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find Author "蒲强" 29 results
  • 双腔气管插管后声门损伤致气管拔管困难一例

    Release date:2018-09-25 04:15 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 电视纵隔镜诊断不明性质的纵隔或肺部病变

    摘要: 目的 探讨电视纵隔镜检查在不明原因纵隔或肺部病变诊断中的可靠性和安全性。 方法 2003年10月至2008年5月我科收治61例不明性质的纵隔或肺部疾病患者,男43例,女18例;年龄16~71岁,平均年龄47岁。采用单腔气管内插管全身麻醉,行电视纵隔镜活检术,经颈入路57例,经胸骨旁入路4例。 结果 术中损伤无名动脉1例,中转开胸止血并活检;另60例均获得满意病理学标本,确切诊断率为100%,敏感性为100%,特异性为100%。病理诊断:纵隔原发性恶性肿瘤9例,纵隔良性肿瘤1 例,淋巴瘤 2例,结核32例,纵隔淋巴结转移12 例,淋巴结反应性增生4例。术后切口愈合不良3例;围术期死亡1例。 结论 电视纵隔镜检查术是一种创伤小、有效的诊断性检查方法,但对伴有上腔静脉综合征患者应重视手术风险。

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:02 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 晚期肺癌131I治疗中口服碘化钾致

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:02 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Influence of Tumor Associated Macrophages Distribution on Prognosis of Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer

    Objectives To investigate the effects of the distribution of tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) on prognosis in the patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Methods The number of CD68+ macrophages in 136 lung cancer nest and stroma was counted simultaneously by labelled streptavidin biotin method(LSAB),and its correlation with patient postoperation prognosis was analyzed. Results CD68 macrophas were observed in both inside and around the cancer tissue,The mean TAMs in cancer stroma (36.00/HFP) was higher than that in cancer nest (23.80/HFP,Plt;0.05). Mean TAMs in nest of stage Ⅰ+Ⅱ cancer was significantly higher than that of stageⅢ+Ⅳ cancer(32.60/HFP vs. 14.80/HFP,Plt;0.05),and mean TAMs in stroma of stage Ⅰ+Ⅱ cancer was significantly lower than that of stage Ⅲ+Ⅳ cancer(24.30/HFP vs. 47.60/HFP,Plt;0.05).The number of TAMs in cancer nest and the ratio of nest TAMs /stoma TAMs were both positively correlated with the patient survival time (rs=0.510, 0.633, respectively). Otherwise the number of TAMs in cancer stroma was negatively correlated with the patient survival time (rs=-0.187). Five-year survival rate in patients with high density TAMs in cancer nest was significantly higher than that in patients with low density TAMs (51.4% vs. 11.1%, Plt;0.05), while reverse correlation between TAMs in cancer stroma and patient 5-year survival rate was observed (18.9% vs. 44.4%,Plt;0.05). And 5 year suvival rate in patients with high ratio of nest/stroma TAMs was higher than that with low ratio (58.1% vs.4.2%,Plt;0.01). Conclusion Cox regressive prognostic analysis showed that the higher the nest/stroma TAMs ratio, the higher probability of the patients survival time. While the higher number of TAMs in the cancer stroma, the lower probability of the patients survival time. Our results showed that distribution pattern of TAMs in cancer nest and cancer stroma could possibly be used to estimate the prognosis of patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 肺癌干细胞分离与鉴定研究进展

    【摘要】 随着肿瘤干细胞学说的兴起,肺癌干细胞研究也方兴未艾,肺癌干细胞可能在肺癌发生、进展过程中发挥关键作用。目前已发现肺癌发生可能与肺内成体干细胞有关,同时也有较多证据支持肺癌内存在肿瘤干细胞,但进一步研究肺癌干细胞的前提和基础是对其进行有效分离与鉴定,这是目前对肺癌干细胞进行深入研究所面临的主要障碍之一。CD133、ABCG2、ALDH等的表达可能与肺癌干细胞有关,现就文献中依靠上述标志物对肺癌干细胞进行分离及鉴定的方法与结果进行归纳探讨。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:52 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 同时性肺腺癌和套细胞淋巴瘤重复癌一例

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  • 同期手术治疗同时性食管肺重复癌一例

    Release date:2017-06-02 10:55 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 单向式胸腔镜左上肺尖后段切除的视频要点

    Release date:2018-06-01 07:11 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Anastomotic tuberculosis after carinal resection and reconstruction: A case report

    This patient was a 47-year female who underwent carinal resection and reconstruction because of left main bronchial mucoepidermoid carcinoma. She underwent four cycles chemotherapy when recovering from surgery because of subcarinal lymph node metastasis. However, the patient suffered from recurred productive cough and dyspnea during chemotherapy. Bronchoscopic assessment revealed stenosis at the reconstructed carina and left main bronchus five months after surgery. The granulation tissues of the left main bronchus showed no evidence of cancer recurrence. After repeated bronchoscopic resection of granulation tissue combined with bronchial stent placement, the left main bronchial stenosis gradually worsened with granulation tissue growth. Three acid-fast bacilli were found in the granulation tissue harvested ten months after surgery. The reason of postoperative bronchostenosis was confirmed as endobronchial tuberculosis, and antitubercular agents were added. Unfortunately, she had persistent left main bronchostenosis due to irreversible destruction and left pulmonary atelectasis thereafter. Therefore, for the recurring anastomotic granulomas after tracheobronchial reconstruction, the possibility of tuberculosis infection should be considered.

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  • 电视胸腔镜手术中缝线定位法在肺部非浅表小结节活检和切除术中的应用

    目的 介绍电视胸腔镜手术中缝线定位法在肺部非浅表结节活检及切除术中的应用。 方法 回顾性分析华西医院胸外科2010年1月至2012年12月间所行的胸腔镜肺小结节楔形切除活检及肺段切除的患者52例的临床资料,其中男26例、女26例,年龄38~81 (54.0±11.6) 岁。术中以腔镜肺叶钳经副操作孔将目标肺叶向主操作孔牵拉,手指通过主操作孔对目标区域进行触诊,探及感知到结节后用2-0带针缝线于结节所投射的肺表面缝合一针作为目标结节切除的牵引线或标记线。 结果 本组52例患者均于胸腔镜下取得病理学诊断,肿瘤直径0.6~2.2(1.6±0.4) cm,且肿瘤与正常肺组织切缘≥2 cm,切缘阴性。原发性肺癌31例(59.6%),其中毛玻璃样病变(GGO)占51.6% (16/31);转移瘤7例(13.5%);良性病变13例(25.0%)。本组平均术后住院时间(6.4±2.7) d,主要术后并发症为:术后持续肺漏气>7 d和术后咯血。全组患者无围手术期死亡。 结论 本方法可使肺部非浅表小结节易于定位,应用条件也无特殊要求,值得推广。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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