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find Keyword "记忆" 83 results
  • Using Shape Memory Alloy Embracing Fixator and Self-ilium Grafting to Surgically Treat Vancouver Type-B1 Periprosthetic Femoral Fractures

    目的 探讨人工髋关节置换术后Vancouver B1型股骨假体周围骨折的治疗方法。 方法 2006年4月-2011年2月采用记忆合金抓握式接骨板固定结合自体髂骨植骨治疗6例Vancouver B1型股骨假体周围骨折。其中男2例,女4例;年龄55~78岁,平均68.5岁。6例均为初次行人工关节置换术后6个月~3年,平均18.4个月发生假体周围骨折;骨折至手术时间为3~6 d,平均4.2 d。 结果 术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无深静脉血栓形成、肺部感染、肺栓塞等并发症发生。6例均获随访,随访时间13个月~4年,平均28.6个月。X线片示骨折全部愈合,愈合时间12~20周,平均14.8周。末次随访时Harris评分76~93分,平均83.6分;获优3例,良3例。无1例出现接骨板折断、松动,骨折再移位、骨不连、股骨假体松动等并发症。 结论 记忆合金抓握式接骨板结合自体髂骨植骨治疗Vancouver B1型股骨假体周围骨折具有固定可靠、操作简便的特点,可获满意临床疗效。

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  • Shape Memory Alloy Stent for Intestinal Obstruction Due to Rectal Cancer

    Objective To evaluate initial experience with shape memory alloy stent as an alterative to colostomy in patients with intestinal obstruction of rectal cancer. Methods Twenty-one patients with acute and chronic rectal obstructions from malignant causes underwent stent placement. After rectal stent was slenderized in ice water, it was inserted into the strictured rectum by hand or sigmoidoscope. Nitinol mesh stent were deployed in hot water. Results Eighteen patients who had underwent rectal stent placement achieved clinical decompression within 5 hours. Colostomy underwent in 3 patients due to stent failure. Eighteen patients with stent were followed-up, 14 cases died in 56-720 days and 4 other cases were still alive without intestinal obstruction in 2-15 months. Conclusion Nitinol mesh stent may be useful in the management of terminal or high-risk surgical patients for palliative purposes shuning colostomy. Palliation of stent combined with chemotherapy and immunotherapy can be performed to improve survival.

    Release date:2016-08-28 05:10 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    【Abstract】Objective To study the advances in clinical application of shape memory alloy (SMA) in general surgery. Methods The literature in the recent years on the advances of SMA was reviewed. Results At present clinical application of SMA have been developed. Different stents could dilate the benign and malignant stricture of blood vessels, biliary ducts, cola, recta and gastric outlet obstruction. The SMA catheter system was effective for peroral cholangiopancreatoscopy. Novel nitinol basket instrument might be useful for percutaneous cholecystolithotomy. Compression anastomoses was safe and sound in gastrointestinal surgery using a device made of SMA. Nitinol stent could be used in transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt (TIPSS) with satisfactory results. Nitinol occlusion devices was superior to stainless steel coils. The Simon nitinol filter represented a new generation of venous interruption devices designed to prevent recurrent pulmonary embolism. Conclusion Clinical application of SMA will be increased by the development of endoscope, laparoscope and interventional technique.

    Release date:2016-08-28 05:30 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 改良肋骨内固定手术治疗前支肋骨骨折

    目的 探索胸部损伤浮动胸壁中前支肋骨骨折内固定的有效方法。 方法 回顾性分析2007 年1 月至2009 年12 月广元市中心医院43 例多发性前支肋骨骨折患者采用形状记忆环抱接骨板内固定治疗的临床资料,根据手术方式不同,将43 例分为两组,常规手术组:18 例,其中男16 例,女2 例;年龄(38.5±3.8)岁,采用常规手术方法行肋骨内固定术;改良手术组:25 例,其中男21 例,女4 例;年龄(36.4±5.6)岁;采用改良手术方法行肋骨内固定术。对两种手术方法的难易程度、手术时间和术后效果进行比较。 结果 围术期无死亡,术后两组患者胸廓形状均恢复正常,反常呼吸消失,呼吸困难显著改善,肋骨骨折均达到解剖复位。术后无肺部、胸腔、切口感染和肺不张等并发症发生。改良手术组手术时间[(74.80±9.41) min vs.(91.94±17.42) min,P=0.006] 和术中出血量[(34.20±14.70) ml vs.(83.33±20.72) ml, P=0.000)] 明显短于或少于常规手术组。随访28 例(改良手术组17 例、常规手术组11 例),随访时间1 个月~ 1 年,失访15 例。随访期间两组患者肋骨骨折均愈合,无胸廓畸形和呼吸功能受损,亦未见记忆环抱接骨板脱落、断裂和移位。患者恢复正常生活或工作。 结论 前支肋骨骨折内固定的改良手术操作简单、方便、创伤小、出血少和临床效果好,值得临床推广应用。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 记忆合金环抱器在创伤性连枷胸治疗中的应用

