Objective To expand the utilization of minimally invasive technologies for parapancreatic abscess, and summarize the application experience of choledochoscope for treatment of parapancreatic abscess.
Methods The clinical data and treatment effectiveness of 36 patients with parapancreatic abscess from Dec. 2000 to Dec. 2008 were analyzed retrospectively. These patients had experienced percutaneous puncture and been placed drainage tube under the ultrasound guidance first, then expanded the sinus tract gradually, and performed debridement by choledochoscope. The flexibility of choledochoscope was used to remove the necrotic tissue and pyogenic membrane repeatedly by clamping, netting and vacuum aspiration in every domain.
Results Thirty-six patients were performed percutaneous puncture and placed drainage tube, 3 cases were given canalis singularis, 7 cases were double tube, 26 cases were over three tube. The debridement times were 3-14 by choledochoscope, average 5.6 times. There were 6 cases with improving systemic symptoms, blood routine and temperature recovering normal, and drink and food recovering, then discharged from hospital with tube after 1-2 times of debridement. Length of stay was 25-132 d, average 76 d. The curing rate was 91.7% (33/36). Two cases were turned into open surgery because of broad necrotic tissue range combined with many abdominal cavity abscess with good postoperative recovery and cured. One case was dead of severe multiple organ failure combination. There were 2 patients with hemorrhage, 3 patients with external intestinal fistula.
Conclusions The debridement of choledochoscope for parapancreatic abscess treatment is a simple, flexible and effective method. It changes the viewpoint that parapancreatic abscess can be cured only by operation drainage, decreases the patients’ trauma and accomplishes the idea of damage control by minimally invasive technologies.
Citation: YAN Yong,DAI Ruiwu,WANG Tao,TANG Lijun,ZHANG Bingyin.. Effect of Choledochoscope for Treatment of Parapancreatic Abscess. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2010, 17(4): 365-367. doi: Copy
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