improvement of short term signs, the conclusion was not stable. Comparison of the effect between HA and CO showed the same efficacy levels. Adverse reactions of HA were mild and transient.
Conclusions HA may improve short and long term clinical signs of TMD and have only mild and transient adverse reactions. However, more RCTs are needed to confirm its therapeutic effect.
Citation: SHI Zongdao,GUO Chunlan,Chen E. A Systematic Review on Intraarticular Injection of Hyaluronate for Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2004, 04(6): 368-376. doi: Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | [1]Rugh JD, Solberg WK. Oral health status in the United States: temporomandibular disorders[J]. J Dent Edu., 1985;49(6) :398-405. |
2. | [2]Solberg WK, Woo MW, Houston JB. Prevalence of mandibular dysfunction in young adults[J]. JADA,1979; 98(1): 25-34. |
3. | [3]Wanman A, Agerberg G. Mandibular dysfunction in adolescent[J]. Acta Odont Scand, 1986; 44(1): 45-73. |
4. | [4]Xu YH, Yi XZ, Luo ZH. An epidemiologic study of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in young people [J ]. Chin J Stomatol, 1989 (3) ;24,249-252. |
5. | 徐樱华,易新竹,罗宗赉,任平惠.颞下颌关节紊乱综合征在青年学生中的流行病学调查[J].中华口腔医学杂志1989;24(3):249-52. |
6. | [5]Stegenga B, de Bont LGM, Boering G. Osteoarthrosis as the cause of craniomandibular pain and dysfuction, A unifying concept[J]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1989;47(3) :249-256. |
7. | [6]Stegenga B, de Bont LGM, van der Kuijl B, Boering G. Classification of temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis and internal derangement. Part I: Diagnostic significance of clinical and radiographic symptoms and signs[J]. J Cranio-mandibul Pract, 1992;10(2) :96-106. |
8. | [7]Toller PA. Use and misuse of intra-articular corticosteroids in treatment of temporomandibular joint pain. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine[J], 1977; 70(7) :461-463. |
9. | [8]Kopp S, Wenneberg B. Effects of occlusal treatment and intraarticular injections on temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction. Acta Odontolog Scandinavica, 1981 ;39(2) :87-96. |
10. | [9]Zhang XN, Zhang ZK. Effect of intra-articular injection of prednisolone in treating organic destrucion of the TMJ disturbance syndrome[J]. Chin J Stomatol,1985 ;20(2) :93-95. |
11. | 张熙恩,张震康.关节下腔注射醋酸强的松龙治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征器质性破坏期的近期疗效观察[J].中华口腔医学杂志,1985;20(2):93-95. |
12. | [10]Wenneberg B, Kopp S, Grondahl HG. Long-term effect of intra-articular injections of a glucocorticosteroid into the TMJ:a clinical and radiographic 8-year follow-up[J]. J Craniomandibul Disord: Facial & Oral Pain,1991; 5(1) :11-18. |
13. | [11]Kikiewicz D. Effect of hydrocortisone on experimental necrosis of cartilage of the temporomandibular joint in guinea pigs [ J ]. Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis in Polish,1985; 31:185-196. |
14. | [12]Gu ZY, Cai ZQ, Wu QL. The effects ofprednisolone on rabbit temporomandibular joints[J]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg,1993:3(4) :218-220. |
15. | 谷志远,曹志强,吴求亮,.醋酸强的松龙对兔颞下颌关节的影响[J].口腔颌面外科杂志,1993;3(4):218-220. |
16. | [13]Hu B, Wang DH, Preliminary study on effects ofintraarticular injection of prednisolone on temporomandibular joint [ J ]. J Comprehensive Stomatol, 1995; 11 ( 2 ): 86-88. |
