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find Keyword "小脑" 16 results
  • 一个遗传性脊髓小脑共济失调7型家系患者的眼底及眼电生理特征

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • von Hippel-Lindau 病一例

    Release date:2016-09-02 06:07 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 新生儿大枕大池伴小脑半球发育不全一例及文献复习

    目的 报道并分析1例胎儿颅后窝池增宽的新生儿预后。 方法 2011年3月在产科建卡产检发现胎儿颅后窝池增宽的1例孕妇进行定期产前超声检查,动态观察其胎儿颅后窝池宽度的变化,并对新生儿行出生后随访。 结果 本例孕妇在产前超声检查随访中,其胎儿颅后窝池宽度从孕33周的11 mm增至孕38周的18 mm,出生后其新生儿诊断为颅后窝大枕大池伴小脑半球发育不良。 结论 产前检查发现胎儿颅后窝池增宽,应进行超声或核磁共振动态随访,注意观察胎儿有无其他部位的结构异常或畸形。同时应重视产前对胎儿小脑发育情况的评估,以便早期诊断处理。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:18 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Preliminary Analysis of Ultrasound Measurement of Growth Parameters of Normal Twin Pregnancy in the Last Trimester Pregnancy

    【摘要】 目的 拟初步建立孕28~34周的双胎胎儿生长参数超声测量值的正常范围,比较晚孕期单、双胎妊娠胎儿的宫内生长发育模式。 方法 对2009年5月-2010年4月超声诊断为正常宫内双活胎、单活胎孕妇,采用超声测量胎儿相关生长发育指标,包括双顶径、头围、腹围、股骨长等,测量其中部分双胎的小脑横径并应用虚拟器官计算机辅助分析技术测量其小脑容积,比较晚孕期单、双胎胎儿生长发育的差异。 结果 ①自妊娠30周以后,双胎胎儿的双顶径发育速度比单胎胎儿延缓,单、双胎胎儿平均每周增长分别约2.3、1.7 mm;②自妊娠32周以后, 双胎胎儿的头围的发育速度比单胎胎儿延缓,单、双胎胎儿平均每周增长分别约6.7、5.8 mm;③自妊娠30周以后, 双胎胎儿的腹围的发育速度比单胎胎儿延缓,单、双胎胎儿平均每周增长分别约6.9、5.3 mm;④双胎胎儿股骨长从孕28~34周发育速度均较单胎胎儿缓慢,单、双胎胎儿平均每周增长分别约2.0、1.7 mm;⑤多元分析孕28~34周的双胎胎儿双顶径、头围、腹围和股骨长,相对于单胎胎儿而言,自28周起,双胎妊娠胎儿的生长发育较延缓;⑥自孕28~34周,双胎胎儿小脑横径、小脑容积与单胎胎儿无明显差异。 结论 双胎妊娠胎儿与单胎妊娠胎儿在晚孕期有着不同的生长发育规律。【Abstract】 Objective To initially establish the growth parameters of normal twin pregnancy in 28-34 gestational ages according to the ultrasound measurement, and to compare the intrauterine growth patterns between the singleton and twin pregnancy. Methods The relevant index of the twin pregnancy, including the biparietal diameter (BPD), femur length, head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), were measured. The transverse cerebellar diameter (TCD) was measured and the virtural organ computer-aided analysis was used to detect the fetal cerebellar volume (FCV). The intrauterine growth patterns between the singleton and twin pregnancy was compared. Results After the gestational age of 30 weeks, the mean values of BPD of the twins pregnancies (1.7 mm) were lower than those of the singleton pregnancies (2.3 mm). After the gestational age of 32 weeks, the mean value of HC of the twins pregnancies (5.8 mm) was lower than that of the singleton pregnancies (6.7 mm). After the gestational age of 30 weeks, the mean values of AC of the twins pregnancies (5.3 mm) were lower than those of the singleton pregnancies (6.9 mm). After the gestational age of 28 weeks, the mean value of FL of the twins pregnancies (1.7 mm) was lower than the singleton pregnancies (2.0 mm). After the gestational age of 28 weeks, the growth of twin pregnancy fetuses is more slowly. After the gestational age of 28-34 weeks, the differences in mean values of TCD and FCV between the twin pregnancy and singleton pregnancy was not significant. Conclusion The twin pregnancy and singleton pregnancy have different growth patterns in the third trimester pregnancy.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 脑部疾病患者的小脑电图观察


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Microsurgical Treatment for ArnoldChiari Malformation with Syringomyelia


