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find Keyword "Multimodal" 47 results
  • Current Status of Multimodal Therapy for A vanced Gastric Carcinoma

    Objective  To review the research advancement of multimodal therapy for advanced gast ric carcinoma. Methods  The literatures on multimodal therapy for advanced gastric carcinoma in recent years were collected and reviewed. Results  The multimodal therapy , such as preoperative chemotherapy , preoperative adjuvant chemoradiotherapy , preoperative interventional chemoradiotherapy for advanced gast ric carcinoma was effective because it could increase the rate of R0 resection for the patients with advanced gastric carcinoma. And it can decrease the mortality rate after operation , extend the overall survival time and improve patients’life quality. Conclusion  Multimodal therapy is a promising method for the treatment of advanced gastric carcinoma and it should be further developed.

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  • Role of Multimodal Preoperative Evaluation System in Prediction to Operative Strategies for Lower and Middle Rectal Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial

    Objective To determine the role of multimodal preoperative evaluation (MPE) system of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), 64 multi-slice spiral computer tomography (MSCT) and serum amyloid A protein (SAA) in assessment of preoperative staging and selection of operative procedures of the lower and middle rectal cancer in multi-disciplinary team. Methods Prospectively enrolled 150 patients, who were diagnosed definitely as lower and middle rectal cancer (distance of tumor to the dentate line ≤10 cm) at West China Hospital of Sichuan University from November 2008 to March 2009, randomly assigned into two groups. In one group named MPE group, MPE consisting of TRUS, MSCT and SAA were made for the preoperative evaluation. In another group named MSCT+SAA group, both MSCT and SAA were made preoperatively. Then, the preoperative staging and predicted operative procedures were compared with postoperative pathologic staging and practical operative procedures, respectively. Furthermore, the pooled data were analyzed for the correlative relationship between the choice of surgery strategy and clinicopathological factors. Results According to the criteria, 146 patients with lower and middle rectal cancer were randomly assigned into MPE group (n=74) and MSCT+SAA group (n=72). The baselines characteristics of two groups were statistically identical. For MPE group the accuracy of preoperative staging T, N, M and TNM were 94.6% (70/74), 85.1% (63/74), 100% (74/74) and 82.4% (61/74), respectively; For MSCT+SAA group the corresponding rates were 77.8% (56/72), 84.7% (61/72), 100% (72/72) and 81.9% (59/72), respectively. The analysis showed a statistically difference in the accuracy of preoperative T staging between two groups (P=0.003) while there was no statistically significant difference of the accuracies of preoperative N, M and TNM staging between two groups (Pgt;0.05). There wasn’t a statistically significant increasing of the accuracy of prediction to operative procedures in MPE group compared with MSCT+SAA group 〔95.9% (71/74) vs.88.9% (64/72), P=0.106〕. When analyzing the relationship between multiple clinicopathologic factors and the operative procedures of lower and middle rectal cancer, there were statistical correlations between the pathological T staging (r=0.216, P=0.009), N staging (r=0.264, P=0.001), TNM staging (r=0.281, P=0.001), serum level of SAA before operation (r=0.252, P=0.002) or the distance of tumor to the dentate line (r=-0.261, P=0.001) and the operative procedures. Conclusion MPE system could display the accurate preoperative staging for lower and middle rectal cancer, on which the prediction of operative procedures can rest convincingly.

    Release date:2016-09-08 11:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Prediction of Hyperfibrinogenemia Combined with Multi-Slice Spiral Computed Tomography Image for Identification of Metastatic Lymph Node in Colorectal Cancer

