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find Keyword "颅内感染" 15 results
  • Epidemiology of Intracranial Infection after Craniotomy: A Meta-analysis

    目的 总结近十年来颅脑手术后颅内感染的发病率、病死率及病原菌谱,为制订预防颅内感染措施提供依据。 方法 检索中国学术期刊网全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数据库、重庆维普中文科技期刊全文数据库,并辅以文献追溯、手工检索等方法收集2001年-2012年国内正式刊物上公开发表的有关颅脑手术后颅内感染的中文文献。并对颅脑手术后颅内感染的流行病学调查资料进行Meta分析。 结果 共有27篇论文进入Meta分析,其中,25篇论文用于颅脑手术后颅内感染发病率的统计。共调查40 343例,发生颅内感染1 712例,感染率为4.24%。6篇论文提供了开颅术后颅内感染死亡的数据,在268例颅内感染患者中死亡39例,病死率为14.55%。15篇论文统计显示,颅内感染细菌培养阳性率为54.48%;15篇论文给出细菌培养结果,其中金黄色葡萄球菌占23.16%,表皮葡萄球菌占17.85%,铜绿假单胞菌占8.85%,大肠埃希菌占8.70%。 结论 国内颅脑手术后颅内感染以G+球菌为主,病原菌分布相对集中,临床上应予以重视。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 亚低温治疗仪在颅内感染伴高热患者临床护理中的应用

    目的 探讨颅内感染伴高热患者应用亚低温治疗仪进行降温治疗的临床护理。 方法 回顾性分析2009年6月-2011年9月收治的89例颅内感染伴高热患者的临床资料,总结在降温治疗过程中,应用亚低温治疗仪的方法、疗效及护理观察。 结果 89例患者在抗感染治疗的同时使用亚低温治疗仪辅助降温治疗2~14 d,平均5.4 d。其中在4 h内降至设定温度者24例,在5~8 h降至设定温度者34例,在9~12 h降至设定温度者30例,1例隐球菌脑膜炎高热患者,因感染未得到有效控制,使用亚低温治疗仪后,体温下降不理想,病情无明显好转,患者自动出院。降温总有效率98.8%。 结论 颅内感染伴高热患者在抗感染治疗的基础上配合使用亚低温治疗仪治疗,能有效控制高热患者的体温,避免继发性颅内损伤及伴内环境紊乱,从而降低患者死亡率,提高护理质量,加快疾病的康复和防止并发症的发生。

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • A Clinical analysis of Lumbar Drainage of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Treating Intracranial Infection

     方法 2008年9月-2009年11月,将20例颅脑外伤后颅内感染患者分为脑脊液外引流组和抗生素组各10例,外引流组进行持续腰池置管脑脊液外引流,定期取引流脑脊液进行常规和生化检查;抗生素组采用静脉抗生素治疗。对两组颅内感染情况进行对比分析。 结果 外引流组经持续腰池置管脑脊液外引流治疗后,颅内感染临床症状明显缓解,脑脊液有核细胞数和脑脊液微量蛋白含量显著降低、脑脊液葡萄糖和氯化物浓度升高(Plt;0.05)。治疗10 d后,外引流组体温、脑脊液有核细胞数、脑脊液微量蛋白含量、脑脊液葡萄糖和氯化物浓度的改善程度明显优于抗生素组(Plt;0.05)。 结论 持续腰池置管脑脊液外引流治疗颅内感染具有安全性高、操作简便、观察颅内感染情况方便的优点,可作为颅内感染可靠治疗手段。【Abstract】 Objective To observe the efficacy of continuous lumbar drainage of cerebrospinal fluid via a lumbar catheter in treating intracranial infection. Methods From September 2008 to November 2009, 20 patients with intracranial infection after head trauma were enrolled in this study. Ten of them, classified as the external drainage group, sustained continuous external lumbar drainage of cerebrospinal fluid. The cerebrospinal fluid was obtained regularly for routine and biochemical examination. The other 10 patients were categorized as the antibiotics group. They only accepted intravenous antibiotic therapy. Results For the patients in the external drainage goup, after continuous external lumbar drainage of cerebrospinal fluid, their clinical symptoms of intracranial infection were significantly alleviated and the number of nucleated cells and protein content in the cerebrospinal fluid decreased significantly, while the glucose and chloride concentrations increased significantly (Plt;0.05). After 10 days of treatment, the patients in the external drainage group were superior to those in the antibiotics group in improvement of the body temperature, the number of nucleated cells and protein content, glucose and chloride concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid (Plt;0.05). Conclusion Continuous lumbar drainage of cerebrospinal fluid is simple and safe. It provides an easy way of monitoring the intracranial infection and can be a reliable treatment.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Value of Serum Low Sodium Low Chlorine in the Diagnosis of Adult Intracranial Infection


    Release date:2016-09-08 09:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 肺奴卡菌病伴颅内感染一例并文献复习

    临床资料 患者男性, 43 岁, 务工。因“咳嗽、咳痰、发热1 个多月, 加重1 周”于2012 年11 月18日入院。患者主要表现为受凉后出现咳嗽、咳大量黄色脓痰、发热( 初始38 ~39 ℃, 之后进展至39 ~41 ℃) 。因院外反复抗生素治疗后症状无缓解入我院。病后精神睡眠差, 体温升高后进食差, 大小便未见异常, 体重明显减轻。既往史: 1 年前因水肿、血尿、蛋白尿于外院诊断“肾炎”, 2 个多月前开始“口服强的松60 mg”, 此次病后逐渐减量至入院前6 d停药。吸烟指数10 包年, 30 年饮酒史( 250 g/ d) 。否认冶游史, 婚育、家族史无特殊。......

