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find Keyword "Neurorestoratology" 1 results

    Objective To elucidate the new concept and theory of neurorestoratology. Methods With the review of the development course and important research works in the field of neurorestoratology during the 20th century, especially recent 30 years, the regularity summary, science and technology philosophy induction, and theory distillation were carried out in this article. Results The new discipl ine system was brought forward as follows: ① Definition: neurorestoratology was asub-discipl ine of neuroscience which studies neural regeneration, neural structural repair of replacement, eruroplasticity and neuromodulation. The core purpose was to promote neural functional recovery of all neural degenerative diseases and damages. ② One central task and two basic points: to recover neurological function was the central research task all the time and the two basic points were the precl inical (basic) neurorestoration and the cl inical neurorestoration. ③ Four rationale of the discipl ine: l imited renovation, relearning, insufficient reserve, and l ifelong reinforcement. ④ Five major factors of neurorestoratology (5N’s dogma): neuroregeneration, neurorepair, neuroplasticity, neuromodulation, neurorehabil itation. “Neuroprotection” appeared to be included in the broad definition. ⑤ Four-step rule of neurorestoratology: structural neurorestoration, signal neurorestoration, rehabil itative neurorestoration, and functional neurorestoration. ⑥ Emphasize that translational medicine from lab to bed in neurorestoration. Conclusion The discipl ine of neurorestoratology has the vast development prospectand will be sure to increase the rapid progress of the basic and cl inical restorative neuroscience.

    Release date:2016-09-01 09:05 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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