    目的 总结记忆合金环抱器在创伤性连枷胸治疗中的应用经验。 方法 2008年10月至2011年8月甘肃省酒泉市人民医院应用镍钛记忆合金环抱器内固定治疗创伤性连枷胸38例,其中男31例,女7例;年龄 19~62 (42.6±12.5)岁。致伤原因为交通伤31例,高处坠落伤4例, 塌方挤压伤2例, 殴打外伤1例。对其手术时机、适应证选择及临床效果等进行分析。 结果 本组无手术相关死亡,随访34例,随访率91.89% (34/37),随访1~16 (10.3±2.6)个月。随访时胸部X线片或胸部CT提示肋骨骨折端对位好,双侧胸廓基本对称,连枷胸得到满意矫正,患者呼吸良好,无长期疼痛等并发症。全组无1例因环抱器有排斥反应、不适等需取出者。 结论 创伤性连枷胸患者早期行记忆合金环抱器内固定治疗可以使连枷胸得到有效的矫正,改善和恢复呼吸功能,降低病死率及各类并发症的发生率。

    Release date:2016-08-30 05:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 应用带膜镍钛记忆合金支架治疗晚期食管癌


    Release date:2016-08-30 06:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the effectiveness of acetabular tridimensional memory alloy-fixation system (ATMFS) combined with autologous il iac bone in the treatment of old acetabular posterior wall fracture with bone defect. Methods Between January 2002 and February 2009, 17 patients with old acetabular posterior wall fracture and bone defect were treated, including 11 males and 6 females with an average age of 41.7 years (range,20-60 years). The time from fracture to admission was 14-180 days (mean, 63 days). The displacement of the acetabular articular surface was more than or equal to 3 mm. According to the America Association of Orthopedic Surgeon (AAOS) acetabular fracture and defectclassification standard, there were 4 cases of type I, 6 cases of type II, 5 cases of type III, and 2 cases of type IV. After the residual fracture fragments of the acetabular posterior wall and soft tissue hyperplasia were removed, the femoral head was reducted, and posterior wall defect was repaired with autologous il iac bone graft; ATMFS was used to fix acetabular posterior wall and artificial capsular l igament to reconstruct the hip so as to prevent re-dislocation of the femoral head. Results According to Matta imaging assessment standard, the results were excellent in 8 cases, good in 6 cases, fair in 2 cases, and poor in 1 case with an excellent and good rate of 82.3%. All incisions healed by first intention, and no sciatic nerve injury occurred. All patients were followed up 1-8 years (mean, 3.9 years). The mean time of fracture union was 3.6 months (range, 2-6 months). Avascular necrosis of femoral head occurred in 1 case, heterotopic ossification around the acetabulum in 1 case. According to Merle d’ Aubigné-Postel scoring system evaluation, the cl inical results were excellent in 9 cases, good in 6 cases, fair in 1 case, and poor in 1 case with an excellent and good rate of 88.2%. Conclusion ATMFS combined with autologous il iac bone graft and artificial l igament reconstruction of the hip joint capsule is a good choice for the treatment of old acetabular posterior wall fractures with bone defect, which can resume the posterior hip joint stabil ity and prevent re-dislocation of the femoral head.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:42 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective Currently, there are few researches on lordosis associated with scol iosis. To explore the effects of nickel-titanium memory alloy staple (Staple) on the growth of thoracic lordosis by observing the histological changes of cartilage cells in the osteoepiphysis of the thoracic vertebrates in goats. Methods Eighteen 2-3 months old female goats, weighing 8-12 kg, were randomly divided into long staple group (n=6), short staple group (n=6), and blank control group (n=6). Long staple (7 mm) and short staple (4 mm) were implanted into T6-11 segments of goats in long and short staplegroups by anterior approach, respectively. The blank control group was not treated. The X-ray examination was performedpre-operatively and at 3 months post-operatively to observe the changes of Cobb angle. Then the growth plates and inferior facet processes of the apex vertebral body were harvested to observe the histological grades of cartilage by HE staining, and to observe prol iferation and apoptosis of chondrocytes through immunohistochemistry double label ing staining with poly-ADPribose- polymerase-p85 and prol iferating cell nuclear antigen. Results At 3 months after operation, the T6-11 Cobb angles were significantly higher than those of pre-operation in short staple group and long staple group, which were significantly higher than those in blank control group (P lt; 0.05), but there was no significant difference between short staple group and long staple group (P gt; 0.05). The results of HE staining and immunohistochemistry double staining showed that the number of chondrocytes were reduced obviously with irregular columnar arrangement and increased volume ratio of surrounding extracellular matrix in prol iferative zone and hypertrophic zone of growth plate and inferior articular process in both long and short staple groups, and this tendency was more noticeable in long staple group. There were significant differences in the grades of prol iferation viabil ity of chondrocytes between 2 staple groups and blank control group (P lt; 0.05), but there was no significant difference tewteen long staple group and short staple group (P gt; 0.05). The prol iferation viabil ities of chondrocytes in growth plate and inferior articular process were significantly higher in blank control group than in 2 staple groups (P lt; 0.01), but there was no significant difference between long staple group and short staple group (P gt; 0.05). Conclusion The histological evidences prove that the Staple implantation by anterior approach can reduce prol iferation viabil ity of chondrocytes in growth plate and inferior articular process of the thoracic vertebrates in goats, which conduces the growth direction of thoracic vertebrates to kyphosis.