    Release date:2016-09-13 03:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Analysis of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Complicated with Intracranial Infection and the Nursing Countermeasures

    ObjectiveTo analyze the clinical characteristics of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) complicated with intracranial infection and to explore the nursing countermeasures. MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed the clinical features, laboratory examination indexes, and nursing methods of 12 AIDS patients complicated with intracranial infection between January and December 2010. ResultsIn the 12 patients, 8 were male, 4 were female; 11 were married and 1 was unmarried. The first symptom of headache occurred in 8 patients, and feverin 4 patients. Detection of HIV-1P24 antigen in all the 12 patients with HIV was positive for nucleic acid analysis. After treatment and symptomatic care, 3 cases were cured, 3 quit the treatment voluntarily, 2 improved patients were transferred to a higher-level hospital, 3 patients were readmitted to our hospital after improvement of the situation, and 1 patient died. ConclusionThe most common symptom of AIDS was neural disease. The diagnosis should be based on clinical manifestations, and the epidemiological data should be used as reference. At the same time, attention should be paid to the admission assessment and good occupation protection, health education promotion, improvement of patients' quality of life, and reduction of the incidence of complications and mortality rate.

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  • Occult Cerebral Alveolar Echinococcosis with Liver and Lung Infection: A Case Report and the Literatures Review

    ObjectiveTo summarize the clinical features of an adult patient with occult cerebral alveolar echinococcosis with liver and lung infection. MethodsA Tibetan male patient in his middle age from the epidemic area of echinococcosis infection was diagnosed to have liver, lung and cerebral alveolar echinococcosis infection in Ganzi People's Hospital. He had the resection surgery, and the pathological result confirmed the primary diagnosis. We searched the literatures from January 1985 to December 2015 for occult cerebral alveolar echinococcosis and reviewed all the full texts in China Journal Full-text Database. Seventeen articles were qualified and 42 patients were reported. Combining with the relevant English literature using Medline, we analyzed the epidemic, pathophysiological and clinical manifestations of cerebral alveolar echinococcosis infection and explored the methods of prevention and treatment. ResultsAccording to the results of literature analysis, cerebral alveolar echinococcosis appeared often secondary to infection of other organs. Nervous system symptom concealed or progressed slowly; imaging and pathological tests were important for diagnosis. Resection surgery was the essential method of cure. ConclusionAlveolar echinococcosis can affect multiple organs. In patients without neurological symptoms, if other organs are found to be infected, it is important to screen patients with intracranial involvement. Because this kind of patients with intracranial lesions with hydatid are often secondary to other organ infection, active treatment in early phase is necessary in order to avoid further expansion of lesions and metastasis.

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  • 犬巴斯德菌致颅内感染一例

    Release date:2016-10-02 04:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 开颅手术术前皮肤准备时机对颅内感染的影响

    目的 探讨开颅手术术前皮肤准备的时机对颅内感染的影响。 方法 回顾性分析 2014 年 8 月—10 月四川大学华西医院神经外科行择期开颅手术的588例患者的颅内感染临床资料。2014 年 8 月 1 日—9 月 10 日入院患者(对照组,n=266)于术前 2 h 进行皮肤准备,2014 年 9 月 11 日—10 月 31 日入院患者(观察组,n=322)于术前 20 min 进行皮肤准备,两组均加之综合管理措施。比较两组患者术后颅内感染率。 结果 观察组的颅内感染率(7.45%)明显低于对照组的颅内感染率(13.16%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 与术前 2 h 进行皮肤准备的患者相比,结合综合手术管理措施,术前 20 min 进行皮肤准备的患者颅内感染率更低,适合临床应用。

    Release date:2017-01-18 08:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical features of in-patients with first seizure in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture: a retrospective analysis

    Objective This study aimed to provide data about the clinical features of first seizure in the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture to improve the strategies for epilepsy prevention and control in this region. Methods We reviewed the clinical record of patients with first seizure in Neurology Department, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture People’s Hospital between January 2015 and October 2017 and summarised their clinical features. Results One hundred and one patients were included in this study with the average age of (43.0±18.4) years. Twenty-nine cases were diagnosed as statusepilepticus, 5 (17.2%) of whom died in 30 days. Among the 45 patients diagnosed with acute symptomatic seizure, 22 cases (48.9%) were caused by cerebral infection, including neurocysticercosis (n=4, 8.9%), tuberculous infection (n=8, 17.7%) and viral infection (n=7, 15.6%). Other causes of acute symptomatic seizure included cerebrovascular diseases (n=13, 28.8%), high altitude (n=3, 6.7%) and alcohol related or alcohol withdrawl (n=3, 6.7%). Conclutions These data suggest that the control of cerebral infections is essential for the prevention and treatment of seizures in the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Education of local primary doctors about status epilepticus will enable better management of seizures in this population.

    Release date:2018-05-22 02:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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