17. | 胡波,王大章.醋酸强的松龙关节内注射对颞下颌关节影响的初步研究[J]口腔医学纵横杂志,1995;11(2):86-88. |
18. | [14]Shi ZD, Yang F, He ZX, Shi B, Yang MZ. Comparative study on effects of sodium hyaluronate and prednisolone injecions on experimental temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis of rabbits[J]. Chin J Reparat and Reconstruct Surg, 2002; 16(1) :5-10. |
19. | 史宗道,杨峰,何志秀,史冰,杨名仲透明质酸钠与强的松龙治疗兔实验性颞颌关节骨关节炎的对照研究[J].中国修复重建外科杂志,2002;16(1):5-10. |
20. | [15]Chandler GN,Wright V.Deleterious effect ofintra-articular hydrocorrisone[J]Lancet,1958;2(7048):661-663. |
21. | [16]Fu K,Ma X,Zheng Z.Pathologic study on synovialfluid after intra-articular corticosteroid therapy in temporomandibular jomt disorders[J].Chin J Stomatol 1999;34(1):55-57. |
22. | 傅开元,马绪臣,张震康,孙开华,魏明洁.颞下颌关节紊乱病关节腔注射糖皮质激素后关节液病理分析[J]中华口腔医学杂志,1999;34(1):55-57. |
23. | [17]Abatangelo G, Botri P, Bue D. Intrarticular sodium hyaluronate injections in the Pond-Nuki experimental model of osteoarthritis in dogs [ J ]. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 1989;241:286-99. |
24. | [18]Galateo D, Schiavinato A, Lini E, Guidolin D. Intrarticular sodium hyaluronate injections in the Pond-Nuki experimental model of osteoarthritis in dogs[J]. Clin J Orthop, 1989 ;241:286-299. |
25. | [19]Kitoh Y, Katsuramaki T, Tanaka H. Effect ofSL-1010 (sodium hyaluronate with high molecular weight) on experimental osteoarthritis induced by intra-articularly applied papain in rabbits[J]. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi,1992 ;100( 1 ) :67-76. |
26. | [20]Neo H, IsmimaruJI, Kurita K, Goss AN. The effect ofhyaluronic acid on experimental temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis in the sheep[J]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1997; 55(10):1 114-1 119. |
27. | [21]Zhang SZ; Wu YH. The effect of sodium hyaluronate on the rabbit osteoarthrosis[J]. Shanghai J Stomatol, 2003; 12 (3):187-190. |
28. | 张世周,吴益华.透明质酸钠对兔颞下颌关节骨病的作用[J].上海口腔医学,2003;12(3):187-190. |
29. | [22]Rydel NW, Butler J, Balazs EA. Hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid VI. Effect of intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid on the clinical symptoms of arthritis in track horses[J]. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 1970(2) ;11:139-155. |
30. | [23]Peyron JG, Balazs EA. Preliminary clinical assessment of Nahyaluronate injection into human arthritic joints [ J ]. Pathologieet Biologie, 1974 ;22 (8) :731. |
31. | [24]Kopp S, Wenneberg B. Injektion av healonid i kakled-En prelininar rapport [ M ]. Report Series, Department of Stomatognathic Physiology, Goteborg University, 1979. |
32. | [25]Kopp S, Wenneberg B, Haraldson T, Carlsson GE. The short-term effect of intra-articular injections of sodium hyaluronate and corticosteroid on temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction [ J ]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1985;43(6) :429-35. |
33. | [26]Kopp S, Carlsson GE, Haraldson T, Wenneberg B. Longterm effect of intra-articular injecttion of sodium hyaluronate and corticosteroid on temporomandibular joint arthritis[J]. J Oral Maxillofa Surg,1987 ;45(11 ) :929-935. |
34. | [27]McCanin JP, Balazs EA, de la Rua H. Preliminary studies on the use of a viscoelastic solution in arthroscopic surgery of the terporomandibular joint[J ]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1989;47:1 161-1 168. |