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:43 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective  To investigate the detailed biomechanics of TiNi shape-memory sawtooth-arm embracing plate (TiNi SMA) by comparing with l imited-contact dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP) and static interlocking intramedullary nail (SIiN), so as to provide theoretical evidence for cl inical appl ication. Methods  Eight paired cadaveric femurs immersed in formaldehyde were harvested from eight specimens of adults. After making X-ray films and modeling midpiece transverse fracture, one side randomly was fixed by TiNi SMA (group A) and SIiN (group C) orderly, the other side was fixed by LC-DCP (group B). The axial compression, three-point bending (pressed from plate side and opposite side both of group A and group B, from inside of group C), and torsion were tested, and the stress shielding rate was compared.  Results At every classified axial compression load, the strains of group A were greater than those of group B and group C (P lt; 0.05), the displacements of group A were greater than those of group B and group C (P lt; 0.05) except 100 N. At every classified three-point bending moment, the displacement of group A were greater than those of group B and group C pressed both from two sides, but there was no difference when pressing from two sides under the same load of group A (P gt; 0.05). At every torsion moment, the torsion angels of group A were greater than those of group B (P lt; 0.05), but equal to those of group C (P gt; 0.05). At 600 N of axial compression load, the stress shielding rates of groups A, B, C were 48.30% ± 22.99%, 89.21% ± 8.97%, 95.00% ± 3.15%, respectively, group A was significantly less than group B and group C (P lt; 0.01).  Conclusion The anti-bending abil ity of TiNi SMA is weaker than LC-DCP and SIiN; the anti-torsion abil ity of TiNi SMA is weaker than SIiN, but TiNi SMA is a center-type internal fixation, the superior stress shielding rate and micromovement promote the stress stimulation of fracture, which makes it an ideal internal fixation device.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective Surface modification of nitinol (NiTi) shape memory alloy is an available method to prevent nickel ion release and coating with titanium-niobium (TiNb) alloy will not affect the superelasticity and shape memory of NiTi. To evaluate the bone histocompatibil ity of NiTi shape memory alloy implants coated by TiNb in vivo. Methods NiTi memory alloy columns which were 4 mm in diameter and 12 mm in length were coated with Ti (Ti-coating group) and TiNb alloy (TiNb-coating group) respectively by magnetron sputtering technique. And NiTi group were not coated on the surface. Fifteen mongrel dogs were divided into 3 groups randomly with 5 dogs in each group. NiTi, Ti-coating and TiNb-coating columns were implanted into the lateral femoral cortex of each group, respectively. There were 10 columns embedded in eachdog’s femur whose distance was 1.0 cm to 1.5 cm from each other. The materials were obtained 12 months after operation. After X-ray photography, only those columns which were perpendicular to the cortex of the femur shaft were selected for subsequent analysis. Push-out tests were performed to attain the maximum shear strength (the number of specimens of TiNi group, Ticoating group, and TiNb-coating group were 12, 10, and 14, respectively). Undecalcified sections were used for histological observation and the calculation of osseointegration rate (the number of specimens of TiNi group, Ti-coating group, and TiNb-coating group were 8, 5, and 10, respectively). Results The maximum shear strength of Ti-coating group (95.10 ± 10.03) MPa, and TiNb-coating group (91.20 ± 15.42) MPa were significantly higher than that of NiTi group (71.60 ± 14.24) MPa (P lt; 0.01). Gimesa staining showed that no obvious macrophage and inflammation cell was observed in 3 groups. The osseointegration rates of NiTi group, Ti-coating group, and TiNb-coating group were (21.30% ± 0.23%), (32.50% ± 0.31%), and (38.60% ± 0.58%), respectively; there were significant differences among 3 groups (P lt; 0.01). Conclusion The implants of 3 groups all have good bone histocompatabil ity. But the osseointegration rate and the shear strength in the Ti-coating group and the TiNb-coating group were better than those in the NiTi group, the TiNb-coating group is the best among them.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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