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find Author "CHENG Chao" 5 results

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of repairing postoperative soft tissue defects of tibia and ankle open fractures with muscle flap pedicled with medial half of soleus. Methods From February 1998 to January 2009, 15male patients with postoperative soft tissue defects of internal fixation for tibia and ankle open fractures were treated. Their age was 18-54 years old (average 32 years old). The injury was caused by traffic accident in 13 cases and hit of heavy objects in 2 cases. The injury was in the left side in 9 cases and the right side in 6 cases. The soft tissue was necrotic and combined with purulent secretion. All patients presented with exposure of bone and steel plate. The soft tissue defect was located on the upper-segment of tibia in 2 cases, the middle and lower-segments of tibia in 9 cases, and the ankle in 4 cases. The size of the defect was 5 cm × 4 cm- 13 cm × 6 cm. The time from the internal fixation to the operation was 3-6 months (average 4 months). The method of anterograde transposition of muscle flap pedicled with medial half of soleus was used to repair the defects in 2 cases, and the method of retrograde transposition was appl ied to repair the defects in 13 cases. The muscle flap harvested during operation was 5 cm × 4 cm- 13 cm × 5 cm in size. The muscle flap was covered with spl it thickness skin graft (2.5 cm × 1.5 cm-10.0 cm × 5.0 cm) of femoribusinternus in 14 cases, and island flap with nutritional vessel pedicle of sural nerve (7 cm × 6 cm) in 1 case. Results One case had skin graft necrosis 5 days after operation and healed after re-debridement, vacuum seal ing drainage, and dermatoplasty. For the rest 14 patients, the incision all healed by first intention, and the skin graft, skin flaps, and muscle flaps were all survived. All wounds of the donor sites healed by first intention. Thirteen patients were followed up for 6 months to 8 years (average 3 years). The grafted skin presented with good wearabil ity and without ulceration and overstaffed appearance. At the final follow-up, the activity range of ankle was 5-10° in extension and 10-15° in flexion, and the gait was abnormal. Conclusion Muscle flap pedicled with medial half of soleus transposition is easy to be operated with a big rotating arc, can fill the narrow cavity and repair the soft tissue defect simultaneously, and provide flat and non-bloated postoperative incision with minor donor-site injury. It is one of the effective methods of repairing the postoperative soft tissue defect after internal fixation of tibia and ankle open fractures.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:08 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Lung transplantation for lung cancer: History, status, and future

    Lung cancer is the most prevalent malignant tumor worldwide. For patients with multiple pulmonary metastases or compromised lung function, achieving complete tumor resection is challenging, and the prognosis is often poor. Lung transplantation has shown potential therapeutic value in the complete removal of tumors, improving lung function, and enhancing the quality of life for these patients. The advancement of tumor detection technologies such as PET-CT and ctDNA, along with comprehensive treatment strategies for lung cancer, provides powerful tools for the precise prediction of tumor recurrence and treatment outcomes following lung transplantation. The feasibility of lung transplantation for lung cancer is receiving increasing attention. This article will review the history and clinical management of lung transplantation in the context of lung cancer.

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    Objective To investigate the effectiveness of a double-tsuge suture method with absorbable polydioxanone-cord (PDS-II) in repair of Achilles tendon ruptures. Methods Between January 2005 and December 2008, 36 patients suffering from Achilles tendon ruptures were treated operatively. Of 36 patients, there were 29 males and 7 females with a mean age of 36 years (range, 21-50 years), including 22 cases of acute closed injuries, 6 cases of fresh open injuries (the time between injury and hospital ization was 1-10 days, mean 6 days), and 8 cases of old closed injuries (the time between injury and hospital ization was 43-63 days, mean 51 days). The injury reasons were sport injury (25 cases), incisedinjury (6 cases), fall ing injury (4 cases), and other (1 case). The results of “heel test” and the Thompson sign were positive in all patients. Operation was performed by using a double-tsuge suture method with a No. 0 PDS-II. After the ankle joint was fixed with short leg plaster cast at 30° plantar flexion position for 6 weeks, the cast was removed and then functional exercises were done. Results Poor heal ing of incision occurred in 2 cases of old Achilles tendon ruptures and was cured after symptomatic treatment; heal ing of incision by first intention was achieved in the others. The patients were followed up 12 to 24 months (mean, 15 months). No rerupture, deep venous thromboembol ism, or reflex sympathetic dystrophy occurred during follow-up. When compared with the range of motion of ankle joint of normal side, 7 cases had no change, 16 cases had a loss of 1-10°, 12 cases had a loss of 10-20°, and 1 case had a loss of 25°. The average score was 90 (range, 74-96) according to Termann cl inical evaluation criterion; the results were excellent in 24 cases, good in 11 cases, and fair in 1 case, and the excellent and good rate was 97.2%. Conclusion The double-tsuge suture method is easy-to-operate, which has the smallest interference to the blood supply of Achilles tendon because of no crossing or transversal intratendon suture. PDSII can provide highly b stabil ity, furthermore, it can be degenerated completely with tiny foreign body reaction, so there is no tendency to develope local adhesion. This technique achieves good results and is associated with a low morbidity of compl ications.

    Release date:2016-08-31 05:42 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Differentiation of autoimmune pancreatitis and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma based on multi-modality texture features in 18F-FDG PET/CT

    Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a unique subtype of chronic pancreatitis, which shares many clinical presentations with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA). The misdiagnosis of AIP often leads to unnecessary pancreatic resection. 18F-FDG positron emission tomography/ computed tomography (PET/CT) could provide comprehensive information on the morphology, density, and functional metabolism of the pancreas at the same time. It has been proved to be a promising modality for noninvasive differentiation between AIP and PDA. However, there is a lack of clinical analysis of PET/CT image texture features. Difficulty still remains in differentiating AIP and PDA based on commonly used diagnostic methods. Therefore, this paper studied the differentiation of AIP and PDA based on multi-modality texture features. We utilized multiple feature extraction algorithms to extract the texture features from CT and PET images at first. Then, the Fisher criterion and sequence forward floating selection algorithm (SFFS) combined with support vector machine (SVM) was employed to select the optimal multi-modality feature subset. Finally, the SVM classifier was used to differentiate AIP from PDA. The results prove that texture analysis of lesions helps to achieve accurate differentiation of AIP and PDA.

    Release date:2019-12-17 10:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Challenges and countermeasures of thoracic surgery in the epidemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia

    Since December 2019, a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia (COVID-19) outbreak has occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, and the epidemic situation has continued to spread. Such cases have also been found in other parts of the country. The spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has brought great challenges to the clinical practice of thoracic surgery. Outpatient clinics need to strengthen the differential diagnosis of ground glass opacity and pulmonary plaque shadows. During the epidemic, surgical indications are strictly controlled, and selective surgery is postponed. Patients planning to undergo a limited period of surgery should be quarantined for 2 weeks and have a nucleic acid test when necessary before surgery. For patients who are planning to undergo emergency surgery, nucleic acid testing should be carried out before surgery, and three-level protection should be performed during surgery. Patients who are planning to undergo emergency surgery in the epidemic area should be confirmed with or without novel coronavirus pneumonia before operation, and perform nucleic acid test if necessary. Surgical disinfection and isolation measures should be strictly carried out. Among postoperative patients, cases with new coronavirus infection were actively investigated. For the rescue of patients with novel coronavirus infection, attention needs to be paid to prevention and treatment and related complications, including mechanical ventilation-related pneumothorax or mediastinal emphysema, and injury after tracheal intubation.

    Release date:2020-04-26 03:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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