35. | [28]Kopp S, Akerman S, Nilner M. Short-term effects of intra-articular sodium hyaluronate, glucocorticoid, and saline injectious on rheumatoid arthritis [ J ]. J Craniomandibul Disord :Facial & Oral Pain,1991 ;5:231-8. |
36. | [29]Bertolari CN, Gay T, Clark GT, Rendell J, Shetty V, Liu C, Swann DA. Use of sodium hyaluronate in treating temporomandibular joint disorders: a randomized, double-blind,placebo controlled clinical trial [ J ]. J Oral and Maxillofac Surg, 1993 ;51 (3) ;232-242. |
37. | [30]Gu ZY, GuoQ, Wu QL, Xie ZJ. The effect of sodiur hyaluronate in treating temporomandibuiar joint disturbance syndrome[J]. Chin J Dental Material and Devices,1997; 6(2):58-9. |
38. | 谷志远,郭琦,吴求亮,谢志坚.透明质酸钠在治疗颢下颌关节紊乱综合征中的作用[J].口腔材料器械杂志1997;6(2):58-59. |
39. | [31]Gu Z, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Sun K. Visco-supplementation therapy in internal derangement of temporomandibular joint[J]. Chin Med J (Eng),1998; 111(7) :656-9. |
40. | [32]Qian DY. Hyaluronase in treating temporomandibular joint disorders [ J ]. JHengyang Medical College, 1999; 27(2) :139-140. |
41. | 蹇敦羽.透明质酸治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征[J]衡阳医学院学报1999;27(2):139-140. |
42. | [33]Chu JQ, Hu QG. Using arthrocentesis and hyaluronate to treat non-reducing disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint [ M ] . in: Group of Temporomandibular Diseases, Chinese Association of Stomatology. Preceedings of the Third National Symposium on Advancement of Basic R. esearch and Clinical Studies on Temporomandibular Diseases, Xiamen,China, 2001:73. |
43. | 储嘉琪,胡勤钢.颞颌关节灌洗加透明质酸治疗不可复性盘前移[M].见:中华口腔医学颞下颌关节病学组.全国第三届颞下颌关节紊乱病专题研讨会颞下颌关节病基础与临床进展论文汇编.厦门,2001:73. |
44. | [34]Qi DY, Pan JL, Liu CH. Effect of intraarticular injection of hyaluronate on nonreducing disc displacement of the temporomandibular disorders [ M ]. in: Group of Temporomandibular Diseases, Chinese Association of Stomatology. Proceedings of the Third National Symposium on Advancement of Basic Research and Clinical Studies on Temporomandibular Diseases, Xiamen, China, 2001:73. |
45. | 齐东元,潘巨利,刘成海.透明质酸钠关节腔注射治疗关节盘不可复性前移位[M].见:中华口腔医学颞下颌关节病学组.全国第三届颞下颌关节紊乱病专题研讨会颞下颌关节病基础与临床进展论文汇编.厦门,2001:73. |
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- 1. [1]Rugh JD, Solberg WK. Oral health status in the United States: temporomandibular disorders[J]. J Dent Edu., 1985;49(6) :398-405.
- 2. [2]Solberg WK, Woo MW, Houston JB. Prevalence of mandibular dysfunction in young adults[J]. JADA,1979; 98(1): 25-34.
- 3. [3]Wanman A, Agerberg G. Mandibular dysfunction in adolescent[J]. Acta Odont Scand, 1986; 44(1): 45-73.
- 4. [4]Xu YH, Yi XZ, Luo ZH. An epidemiologic study of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in young people [J ]. Chin J Stomatol, 1989 (3) ;24,249-252.
- 5. 徐樱华,易新竹,罗宗赉,任平惠.颞下颌关节紊乱综合征在青年学生中的流行病学调查[J].中华口腔医学杂志1989;24(3):249-52.
- 6. [5]Stegenga B, de Bont LGM, Boering G. Osteoarthrosis as the cause of craniomandibular pain and dysfuction, A unifying concept[J]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1989;47(3) :249-256.
- 7. [6]Stegenga B, de Bont LGM, van der Kuijl B, Boering G. Classification of temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis and internal derangement. Part I: Diagnostic significance of clinical and radiographic symptoms and signs[J]. J Cranio-mandibul Pract, 1992;10(2) :96-106.
