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find Keyword "软组织损伤" 13 results
  • 持续封闭式负压引流治疗严重软组织损伤致出血的临床观察

    目的 总结持续封闭式负压引流(vacuum sealing drainage,VSD)治疗严重软组织损伤过程中发生创面大量快速出血的原因。 方法 2008 年8 月- 2011 年8 月,收治9 例四肢严重软组织损伤患者。男7 例,女2 例;年龄25 ~ 51 岁,平均39.2 岁。损伤原因:电烧伤2 例,交通事故伤6 例,其他伤1 例。创面污染及软组织损伤严重;伴动脉损伤6 例,神经损伤6 例,骨筋膜室综合征3 例,骨折7 例。伤后至入院时间1 ~ 12 h,平均3.5 h。入院后急诊清创,对应处理合并伤后行VSD 治疗。 结果 患者于VSD 治疗后7 ~ 14 d 出现数分钟内吸出大量血性液体,拆开VSD 敷料见创面新鲜肉芽组织少,动脉血管壁及移植血管糜烂、破溃出血。再次彻底清创止血后,7 例采用皮瓣或皮片修复后创面愈合;2 例截肢。 结论 VSD 治疗严重软组织损伤出现创面大量快速出血,与损伤严重程度及部位有关。对于伴主要血管、神经严重损伤的四肢,尤其关节周围软组织损伤慎用VSD 治疗。

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To summarize the cl inical effect of anterolateral thigh pedicle or free perforator flap in repairing soft tissue defect in the extremities. Methods From March 2000 to January 2009, 32 cases of soft tissue defect were treated with pedicle or free anterolateral thigh perforator flap. There were 30 males and 2 females with an median age of28 years (4-53 years). Soft tissue defects included left radial side in 3 cases, the left lateral elbow in 1 case, knee in 5 cases, calf in 14 cases, dorsal is pedis in 5 cases, and planta pedis in 4 cases. The defect area ranged from 9 cm × 6 cm to 15 cm × 13 cm. Nine cases compl icated by bone defect and 1 case by radial nerve defect. The time from injury to hospital ization was 1 hourto 4 months (mean 5 days). Defects in 27 cases were repaired by anterolateral thigh perforator flap, simultaneously combined with transplantation with the second toe in 1 case, with sural nerve using arterial ized small saphenous vein in 1 case, nd with fibular or il ium in 4 cases. Defects in other 5 cases were repaired with flaps pedicled with superior lateral genicular artery. Neuroanastomosis was performed in 14 cases of the flaps. The size of the flaps ranged from 10 cm × 8 cm to 16 cm × 15 cm. Skin defects at donor site were repaired with spl it thickness skin graft or sutured directly. Results All patients were followed up from 8 months to 9 years with an average of 18 months. The flaps survived well and the wounds healed by first intention in 29 cases, 3 flaps necrosed and cured after symptomatic management. Skin graft at donor site survived completely in 9 cases. The color and texture and thickness of the flaps were similar to those of recipient site. After 6 months, the sensation of the flaps recovered to grade S3-4 in 14 patients whose cutaneous nerve were anastomosed, partial recovery was observed in other patients. In 4 patients receiving transplantation of fibular or il ium, the bony heal ing was achieved within 4 to 6 months. No obvious dysfunction was found at the donor site. Conclusion The pedicle anterolateral thigh perforator flap is long and thick with constant location. Anastomosis or transferring is easy to perform. It can provide big area and feel ing recovery by nerve anastomosis. It is an effective method to repair soft tissue defect of the extremities.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the surgical methods and cl inical results of reconstructing soft tissue defects in distal dorsal is pedis with distally based medial dorsal neurocutaneous flap on foot. Methods From January 2004 to July 2007, 11 cases of soft tissue defects in distal dorsal is pedis were treated with the distally based medial dorsal neurocutaneousflap on foot, including 8 males and 3 females aged 18-55 years. Nine cases were caused by crash and 2 cases were caused by traffic accident. There were 4 cases of tendon exposure and skin defects in the distal dorsal is pedis, 6 cases of bone exposure and skin defects in and adjacent to the first metatarsal head and 1 case of bone exposure and skin defects in the distal dorsal is pedis due to the third and fourth toe damage. The area of defects ranged from 3 cm × 3 cm to 7 cm × 5 cm. Distally based medial dorsal neurocutaneous flaps on foot were incised to repair the soft tissue defects and the size of the flaps ranged from 4 cm × 4 cm to 8 cm × 6 cm. Thickness skin graft was appl ied to repair donor site. Results All the flaps survived and all wounds healed by first intention. Skin graft in donor site survived completely in 10 cases and survived partly in 1 cases (heal ing was achieved after the flap above lateral malleolus was used to repair). All cases were followed up for 6 months-1 year. The color, texture and thickness of the flaps were similar to those of recipient site. All patients returned to their normal weight-bearing walking. No skin ulceration in flaps and donor site was observed. Conclusion The operative technique of the distally based medial dorsal neurocutaneous flap on foot is simple, convenient and safe. The distally based flap is effective in repairing soft tissue defects of middle and small sized skin and soft tissue defects in distal dorsal is pedis.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:19 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 拇指软组织缺损的修复

