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  • 人工关节在四肢恶性骨肿瘤保肢重建功能中的应用

    目的 探讨人工关节置换在恶性骨肿瘤保肢术中的应用价值。方法 2000年3月~2005年8月收治48例恶性骨肿瘤,男23例,女25例;年龄15~47岁,平均21岁。其中骨肉瘤位于股骨远端15例,近端7例,肱骨近端9例,胫骨近端5例;软骨肉瘤位于股骨近端3例,肱骨近端2例,胫骨近端1例;尤文瘤5例,位于股骨近、远端各2例,股骨近端1例;股骨远端恶性纤维组织细胞瘤1例。病程3个月~2年。参照Enneking分期标准,ⅠB期2例,ⅡA期22例,ⅡB期24例。均进行人工关节置换术。结果 术后48例获12~65个月随访。术后3例皮下积液,2例局部皮肤坏死换药后治愈,迟发感染1例,经引流抗感染治愈;3例疼痛,1例服止痛药,2例能忍受;1例外伤后股骨上段假体折断,行翻修术后可行走。2例术后分别于8、17个月局部复发行截肢术。术后1~2年肺转移7例,2~3年肺转移4例,恶性肿瘤最终保肢率93.8%。参照Enneking骨骼肌肉肿瘤术后肢体功能评定标准,获优18例,良21例,可5例,差4例。结论 辅以综合治疗,人工假体置换术是四肢恶性骨肿瘤保肢、重建功能的一种有效方法。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Cost estimation and influencing factor analysis of continuous renal replacement therapy

    Objective To estimate the cost of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in public hospitals and analyze the main influencing factors of the cost, in order to provide evidence for the optimal application of CRRT technology. Methods In March 2021, activity-based costing was used to estimate and analyze the cost of CRRT, the data of which were collected from 5 hospitals in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Sichuan and Xinjiang, and single factor sensitivity analysis was used to find the main influencing factors of the cost. Results The hourly treatment costs of CRRT in the 5 hospitals ranged from 265.30 to 474.44 yuan, with an average of 376.81 yuan. The costs of manpower and filters accounted for the top two largest proportions, the manpower cost of continuous veno-venous hemofiltration and continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration accounted for 22.90% and 21.51%, respectively, and the filters cost of the two types of CRRT accounted for 15.07% and 17.73%, respectively. The unit cost and cost composition varied greatly between hospitals. There were four factors affecting the unit cost, namely clinical operation, efficiency, price and patient, among which clinical operation difference was the primary factor leading to cost difference. Conclusions The application cost of CRRT technology varies greatly among hospitals, and there are many factors affecting the cost. Public hospitals face great pressure in cost control. It is necessary to strengthen the internal control operation management of public hospitals, establish CRRT clinical operation standards, and improve the quality of medical services in public hospitals.

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  • Current situation and thoughts on the cultivation of medical talents in rare diseases

    Rare diseases are a collective term for a category of diseases with extremely low incidence or prevalence rates. They are characterized by a variety of diseases, difficult diagnosis, complex conditions, etc. Only about 5% of rare diseases have treatment drugs. They impose a heavy burden on society and the families of rare diseases patients, and are a major global challenge. Rare diseases medical talents are an important component of the development of the rare diseases industry. After years of practical exploration, the construction of rare diseases medical talent training systems at home and abroad has gradually achieved results. This article analyzes the current situation of medical talent cultivation in the field of rare diseases, and proposes thoughts and suggestions for the cultivation of rare diseases medical talents in China, providing reference for the construction of the rare patient talent system.

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  • Research on policy texts in the field of rare diseases in China based on a three-dimensional analysis framework

    Objective To sort out the policies related to rare diseases in China, analyze and summarize the focus and potential problems of relevant policy texts, and provide decision-making references for the subsequent formulation and improvement of policies in the field of rare diseases in China. Methods We searched for relevant policy documents in the field of rare diseases at the national level from 2018 to 2023, constructed a three-dimensional analysis framework based on content analysis of “policy tool-stakeholder-policy strength” in the field of rare diseases in China, and conducted cross-analysis between policy tools, stakeholders, and policy strength. Results Finally, 39 policy texts were included. There were 112 policy tool dimension codes, with environment-based, supply-based, and demand-based tools accounting for 62.5%, 30.36%, and 7.14%, respectively. There were 229 stakeholder dimension codes, including 42.79% for government departments, 19.65% for medical institutions, 19.65% for corporate units, and 17.90% for patients and their families. The average score for policy strength was 2.2 points. Cross-analysis showed that government departments had the highest proportion in the dimensions of supply-based, environment-based and demand-based tools (45.76%, 43.45%, 32.00%, respectively). The policy strength of environmental tools was the strongest (124 points). The policy strength of government departments was the strongest (78 points). Conclusions There is a certain imbalance in the design and configuration of rare disease policy tools in China, and there is uneven distribution of rare disease policies among stakeholders. Although the overall effectiveness of policies in the field of rare diseases is showing a positive growth trend, there may be a mismatch between policy tools, stakeholders, and policy strength.

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