Objective To evaluate the clinical and histopathological manifestations of sympathetic ophthalmia after pars plana vitrectomy. Methods The clinical data of 8 patients with sympathetic ophthalmia out of 13 000 who underwent pars plana vitrectomy from Jan 1998 to Dec 2004 were retrospectively analyzed. In the 8 patients, 3 evoked eyes underwent ophthalmectomy and were observed histopathologically. Results The incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia was 0.06%. The time from vitrectomy to the occurrence of sympathetic ophthalmia ranged from 7 to 150 days, with a median of (77.8plusmn;50.8) days. All patients had decrease of visual acuity of the sympathetic eye, visual distortion, red eye, and opthalmalgia. The visual acuity was hand moving to 0.5 in the sympathetic eyes, and no light perception to 0.04 in the evoked eyes. Other clinical manifestations included binocular mutton-fat keratic precipitates, anterior chamber flare and cells, vitreous opacity, optic-disc edema and hyperaemia, and retinal edema at the posterior pole; 2 sympathetic eyes had exudative retinal detachment. The visual acuity increased to 0.4-1.2 in sympathetic eyes and light perception -0.25 in evoked eyes in all of the patients after treatment with oral administration of prednisone 1.0-1.5 mg/kg. In the 3 patients who had undergone ophthalmectomy because of total loss of visual acuity, and the pathological examination revealed infiltrated and thickeduvea due to lymphocytes, epithelioid cell nodules, infiltration of lymphocytes to sclerotic passages, and ocular atrophy were observed. Conclusion The incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia is 0.06%, which happened within 3 months after vitrectomy. The clinical manifestations and results of histological examinations accords with the characteristics of sympathetic ophthalmia. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis, 2007, 23: 112-114)