    目的 探讨不同类型拇指软组织缺损的修复方法。方法 2003年1月~2005年1月,对23例外伤性拇指软组织缺损患者采用单纯或联合食指背侧岛状皮瓣、拇指桡侧指动脉逆行岛状皮瓣、指动脉侧方岛状皮瓣、趾腹皮瓣及足母甲皮瓣移植术治疗。 结果 术后皮瓣全部成活,均获随访6~24个月。皮瓣血运、外观、质地均良好,拇指活动、对掌功能及皮肤感觉均恢复良好。 结论 不同皮瓣对于拇指软组织缺损修复有其适应证。手术时皮瓣选取适宜、设计合理,可以最小的创伤获得最佳的拇指修复效果。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:19 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 带腓肠神经营养血管的筋膜皮瓣修复下肢软组织缺损

    目的 观察带腓肠神经营养血管的筋膜皮瓣修复下肢软组织缺损的效果。方法 1998年1月~2005年3月,对23例小腿下段胫前、足踝部创伤致软组织缺损、烧伤后的瘢痕及溃疡切除术后软组织缺损患者,采用带腓肠神经营养血管的筋膜皮瓣进行修复。病程2个月~12年。皮瓣切取范围4.5 cm×3.5 cm~13.0 cm×9.0 cm。结果 23例皮瓣全部成活,随访6~24个月,皮瓣质地优良,外观及功能满意,无继发溃疡,耐磨损。结论 带腓肠神经营养血管的筋膜皮瓣切取简便,血供丰富且不牺牲主要动脉,可有效地修复小腿下1/3、踝关节及足跟部软组织缺损。

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:19 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of the Clinical Efficacy of Etofenamate Gel in Patients with Chronic Trauma of Locomotion System

    ObjectiveTo analyze the clinical efficacy of etofenamate gel in patients with chronic trauma of locomotion system. MethodsRandomized parallel-controlled trial was conducted. From September 2011 to March 2012, 120 patients who were diagnosed with chronic trauma of locomotion system were divided into two groups. One was etofenamate gel group (group A), and the other was diclofenac sodium cream group (group B). Treatment course was two weeks. ResultsAfter two weeks of therapy, the effective rate of etofenamate gel was 85.0%, and of diclofenac sodium cream was 83.3%. The difference between etofenamate gel and diclofenac sodium cream had no statistical significance. Two drugs had similar efficacy in treating chronic trauma of locomotion system. Two patients in the etofenamate gel group and three in the diclofenac sodium cream group had very slight adverse reactions. ConclusionEtofenamate gel is effective in patients with chronic trauma of locomotion system, and the efficacy is similar with diclofenac sodium cream. It is particularly suitable for patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

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    ObjectiveTo investigate the feasibility of the free descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery perforator tissue flap (fascia flap plus skin flap) to repair large soft tissue defects of the extremities and its impact on the donor site. MethodsBetween January 2013 and February 2015, 9 cases of large tissue defects of the extremities were repaired with the free descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery perforator tissue flap. There were 8 males and 1 female, aged from 13 to 56 years (median, 36 years). The causes included traffic accident injury in 6 cases and crushing injury by heavy object in 3 cases. Soft tissue defect located at the lower limbs in 7 cases and at the upper limbs in 2 cases, including 2 cases of simple tendon exposure, 2 cases of simple bone exposure, and 5 cases of tendon and bone exposure. After debridement, the soft tissue defect area ranged from 13 cm×7 cm to 20 cm×18 cm. The tissue flaps ranged from 14 cm×8 cm to 23 cm×19 cm. The donor site was directly sutured, scalp graft was used to cover the fascia flap. ResultsAfter operation, partial necrosis of the skin grafting on the fascia flap occurred in 2 cases and healed after dressing change. Arterial crisis occurred in 1 case and the flap survived after anastomosis. The other tissue flaps survived and wounds healed by first intention. The skin grafting healed by first intention in 7 cases, by second intention in 2 cases. The patients were followed up 4-24 months (mean, 10 months). The appearance and function of the tissue flaps were satisfactory, only linear scar was observed at the donor site, which had less damage and no effect on walking. ConclusionFree descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery perforator tissue flap can repair large soft tissue defect of the extremities. The donor site can be sutured directly, which reduces damage to donor site and is accord with the principle of plastic surgery.

