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find Keyword "医院管理" 40 results
  • 医疗纠纷调解处置对策与方法


    Release date:2021-06-23 07:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 浅谈少数民族地区医院管理


    Release date:2016-08-26 02:21 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Evidence-Based Research on Hospital Report System in Canada and the Enlightenment to China

    Objective To summarize and analyze the experience of Canadian hospital report, including report contents, indicators system and result application, so as to provide basis for improving Chinese hospital information report and enhancing healthcare regulation. Methods Official networks and databases in Canada were searched, and relative policies, documents, research reports and information reports were included. Results Canadian Hospital Report Project carried out by Canadian Institute for Health Information was effective for gathering and comparing hospitals’ information, and regulating healthcare service. Ontario Hospital Report Project, as a local policy based on national hospital report project, was a good example of local government to improve healthcare service regulation. Conclusion Canadian Hospital Report and Ontario Hospital Report enlighten us that, carrying out the comparison of hospitals in the same type, ensuring the comparability of data, setting comprehensive and scientific report contents and indicators, and emphasizing the self-evaluation function and self-improvement function of the hospital performance evaluation.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:00 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • A Study on Safety Culture Management of Patients Taking Radioexamination

    As the development of medical imageology, radioexamination has become one of the main approaches of disease diagnosis. However, the society and hospital have not taken the hidden danger and harmfulness of radiation seriously. Through discussing the following eight aspects of radiation safety culture management, this paper aims to reduce the risk of radiation and ensure the safety of patients and medical staff: a) Improving the awareness of safety culture and the understanding of patients on safety culture; b) Consummating the safety management system of the radiation; c) Attaching importance to implementing the relevant laws and regulations of radiation; d) Mastering the examination indications, and especially the contraindications of radiation; e) Strengthening the clinical cooperation and exchange; f) Improving the staff’s ability to distinguish hidden danger and identify patients in high risk; g) Strengthening the nursing behavior safety management of the radiation department; and h) Strengthening the biological security management of the radiation department.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Problems and Strategies Analysis of the Outpatient Appointment Services

    Through reviewing the implementation of outpatient appointment services around the whole country, the problems of current outpatient appointment services were analyzed, which included imperfect information platform, low rate of medical experts’ visit on schedule, high rate of breaking the appointment by outpatients, and the new inequity caused by opaque information on the outpatient appointment service. The strategies were put forward to address the problems, including the integration of different social resources, cooperation and sharing, enhancing supervision to increase experts’ visit rate, establishing a new model for outpatient appointment service to decrease the breaking of appointment, and opening information to ensure the fair and impartial appointment.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:02 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Countermeasure and Practice of Outpatient Real-name Registration System

    Objective To understand the outpatients, evaluation and demands of the real-name registration system. To implement the new medical reform program deeply. Methods We used the questionnaire named registration questionnaire of West China Hospital designed by ourselves to survey the outpatients and their family members and were filled in the questionnaire by themselves. Results Firstly, real-name registration system in West China Hospital made major contribution to alleviate the difficulties of registration and medical treatment. It achieved a major breakthrough and created a good social benefit. Secondly, patients the most favourite way of registration was by phone. They were satisfied with the platform of the social welfare services very much. Thirdly, the number of appointment registration arrived year by year, while the number of the day registration fell year by year. Conclusion Firstly, we innovate the form of the realname registration system, refine service and do scientific management at the needs of the patient-oriented. Secondly, we strengthen the track of the failure of appointment registration and analyze the causes. We should take measures timely to reduce the rate of the event and improve the real-name registration system. Thirdly, we strengthen the management of the out-patient doctor visiting program and credit services, to improve medical compliance rate and protect the interests of the patients. Fourthly, we explore a scientific research of out-patient real-name registration system to establish a modern hospital out-patient services model.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:08 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Survey on Influencing Factors of Doctor-patient Relationship

    Objective To explore the factors which influence the doctor-patient relationship and to provide evidence to help decision makers improve hospital management and construct a harmonious doctor-patient relationship. Methods Discharged patients of West China Hospital from 2003-2006 were randomly selected and asked to complete a specially designed questionnaire. Results In total, 8 000 questionnaires were distributed and 2 526 were returned. The retrieval rate was 31.57%. The responses showed that non-medical factors have became the main factors affecting the doctor-patient relationship (91.8%). Other important factors included medical cost (21.5%) and doctor-patient communication (11.51%). Conclusion We should boost hospital management level, train non-medical staff, save costs and improve doctor-patient communication.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in Evaluating Relative Efficiency of Clinical Departments

    目的 通过应用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对医院科室运营效率进行评价,分析DEA方法在医院临床科室相对效率评价中的价值。 方法 采用聚类分析等确定投入产出指标,采用DEA方法中C2R和BC2模型对2004年1月-2008年12月各科室相对效率进行评价和分析。 结果 70个被评价单元中有41个被评价单元的总体有效值为1,属于相对有效单元;29个被评价单元的C2R模型总体有效值<1,属于相对无效单元。 结论 DEA方法适用临床科室相对效率评价多投入、多产出的特点,能够有效识别被评价单位中的无效单元,并且对于投入产出值能够指明导致无效的方向和需调整的程度,指导相关管理部门对科室的调整和资源投入方向。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis on Satisfaction Degree for MBA Program of Hospital Management in Sichuan University and Its Enlightenment

    【摘要】 目的 调查四川大学医院管理MBA项目的学员满意度,分析其影响因素,寻求相关启示,为现代医院管理者决策提供参考依据。 方法 以2006年-2010年四川大学医院管理MBA项目学员为研究对象,采用自制的调查问卷,对参与培训的336名学员进行统一的问卷调查,对结果采用logistic回归分析。 结果 发放问卷336份,回收有效问卷320份,有效回收率95%。86.2%的学员表示对培训项目的效果满意。课程内容的实践性、培训组织管理模式、是否有丰富的个案分析等因素与学员满意度有关(Plt;0.05)。 结论 要做好医院管理MBA的培训项目,需要关注影响学员满意度的因素,需在课程内容设计、培训模式改进、案例资料库的甄选等方面努力,从而设计更符合现代医院管理需要的MBA培训课程。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the satisfaction degree of students in the MBA programs of Sichuan university, analyze the influential factors for the satisfaction degree. Methods Self-made questionnaire was applied in the investigation on 336 students who attended the MBA program of Sichuan University from 2006 to 2010. The investigation results were collected and analyzed by using logistic regression analysis. Results A total of 320 (89.65%) valid questionnaires were retrieved among all the 336 questionnaires assigned. In all the students, 86.2% were contented with the current situation of scientific training program. The content of the course practice, management of training mode and whether there was a rich case analysis were influential factors for students′ satisfaction degree (Plt;0.05). Conclusions The influential factors for students’ satisfaction degree should be taken into consideration in order to better carry out the MBA hospital management training program. More emphasis should be paid on the course design, training mode adjustment and selection of cases, in order to cater for modern hospital managers.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 门诊预约中心的作用与发展


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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