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find Author "杨晓丽" 3 results
  • 护理本科生社区护理实践教学模式探讨

    目的 为进一步提高社区护理实践教学能力、为社区培养实用型护理人才做参考借鉴。 方法 对2005年7月-2012年7月于成都市玉林社区卫生服务中心实习的护理本科生在实践过程中实行实践教学前期准备、组织参与各种社区护理实践、灵活运用教学方法并进行效果评价。 结果 经过社区护理实践,护理本科生在专业技能和社交能力上都有了很大的提高,对社区护理有了更深刻的认识和理解。 结论 该社区护理实践教学模式有助于提高社区护理教学质量,培养社区护理人才。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:38 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis on Detection of Hepatitis C Virus Ribonucleic Acid Using Mixed Serum Samples from Patients Planning to Receive Blood Transfusion

    【摘要】 目的 探讨不同数量混合血清样本丙肝病毒核酸(HCV RNA)检测在拟输血手术患者中的临床应用。 方法 用酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测单份血清样本抗-HCV,聚合酶链反应技术(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)检测单份血清样本、5份血清混合样本和10份血清混合样本HCV RNA,并与ELISA检测结果进行比较,确定HCV RNA检测的最适混合血清样本数。 结果 ELISA共检出抗-HCV阳性血清4份。PCR技术检测HCV RNA,单份血清样本组和5份血清混合样本组5例阳性;10份血清混合样本组4例阳性,1例阳性漏检。 结论 拟输血手术患者5份血清混合样本检测HCV RNA能大幅降低人群检测费用,具有良好经济实用性。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical application of detecting hepatitis C virus ribonucleic acid (HCV RNA) using various number of serum samples from patients planning to receive blood transfusion. Methods Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect anti-HCV for single serum samples, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect HCV RNA of single serum samples, 5 mixed serum samples and 10 mixed serum samples. The results of the two experiments were compared and the best number of samples for HCV RNA detection was analyzed. Results The results of ELISA showed that there were four serum samples with positive anti-HCV. In the detection of HCV RNA by PCR, there were 5 positive samples each for the groups of single serum samples and 5 mixed serum samples, and 4 positive samples for the group of 10 mixed samples with 1 positive case missed. Conclusion It is economical and applicable to use 5 mixed serum samples for the detection of HCV RNA in patients planning to receive blood transfusion.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Spherical measurement-based analysis of gradient nonlinearity in magnetic resonance imaging

    The gradient field, one of the core magnetic fields in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, is generated by gradient coils and plays a critical role in spatial encoding and the generation of echo signals. The uniformity or linearity of the gradient field directly impacts the quality and distortion level of MRI images. However, traditional point measurement methods lack accuracy in assessing the linearity of gradient fields, making it difficult to provide effective parameters for image distortion correction. This paper introduced a spherical measurement-based method that involved measuring the magnetic field distribution on a sphere, followed by detailed magnetic field calculations and linearity analysis. This study, applied to assess the nonlinearity of asymmetric head gradient coils, demonstrated more comprehensive and precise results compared to point measurement methods. This advancement not only strengthens the scientific basis for the design of gradient coils but also provides more reliable parameters and methods for the accurate correction of MRI image distortions.

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