- 8. [7]Toller PA. Use and misuse of intra-articular corticosteroids in treatment of temporomandibular joint pain. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine[J], 1977; 70(7) :461-463.
- 9. [8]Kopp S, Wenneberg B. Effects of occlusal treatment and intraarticular injections on temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction. Acta Odontolog Scandinavica, 1981 ;39(2) :87-96.
- 10. [9]Zhang XN, Zhang ZK. Effect of intra-articular injection of prednisolone in treating organic destrucion of the TMJ disturbance syndrome[J]. Chin J Stomatol,1985 ;20(2) :93-95.
- 11. 张熙恩,张震康.关节下腔注射醋酸强的松龙治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征器质性破坏期的近期疗效观察[J].中华口腔医学杂志,1985;20(2):93-95.
- 12. [10]Wenneberg B, Kopp S, Grondahl HG. Long-term effect of intra-articular injections of a glucocorticosteroid into the TMJ:a clinical and radiographic 8-year follow-up[J]. J Craniomandibul Disord: Facial & Oral Pain,1991; 5(1) :11-18.
- 13. [11]Kikiewicz D. Effect of hydrocortisone on experimental necrosis of cartilage of the temporomandibular joint in guinea pigs [ J ]. Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis in Polish,1985; 31:185-196.
- 14. [12]Gu ZY, Cai ZQ, Wu QL. The effects ofprednisolone on rabbit temporomandibular joints[J]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg,1993:3(4) :218-220.
- 15. 谷志远,曹志强,吴求亮,.醋酸强的松龙对兔颞下颌关节的影响[J].口腔颌面外科杂志,1993;3(4):218-220.
- 16. [13]Hu B, Wang DH, Preliminary study on effects ofintraarticular injection of prednisolone on temporomandibular joint [ J ]. J Comprehensive Stomatol, 1995; 11 ( 2 ): 86-88.
- 17. 胡波,王大章.醋酸强的松龙关节内注射对颞下颌关节影响的初步研究[J]口腔医学纵横杂志,1995;11(2):86-88.
- 18. [14]Shi ZD, Yang F, He ZX, Shi B, Yang MZ. Comparative study on effects of sodium hyaluronate and prednisolone injecions on experimental temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis of rabbits[J]. Chin J Reparat and Reconstruct Surg, 2002; 16(1) :5-10.
- 19. 史宗道,杨峰,何志秀,史冰,杨名仲透明质酸钠与强的松龙治疗兔实验性颞颌关节骨关节炎的对照研究[J].中国修复重建外科杂志,2002;16(1):5-10.
- 20. [15]Chandler GN,Wright V.Deleterious effect ofintra-articular hydrocorrisone[J]Lancet,1958;2(7048):661-663.
- 21. [16]Fu K,Ma X,Zheng Z.Pathologic study on synovialfluid after intra-articular corticosteroid therapy in temporomandibular jomt disorders[J].Chin J Stomatol 1999;34(1):55-57.
- 22. 傅开元,马绪臣,张震康,孙开华,魏明洁.颞下颌关节紊乱病关节腔注射糖皮质激素后关节液病理分析[J]中华口腔医学杂志,1999;34(1):55-57.
- 23. [17]Abatangelo G, Botri P, Bue D. Intrarticular sodium hyaluronate injections in the Pond-Nuki experimental model of osteoarthritis in dogs [ J ]. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 1989;241:286-99.
- 24. [18]Galateo D, Schiavinato A, Lini E, Guidolin D. Intrarticular sodium hyaluronate injections in the Pond-Nuki experimental model of osteoarthritis in dogs[J]. Clin J Orthop, 1989 ;241:286-299.
- 25. [19]Kitoh Y, Katsuramaki T, Tanaka H. Effect ofSL-1010 (sodium hyaluronate with high molecular weight) on experimental osteoarthritis induced by intra-articularly applied papain in rabbits[J]. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi,1992 ;100( 1 ) :67-76.