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  • 指动脉皮支皮瓣修复手指皮肤缺损

    目的总结应用指动脉皮支皮瓣修复手指软组织缺损的方法及效果。 方法2008年8月-2014年8月,以指动脉皮支供血设计切取皮瓣修复2~5指软组织缺损52例65指,其中男36例,女16例;年龄18~66岁,平均39.6岁。创面缺损范围10 mm×6 mm~26 mm×22 mm。受伤至手术时间2~10 h,平均6.5 h。皮瓣切取范围13 mm×10 mm~30 mm×25 mm。 结果4例皮瓣有水疱形成,1例皮瓣远端皮缘坏死,均经相应处理后愈合;其余皮瓣均成活,切口Ⅰ期愈合。供区创面植皮Ⅰ期愈合。47例58指获随访,随访时间6~25个月,平均14.3个月。术后皮瓣外观及感觉良好,皮瓣感觉恢复达S3;两点辨别觉6~10 mm,平均7.8 mm。手指功能恢复满意,按手指总主动活动度(TAM)法评定获优39指,良17指,可2指,优良率96.6%。供区无瘢痕挛缩、肌腱粘连等并发症发生。 结论指动脉皮支皮瓣不牺牲主要血管、血供可靠,操作简便、安全,术后效果满意,是修复手指皮肤软组织缺损较理想方法。

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    ObjectiveTo explore the effectiveness and operation of repairing multiple soft tissue defects in hands with lateral arm lobulated flaps. MethodBetween October 2013 and September 2015, 13 cases of multiple soft tissue defects in the hand with tendon or bone exposure were treated with lateral arm lobulated flaps. All patients were males with average age of 28 years (range, 23-45 years). Defects were caused by penetrating injury in 7 cases, traffic accident injury in 3 cases, and hot-crush injury in 3 cases. Six patients had skin defect of the left 2 fingers after opening finger amputation, and 7 patients had skin defect of the palm and the back after hand injury. The size of skin defects ranged from 6 cm×5 cm to 9 cm×6 cm. All patients underwent emergency debridement and two-stage repair; the duration from injury to operation was 5-9 days (mean, 7 days). The size of flap was 6 cm×5 cm-9 cm×6 cm. ResultsAll flaps survived completely, with no vascular crisis. Primary healing was obtained at donor and recipient sites, and the grafted skin survived. All cases were followed up 3-24 months (mean, 12 months). The appearance and texture of the flaps were similar to those of adjacent skin. Bulky flap was observed in 4 cases, and second stage operation was performed to make the flap thinner at 3 months after operation. The sensation of flap reached S3-S4. ConclusionsThe lateral arm lobulated flap based on the radial collateral artery has constant vascular anatomy, easy-to-harvest, and large rotation angle. It is an effective procedure to repair small and medium size skin defects of the hand with satisfied texture and sensory recovery.

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  • Retrospective analysis of wound outpatient cases from a tertiay hospital of Leshan City

    ObjectiveTo explore the epidemiological characteristics and analyze the related diagnosis and treatment information of wound outpatient cases in a tertiay hospital in Leshan City.MethodsThe data of cases admitted to the wound clinic in a tertiary hospital of Leshan City between January 1st, 2017 and December 31st, 2019 were retrospectively collected. The SPSS software was used for statistical analyses in terms of basic patient information, wound type and dressing use, number of visits and expenses.ResultsA total of 10 880 cases were enrolled. The average age of the patients treated was (45.23±13.45) years old. Patients from the Central District, where the hospital was located in, accounted for the highest proportion (38.63%). The proportion of acute skin and soft tissue injuries was higher than that of chronic skin and soft tissue injuries (62.51% vs. 37.49%). According to the proportions from high to low, the top three chronic skin and soft tissue injuries were postoperative refractory wounds (19.63%), skin and soft tissue infections (3.90%), and stoma complications (3.04%), respectively. A total of 22 937 functional wound dressings were used, of which non-woven outer dressings accounted for 47.52%. Patients with acute skin and soft tissue injuries had a higher healing rate compared with those with chronic skin and soft tissue injuries (96.65% vs. 43.03%, P<0.05). The type of skin and soft tissue injuries with the most visits was cancerous wound [the median (lower quartile, upper quartile) was 68 (35, 121) visits], and the one with the least visits was acute skin and soft tissue injuries [the median (lower quartile, upper quartile) was 2 (1, 7) visits].ConclusionsAs the distance between residence and hospital grows, the number of patients decreases, suggesting that the specialized nursing assistance has achieved initial results in remote areas, but the task of assistance in surrounding areas is still heavy. The type of skin and soft tissue injuries is changing under the concept of enhanced recovery after surgery, and wound care plays an important role in the recovery of patients after surgery. The concept of wet healing and new dressings to promote wound healing are widely used, but still need to be further popularized among patients and medical staff. For chronic wounds that are more expensive to treat, it is necessary to formulate comprehensive treatment plans such as wound treatment, psychological support, and systemic nutrition to promote healing.

    Release date:2021-05-19 02:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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