    Objective To establish the optimal morphological criteria combined with fibrinogen level for evaluation of lymph node metastasis in colorectal cancer. Methods A consecutive series of 690 patients who underwent curative surgery for colorectal cancer, were examined by abdominopelvic enhanced multi-slice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) scan. If regional lymph nodes appeared, the maximal long-axis diameter (MLAD), maximal short-axis diameter (MSAD), and axial ratio (MSAD/MLAD) were recorded. At each lymph node size cut-off value, the following were calculated: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV). Moreover, preoperative plasma level of fibrinogen was retrospectively examined to identify metastatic or inflammatory lymph node combined with MSCT image. Both modalities, MSCT plus fibrinogen and MSCT alone, were compared based on the pathologic findings. Results The study population consisted of 100 patients with regional lymph nodes show. No significant difference was found between metastatic and inflammatory lymph nodes in imaging characteristics (Pgt;0.05). The best cut-off value of MSAD was 6 mm for lymph node metastasis with the sensitivity of 46.8%, specificity of 68.4%, accuracy of 55.0%, PPV of 70.7% and NPV of 44.1%. The best cut-off value of MLAD was 8 mm with the sensitivity of 43.5%, specificity of 63.2%, accuracy of 51.0%, PPV of 65.9% and NPV of 40.7%. Using hyperfibrinogenemia (FIB ≥3.5 g/L) to identify small metastatic lymph node, of which MSAD lt;6 mm or MLAD lt;8 mm, showed statistical diagnostic value (Kappa=0.256, P=0.047). Compared with MSAD (6 mm) alone, MSAD (6 mm) combined with hyperfibrinogenemia had a higher sensitivity (79.0% vs. 46.8%, Plt;0.001), but a similar accuracy (66.0% vs. 55.0%, Pgt;0.05) and a lower specificity (44.7% vs. 68.4%, P=0.037). MLAD (8 mm) combined with hyperfibrinogenemia led to a greater diagnostic value in sensitivity (80.6% vs. 43.5%, Plt;0.001) and accuracy (66.0% vs. 51.0%, P=0.031) than MLAD (8 mm) alone, with a no-significantly decreasing specificity (42.1% vs. 63.2%, Pgt;0.05). Conclusions This present study recommend MSAD ≥6 mm or MLAD ≥8 mm as the optimal criteria for preoperative N staging in colorectal cancer. Moreover, the sensitivity and even accuracy could be improved by combining hyperfibrinogenemia for lymph node metastasis identification.

    Release date:2016-09-08 11:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Update on Preoperative Staging Strategies in Rectal Cancer

    Objective To summarize recent advances on preoperative staging strategies in rectal cancer. Methods Relevant references about preoperative staging strategies were collected and reviewed. The multimodal preoperative evaluation (MPE) system recently documented was focused on. Results The comparably accurate T and M stage could be achieved preoperatively by following an appropriate available method; however, the N stage’s accuracy was still not satisfying. The MPE system, incorporating with the advantages of transrectal ultrasound, computerized tomography and serum amyloid A protein in a multi-disciplinary mode could display the most accurate preoperative staging for rectal cancer currently. Conclusion The MPE has potential prospects in preoperative staging of rectal cancer, and can provide the most accurate preoperative staging for rectal cancer at present.

    Release date:2016-09-08 11:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Research Progress of Multimodal Clinical Support System

    Objective  To explore the research progress of the multimodal clinical support system (CSS). Methods With recognized development and operation of the multi-model CSS, and compared to the traditional CSS, to explore the research progress of the multimodal CSS. Results Based on the realization of the concept, purpose and characteristics of the multimodal CSS, it has been known that the international research progress of the multimodal CSS. Conclusion The developing and evolving of the CSS model have offered a new assist to the multi-disciplinary treatment model, and have enhanced the improving system associated with the practice of evidence-based medicine. However, the application of clinical support system program (CSSP) in our country still needs more research.

    Release date:2016-09-08 11:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Impact of World Health Organization multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy on hand hygiene compliance among acupuncturists

    Objective To understand the effect of World Health Organization(WHO) multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy on hand hygiene compliance among acupuncturists. Methods All the acupuncturists in departments (Department of Acupuncture, Department of Encephalopathy, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology) with acupuncture programs in Xi’an Hospital of TCM were chosen in this study between September 2015 and August 2016. Based on the WHO multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy, comprehensive measures were regulated among acupuncturists. Hand hygiene compliance and accuracy, and hand hygiene knowledge score were compared before and after the strategy intervention. Then, the effects of key strategies were evaluated. Results Overall hand hygiene compliance rate, accuracy and knowledge scores increased from 51.07%, 19.86% and 81.90±2.86 before intervention to 72.34%, 51.70%, and 98.62±2.92 after intervention (P<0.05). Hand hygiene compliance rates also increased in various occasions such as before contacting the patient, after contacting the patient, before acupuncture treatment, and before acupuncture needle manipulation (P<0.05). Conclusion Hand hygiene compliance in acupuncturists can be significantly improved by the implementation of WHO multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy.

    Release date:2017-04-19 10:17 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The application of modified fast-track surgery in the perioperative period of open partial hepatectomy