- 26. [20]Neo H, IsmimaruJI, Kurita K, Goss AN. The effect ofhyaluronic acid on experimental temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis in the sheep[J]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1997; 55(10):1 114-1 119.
- 27. [21]Zhang SZ; Wu YH. The effect of sodium hyaluronate on the rabbit osteoarthrosis[J]. Shanghai J Stomatol, 2003; 12 (3):187-190.
- 28. 张世周,吴益华.透明质酸钠对兔颞下颌关节骨病的作用[J].上海口腔医学,2003;12(3):187-190.
- 29. [22]Rydel NW, Butler J, Balazs EA. Hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid VI. Effect of intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid on the clinical symptoms of arthritis in track horses[J]. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 1970(2) ;11:139-155.
- 30. [23]Peyron JG, Balazs EA. Preliminary clinical assessment of Nahyaluronate injection into human arthritic joints [ J ]. Pathologieet Biologie, 1974 ;22 (8) :731.
- 31. [24]Kopp S, Wenneberg B. Injektion av healonid i kakled-En prelininar rapport [ M ]. Report Series, Department of Stomatognathic Physiology, Goteborg University, 1979.
- 32. [25]Kopp S, Wenneberg B, Haraldson T, Carlsson GE. The short-term effect of intra-articular injections of sodium hyaluronate and corticosteroid on temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction [ J ]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1985;43(6) :429-35.
- 33. [26]Kopp S, Carlsson GE, Haraldson T, Wenneberg B. Longterm effect of intra-articular injecttion of sodium hyaluronate and corticosteroid on temporomandibular joint arthritis[J]. J Oral Maxillofa Surg,1987 ;45(11 ) :929-935.
- 34. [27]McCanin JP, Balazs EA, de la Rua H. Preliminary studies on the use of a viscoelastic solution in arthroscopic surgery of the terporomandibular joint[J ]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 1989;47:1 161-1 168.
- 35. [28]Kopp S, Akerman S, Nilner M. Short-term effects of intra-articular sodium hyaluronate, glucocorticoid, and saline injectious on rheumatoid arthritis [ J ]. J Craniomandibul Disord :Facial & Oral Pain,1991 ;5:231-8.
- 36. [29]Bertolari CN, Gay T, Clark GT, Rendell J, Shetty V, Liu C, Swann DA. Use of sodium hyaluronate in treating temporomandibular joint disorders: a randomized, double-blind,placebo controlled clinical trial [ J ]. J Oral and Maxillofac Surg, 1993 ;51 (3) ;232-242.
- 37. [30]Gu ZY, GuoQ, Wu QL, Xie ZJ. The effect of sodiur hyaluronate in treating temporomandibuiar joint disturbance syndrome[J]. Chin J Dental Material and Devices,1997; 6(2):58-9.
- 38. 谷志远,郭琦,吴求亮,谢志坚.透明质酸钠在治疗颢下颌关节紊乱综合征中的作用[J].口腔材料器械杂志1997;6(2):58-59.
- 39. [31]Gu Z, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Sun K. Visco-supplementation therapy in internal derangement of temporomandibular joint[J]. Chin Med J (Eng),1998; 111(7) :656-9.
- 40. [32]Qian DY. Hyaluronase in treating temporomandibular joint disorders [ J ]. JHengyang Medical College, 1999; 27(2) :139-140.
- 41. 蹇敦羽.透明质酸治疗颞下颌关节紊乱综合征[J]衡阳医学院学报1999;27(2):139-140.
- 42. [33]Chu JQ, Hu QG. Using arthrocentesis and hyaluronate to treat non-reducing disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint [ M ] . in: Group of Temporomandibular Diseases, Chinese Association of Stomatology. Preceedings of the Third National Symposium on Advancement of Basic R. esearch and Clinical Studies on Temporomandibular Diseases, Xiamen,China, 2001:73.
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