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find Keyword "骨科" 78 results
  • Status Survey on Orthopaedic Inpatient’s Disease and Cost Constitution of the Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu during 2008-2010

    Objective To investigate the orthopaedic inpatients’ disease and cost constitution of the Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu during 2008-2010, so as to provide detailed baseline data for further research on the factorial analysis of disease burden and effective intervention. Methods The medical records of inpatients in orthopaedic department of the hospital during 2008-2010 were collected, and the diseases based on the first diagnosis on discharge records were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Results During 2008 to 2010, the total number of inpatients increased year by year. Most of the male inpatients were the young and middle-aged, while the female were the old. The rank order of top 5 systematic diseases didn’t change, while there were 6 single diseases kept ranking as top 10 in those 3 years. The average cost per capita averagely grew by 8.97%. The top 3 constitution of hospitalization cost remained the same, which were material cost, drug cost, and treatment cost; while the top 3 payment modes of hospitalization cost were patient’s own expense, social security, and public expense. Among those payment modes, social security rose obviously, and patient’s own expense reduced generally. Conclusion a) The total number of inpatients increases yearly during 2008-2010, and the gender and age distribution of inpatients are tending towards stability. b) The spectrum of disease and single diseases classified according to the one-level code of ICD-10 are relatively stable in those 3 years; of which the top ranked disease is lumbar disc herniation, and the disease with most obviously rising trend is intertrochanteric fracturethe. c) The hospitalization cost per capita rises year by year, of which the constituent ratio of both material and examination costs grow obviously, but the operation, treatment and bed costs are still lower. It requires a multi-pronged approach to control the increase of hospitalization cost as well as the rationalization of cost constitution. d) Among all payment modes of hospitalization cost, the constituent ratio of patient’s own expense reduces year by year, while social security rises, indicating the medical security in national social security has been further expanded.

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  • 综合预防老年下肢手术深静脉血栓的临床观察

    目的 探讨采用综合措施预防老年下肢骨科手术后深静脉血栓的临床疗效。 方法 对2009年1月-2010年12月间收治的116例行下肢骨科手术患者,其中男41例,女75例;年龄65~94岁,平均77.8岁。术后采用下肢关节收缩运动、间歇性空气压力波治疗仪、低分子肝素钙等综合措施预防术后深静脉血栓。 结果 术后1周经二维彩色超声检查,发生股静脉上段周围型血栓2例,腘静脉血栓1例,发生率2.6%。随访12个月以上患者血栓未脱落、长大,下肢也无明显肿胀。 结论 采用综合措施预防老年患者下肢骨科手术后深静脉血栓,方法简便、疗效可靠。

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    Objective To study digitize design of custom-made radial head prosthesis and to verify its matching precision by the surgery of preoperative three-dimensional (3-D) virtual replacement. Methods Six healthy adult volunteers (3 males and 3 females, aged 25-55 years with an average of 33 years) received slice scan of bilateral elbow by Speed Light 16-slice spiral CT. The CT Dicom data were imported into Mimics 10.0 software individually for 3-D reconstruction image, and the left proximal radial 3-D image was extracted, the mirror of the image was generated and it was split into 2 pieces: the head and the neck. The internal diameter and the length of the radial neck were obtained by Mimics 10.0 software measurement tools. In Geomagic Studio 12 software, the radial head was simulated to cover the cartilage surface (1 mm thickness) and generated to an entity. In UG NX 8.0 software, the stem of prosthesis was designed according to the parameters above and assembled head entity. Each custom-made prosthesis was performed and verified its matching precision by the surgery of preoperative 3-D virtual replacement. Results Comparing the morphology of 6 digitize custom-made prostheses with ipsilateral radial heads by the 3-D virtual surgery, the error was less than 1 mm. The radial head prosthesis design on basis of the contralateral anatomy was verified excellent matching. Conclusion The 3-D virtual surgery test and the digitized custom-made radial head prosthesis will be available for clinical accurate replacement.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To develope a modified surgical lavage tube to improve the efficacy of the treatment of orthopaedic postoperative infection. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on 126 patients who received the pulsed lavage therapy with side-hole double valve lavage tube between March 2005 and March 2010. There were 98 males and28 females, aged 19-63 years (mean, 35 years). The infected sites included femur in 61 cases, tibiofibula in 46 cases, humerus in 12 cases, and patella in 7 cases. The lavage tube obstruction and defluvium, secondary infection of drainage opening, and wound heal ing were observed during treatment. Results No lavage tube defluvium occured during the lavage in all cases. Lavage tube obstruction occurred in 68 cases, edema at the peri pheral tissue was caused by obstruction in 9 cases; secondary infection at the lavage and drainage opening in 10 cases, which were cured after corresponding treatment. All cases achieved wound healing by first intention within 2 weeks. Lavage tube and drainage opening were closed within 1 month. All patients were followed up 1-5 years (mean, 18 months) with no recurrence. Conclusion Pulsed lavage therapy with side-hole double valve lavage tube can obviously improve the efficacy of the treatment of orthopaedic postoperative infection, so it is an effective modification to convention lavage.