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Applied Anatomy of the Trochlear Nerve in the Tentorial Lateral Region


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Usefulness of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Differentiation of Neurinoma and Meningioma of the Cerebellopontine Angle

    摘要:目的: 探讨磁共振波谱(MRS)对鉴别桥小脑角神经鞘瘤与脑膜瘤的价值。 方法 :对8例神经鞘瘤和8例脑膜瘤病例进行MRI平扫和增强扫描,并采用点分辨波谱序列(PRESS,TR/TE=2000/136ms)进行单体素波谱分析。从事磁共振诊断专业的医师根据肿瘤的MRI及MRS表现特征进行鉴别诊断。 结果 :尽管多数神经鞘瘤(5/8)和脑膜瘤(6/8)具有典型的MRI表现特征并仅经MRI即可得到正确鉴别,但部分病例(5/16)为不典型表现者,如脑膜瘤呈长T1长T2信号并伴有囊变,以及神经鞘瘤呈等信号、均匀强化且不伴有囊变或内听道扩大者,鉴别诊断困难。MRS显示脑膜瘤的胆碱/肌酸比值(Cho/Cr)(2.74±1.47)略高于神经鞘瘤(2.70±1.21),但差异无统计学意义。丙氨酸(Ala)在脑膜瘤中的出现率(4/8)显著高于神经鞘瘤(0/8)(Plt;0.05),谷氨酸盐/谷氨酰胺(Glx)在脑膜瘤中的出现率(5/8)也高于神经鞘瘤(2/8);而肌醇(Ins)在神经鞘瘤中的出现率(4/8)高于脑膜瘤(2/8)。结合MRS表现,在MRI上尚难鉴别的病例可被明确诊断,并与最终病理结果相符。 结论 : MRI有助于多数桥小脑角神经鞘瘤与脑膜瘤的鉴别诊断,但对不典型病例有一定局限性;MRS对不典型病例的鉴别具有重要的参考价值。Abstract: Objective: To explore the value of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in the differentiation of neurinoma and meningioma in the cerebellopontine angle. Methods : 16 cases, including 8 cases of meningiomas and 8 cases of neurinomas, underwent MRI (plan and gadoliniumenhanced scan) and singlevoxel proton MRS (PRESS series, TR/TE=2000/136ms). MRI and MRS results were reviewed and differential diagnoses were made by professional radiologists. Results : Although most cases (11/16) were typical and clearly classified on MRI, atypical cases were also observed, such as meningioma of long T1/T2 signal intensity with small cystic foci, and neurinoma of isointensity and homogenous enhancement without cystic change or enlargement of internal acoustic meatus. The choline to creatine ratio (Cho/Cr) of meningioma (2.74±1.47) was higher than that of neurinoma (2.70±1.21), however the difference was not significant (Pgt;0.05). Alanine was observed in 4/8 meningiomas but none of neurinomas (Plt;0.05), and glutamine/glutamate was more frequently visualized in meningiomas (5/8) than in neurinomas (2/8), whilemyoinositol was more frequently observed in neurinomas (4/8) than in meningiomas (2/8). With MRS, cases difficult to differentiate were clearly and correctly classified. Conclusion : Although most CPA neurinomas and meningiomas can be diagnosed by MRI, MRS is useful for the differential diagnosis of atypical cases.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 癫痫患者的小脑影像学研究进展


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  • Clinical and electroencephalogram features of dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica

    ObjectiveWe report two family and one sporadic case with dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica, investigate the clinical and neural electrophysiological features. MethodsThe proband and sporadic patient was examined by clinical, neuroimaging, video-EEG and synchronous electromyography. ResultsThere were 6 patients with dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica of the 27 family members in the first family(3 male and 3 female). There were 4 patients with dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica of the 20 family members in the second family(2 male and 2 female). All patiens had disproportionately myoclonus, epilepsy and progressive cerebellar ataxia. EEG showed bursts of spike-slow wave, polyspilke-slow wave distributing in the bilateral brain both in ictal and interictal period, sometimes it is especially in central, parietal and frontal area. EEG showed bursts of spike-slow wave, polyspilke-slow wave distributing in the central, parietal and frontal area in interictal period. Pathology of the skin and muscles are normal. ConclusionThe diagnosis of dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica was mainly based on typical clinical manifestations, brain MRI and EEG changes.Long time video EEG and synchronous EMG is important for the diagnosis. Skin and muscles pathology can be normal.

    Release date:2016-10-02 06:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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