    Objective To verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the modified fast-track surgery (FTS) in the perioperative period of open liver resection. Methods A prospective randomized controlled trial was carried out in 188 consecutive patients undergoing open liver resection between March and December 2014 in the Department of Liver Surgery of West China Hospital. The modified fast recovery procedure and standard rehabilitation procedure were compared in terms of length of hospital stay after operation, hospitalization cost, complications and readmission rate. Results A total of 188 consecutive patients were enrolled in the trial. The analysis included 87 patients in the modified fast recovery group and 89 in the standard rehabilitation group. Compared with the standard rehabilitation group, the modified fast recovery group had a shorter length of hospital stay [(5.70±1.47)vs. (7.26±1.96) days] and a lower cost [(42.7±6.7)vs. (47.3±12.5) thousand yuan], and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). There were 20 complication cases in the modified group and 39 in the standard group with significant difference (P=0.003). There was no significant difference in the rate of readmission between the two groups (P=1.000). Compared with the standard group, patients in the modified group had less pain 8 hours, the 1st and 2nd days after surgery, better postoperative activities of daily living, more initiative cough times and off-bed activity times, longer duration of movement, and earlier bowel recovery and exhausting, and all the above differences were significantly different (P<0.05). Stepwise regression analysis showed that postoperative complications and bowel recovery and exhausting time were independent related factors for postoperative hospital stay (P<0.001). Conclusions Multimodal analgesia-based fast recovery procedure is feasible and effective in the perioperative period of partial hepatectomy. It can shorten the time of hospitalization and reduce the cost of hospitalization.

    Release date:2017-05-18 01:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Improving hand hygiene executive ability by administrative intervention

    Objective To improve hand hygiene executive ability of healthcare workers in medical institutions in Anhui Province by multi-modal interventions with the administrative intervention as the guide. Methods The PDCA management mode was adopted in a step-by-step implementation of plan, implementation, inspection, improvement, and effectiveness evaluation in Anhui Province from April 2014 to December 2016. The management indicators of hand hygiene before and after the intervention in 1 353 hospitals were investigated and evaluated. Results The overall evaluation of the hand hygiene at the end of the implemention showed that 85.29% (58/68) of the tertiary hospitals, 84.07% (227/270) of the second-class hospitals and 66.63% (595/893) of the primary-level hospitals had well-equipped hand hygiene facilities. About 92.65% (63/68) of the tertiary hospitals, 100.00% (270/270) of the second-class hospitals and 50.06% (447/893) of the primary-level hospitals had staff training of hand hygiene knowledge. The compliance of hand hygiene before and after intervention increased from 36.68% to 61.93%, the correct rate of hand washing increased from 37.60% to 89.28%, the awareness rate of related knowledge increased from 41.20% to 86.07%, and the dosage of hand disinfectant increased from 2.59 mL to 7.10 mL. Conclusion To take multi-model interventions with the administrative intervention as the guide, can effectively improve the quality of hand hygiene management and the executive force.

    Release date:2018-03-26 03:32 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Efficacy of multimodal nonpharmacological interventions in mild cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis

    Objectives To systematically review the efficacy of multimodal nonpharmacological interventions in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Methods An electronically search was conducted in PubMed, EMbase, The Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, Web of Science, CINAHL, VIP, CBM, WanFang Data and CNKI databases from inception to November 2017 to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on multimodal nonpharmacological interventions for MCI. Two reviewers independently screened literature, extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. Then, meta-analysis was performed by RevMan 5.3 software. Results A total of 12 RCTs involving 1 359 patients were included. The results of meta-analysis showed that there were no statistical differences between two groups in MMSE scores (SMD=0.33, 95%CI–0.13 to 0.78, P=0.16). However, the MoCA scores (SMD=0.52, 95%CI 0.38 to 0.67, P<0.000 01) and ADAS-Cog scores (SMD=1.13, 95%CI 0.75 to 1.51, P<0.000 01) in the multimodal nonpharmacological interventions group were better than those in the control group. Additionally, multimodal nonpharmacological interventions produced significant effects on ADL (SMD=–0.64, 95%CI –0.83 to–0.45, P<0.000 01), QOL-AD (MD=3.65, 95%CI 1.03 to 6.27, P=0.006) and depression (SMD=–0.83, 95%CI –1.41 to–0.26, P=0.005). There were no statistical differences between two groups on conversion rate to Alzheimer's disease (RR=0.27, 95%CI 0.06 to 1.26, P=0.10). Conclusions The current evidence shows that multimodal nonpharmacological interventions are feasible for patients with MCI as they have positive effects on overall cognitive abilities, daily living skills, and quality of life and depression. Nevertheless, due to the limited quantity and quality of included studies, more high quality studies are required to verify the conclusion.

    Release date:2019-02-19 03:57 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Correct understanding the multimodal imaging to improve the diagnosis and treatment of ocular fundus diseases

    With the rapid development of ophthalmic imaging methods, there are many ways of examination in the diagnosis and treatment of fundus diseases, such as FFA, ICGA, FAF, OCT and emerging blood vessels by OCT angiography in recent years. Multi-model image can understand the changes of anatomical structure and function of different levels and parts of the fundus from different aspects. A variety of imaging examinations are combined and complemented each other, which makes us have a further understanding of the location and pathological changes of many fundus diseases. But at the same time, the emergence of multi-modal images also brings a series of problems. How to standardize the use of multi-modal imaging platform to better serve the clinic is a problem that ophthalmologists need to understand.

    Release date:2019-07-16 05:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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