    Release date:2016-08-31 04:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To investigate the early diagnosis of lower l imb deep vein thrombosis (DVT) after major orthopedic surgeries. Methods From October 2005 to June 2009, color doppler sonography and hemorheology detection were carried out for 62 cases undergoing first total hip arthroplasty (THA), 14 cases undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA), and 86 cases undergoing hip fractures surgery (HFS) before operation and 1, 7, 14 days after operation. The plasma D-dimerlevels of the DVT were also examined for the THA patients before operation and 3 days after operation. Of all cases, therewere 89 males and 73 females, aged from 34 to 74 years (51.5 years on average). After operation, all the patients were treated with the regular low molecular weight heparin sodium against DVT. Results After operation, 17 cases (10.5%) developed DVT, including 8 THA cases, 1 TKA case, and 8 HFS cases. Preoperative color doppler sonography showed no abnormal echo, normal b blood flow signal, and normal periodical variation in vein blood flow without regurgitation. Postoperative examinations showed that the vascular occlusion of common femoral vein and popl iteal vein occurred in DVT patients. There were significant differences (P lt; 0.05) in whole blood viscosity between patients with DVT and without DVT after 1, 14 days and no significant difference (P gt; 0.05) before operation and 7 days after operation. There was no significant difference (P gt; 0.05) in plasma viscosity and erythrocyte aggregation index, between patients with DVT and without DVT pre- and postoperation. There was significant difference (P lt; 0.05) in erythrocyte deformation index between patients with DVT and without DVT 14 days after operation. The preoperative plasma D-dimer levels of patients with DVT and without DVT were (372.00 ± 148.62) ng/mL and (369.00 ± 141.03) ng/mL, respectively, showing no significant difference (P gt; 0.05); the 3 days postoperatively levels were (574.00 ± 217.29) ng/mL and (391.00 ± 120.16) ng/mL, respectively, showing significant difference (P lt; 0.05). Conclusion Color doppler sonography in combination of hemorheology and plasma D-dimer examination can be beneficial for the early diagnosis of DVT in major orthopedic surgeries.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:48 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the appl ication and significance of computer assisted orthopedicsurgery(CAOS) in orthopedic trauma surgery. Methods In orthopedic trauma surgery, the appl ication status of CAOS was?analysed and the related problems were summarized. Results At present, CAOS is seldom used to reduce fractures but frequently used to insert internal fixation devices and reconstruct the cruciate l igament in orthopedic trauma surgery. And the studies have shown its superiority. During CAOS appl ication, surgeons should pay attention to some problems such as the disadvantages, cl inical evaluation, the roles of the surgeons and correct micro-traumatic concept. Conclusion CAOS is very important and cannot be replaced in orthopedic trauma minimal invasion surgery and surgeons should pay attention to some important related problems to make it develop successfully in the study of CAOS.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    To introduce the current situation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and its appl ication in orthopedics field. Methods The latest l iterature was reviewed, concerning the preparations of PRP, physiological mechanism and the latest appl ications in orthopedics field. Results PRP represent a new biotechnology for the stimulation and acceleration of tissue heal ing and bone regeneration. To succeed, some of the challenges need to be addressed including standardization and definition of the different PRP preparations, the complete characterization of the platelet released factors and proteins. Furthermore, well-designed studies and cl inical trials are needed to evaluate the potential therapeutic impact ofPRP. Conclusion PRP provides a novel appl ication for orthopedics field.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:14 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Evidencebased medicine (EBM) is different fromtraditional medicine in that the practice of EBM comes from evidence and experience of the doctors. The objective evidence plays a key role in clinical practice. During the clinical teaching process, the following steps should be taken: firstly, the students should find a problem in their clinical practice; then, theyshould search for the evidence with the help of their teachers, evaluate the evidence, apply the evidence to the clinical practice, and solve the problem; finally, they should evaluate the effectiveness. An introduction of the principles and methods of EBM to the clinical practice can greatly improve the students’ ability to analyze and solve a clinical problem.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    Objective To introduce the research update of microencapsulation and its application in orthopedics. Methods Recent articlesconcerned were extensively reviewed. Results Drugs and cells modified by genecould be encapsulated in different materials and be implanted in vivo avoiding a host immune system rejection. It act as a continuous source of desired medicine for enhancement of bone healing, the treatment of bone tumor and bone infection, and the regeneration of bone and cartilage. Conclusion Microencapsulation can be used asa carrier for drugs and cells modified gene to treat related disease in orthopedics.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:28 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Status Survey on Inpatient’s Disease and Cost Constitution of the Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu in 2009

