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find Author "许威" 2 results
  • 胃癌根治术后十二指肠残端瘘的诊治体会

    目的 总结胃癌根治术后十二指肠残端瘘的诊治体会。 方法 回顾性分析兰州军区兰州总医院普外科 2008 年 6 月至 2015 年 6 月期间 2 700 例腹腔镜胃癌根治术后 14 例发生十二指肠残端瘘患者(腹腔镜组)的临床资料及同期 1 300 例行传统开腹胃癌根治术后 18 例发生十二指肠残端瘘患者(开腹组)的临床资料。 结果 腹腔镜组和开腹组术后十二指肠残端瘘患者经治疗后分别于 26~54 d 及 38~66 d 瘘口愈合,其中腹腔镜组有 2 例患者而开腹组有 1 例患者在治疗过程中由于胆汁和胰液的腐蚀作用使血管破裂以及吸引负压过大而导致瘘口处出血,给予降低负压、加强冲洗等措施后好转。腹腔镜组和开腹组术后十二指肠残端瘘患者均出现腹膜刺激征、发热、白细胞增多等感染征象,但二者比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),发生十二指肠残端瘘患者经治疗后的下床活动时间、开始肠内营养时间及住院时间在腹腔镜组均较开腹组短(P<0.05),但 2 组的通气时间比较差异并无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 无论是腹腔镜还是传统胃癌根治术后均可能发生十二指肠残端瘘。及早诊断、早期腹腔黎氏管持续冲洗引流、肠内肠外营养支持等综合治疗是有效可行的,且腹腔镜胃癌根治术后发生的十二指肠残端瘘患者经治疗后恢复情况更好。

    Release date:2017-07-12 02:01 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Patient-derived organoids and xenograft models in preclinical drug screening for gastric cancer: Recent progress and future perspective

    ObjectiveTo summarize the research progress of patient-derived organoid (PDO) and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models in preclinical drug screening for gastric cancer, aiming to provide a new perspective for precise drug screening and promote the application of personalized medicine and precision medicine for gastric cancer. MethodA literature review was conducted on the use of PDO and PDX models in the basic research and preclinical drug screening for gastric cancer. ResultsThe PDO and PDX models of gastric cancer exhibited a higher tumor biological simulation capability and a relatively accurate preclinical drug response prediction. However, they each have some certain limitations. The advent of organoid models based on xenografting, which combines the advantages of both, is expected to compensate for their respective shortcomings. These models can better reflect the heterogeneity of patients’ tumors and have unique advantages in the evaluation of new targeted drugs for specific molecular targets in gastric cancer, such as epidermal growth factor receptor. They show a certain correlation with the actual clinical response of patients, paving a new way for the development of new drugs, the study of drug action and resistance mechanisms, and personalized therapy. ConclusionPDO and PDX models, as a highly promising research platform, show a great potential in the screening of anti-tumor drugs and the development of personalized medical strategies.

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