    Objective To investigate the inpatient’s disease and cost constitution of the Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu in 2009, so as to provide baseline data for further research. Methods The case records of inpatients in the Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu in 2009 were collected, and based on the first diagnose, the diseases were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). The data including general information of the inpatients, discharge diagnosis and hospitalization expense etc. were rearranged and analyzed using Excel software. Results a) The total number of inpatients was 1 220, and male was more than female. The disease spectrum included 12 categories. b) A total of 1 093 inpatients suffered from the top 3 systematic diseases as follows: trauma and toxicosis, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders, and the factors affecting health and resulting from contact with health care institutions. Except the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders, the other 2 systematic diseases were mostly seen in male rather than in female. c) According to ICD-10, the top 9 diseases of trauma and toxicosis were injuries to the wrist and hand, injuries to the hip and thigh, injuries to the knee and lower leg, injuries to the shoulder and upper arm, injuries to the lower back, lumbar spine and pelvis, injuries to the elbow and forearm, injuries to the thorax, injuries to the neck and injuries to the ankle and foot; the top 4 diseases in musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders were dorsopathies, soft tissue disorders, arthrosis, and osteopathies and chondropathies; among the factors affecting health and resulting from contact with health care institutions, removal of fracture fixation device. d) According to ICD-10 (list of three-digit catalogue and four-digit sub-catalogue), the top 5 single diseases in trauma and toxicosis were muscle and tendon injuries of the wrist and hand, intertrochanteric frature, fracture of the femoral neck, fracture of the tibia and fibula, and fracture of the lumbar spine; the top 5 single diseases in musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders were lumbar disc herniation, spondylosis, arthrosis of the knee, osteoporosis with pathological fracture, and osteonecrosis. e) The average hospital stay were 23.55 days, and the average cost per capita were 13 073.73 yuan which were constituted by material cost, drug cost including western and Chinese medicines, treatment expenses including blood transfusion fee, operation expenses including anesthetic fee, examination expenses including radiation fee and laboratory fee, bed fee and others. The inpatient costs were mainly at patient’s own expense, nearly a half of those expenses were paid by social security, and public medical care only accounted for less than 3% of the total payment. Conclusion In 2009: a) The male inpatients were mainly the young and middle-aged, and the female were the elderly. The main 3 systematic diseases were trauma and toxicosis, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders, and the factors affecting health and resulting from contact with health care institutions. Except the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders, the other 2 systematic diseases were mostly seen in male rather than in female. b) The top 3 single diseases were lumbar disc herniation, muscle and tendon injuries of the wrist and hand, and intertrochanteric fracture. Except lumbar disc herniation, the other 2 single diseases were mostly seen in male rather than in female. c) The average hospital stay was 23.55 days. The overall costs were mainly constituted by material and drug cost (59.25%), with rationality worthy of attention. d) Inpatient costs were mainly at patient’s own expense or paid by social security, and the proportion of public medical care was low in the payment.

    Release date:2016-09-07 10:58 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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