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find Author "WANG Zhiwen" 6 results
  • Interpretation of guideline for reporting systematic reviews of outcome measurement instruments (PRISMA-COSMIN)

    The selection of outcome measurement instruments (OMI) is a prerequisite for accurately collecting health outcome data. Conducting a systematic review of OMI can provide an important reference for researchers and practitioners to select the most appropriate OMI. In order to improve the reporting quality of the systematic review of OMI, foreign researchers published the PRISMA-COSMIN reporting guideline in the J Clin Epidemiol in June 2024. This article introduces the research team, development process, and items of the reporting guideline, and analyzes the items with examples. We hope our attempt could help domestic researchers improve the overall quality of OMI systematic reviews.

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  • The "big picture review" family: similarities and differences between scoping reviews, mapping reviews, and evidence gap maps

    Compared with classic systematic reviews, the scoping reviews, mapping reviews and evidence gap maps (EGMs) address broader research questions. Therefore, they are classified into the "big picture review" family. These three types of evidence synthesis have developed rapidly in recent years, but the related concepts are easy to be confused. This article introduces the methodological development process of the three types of evidence synthesis, summarizes the similarities and differences in terms of research purposes and methodology based on the methodological guidelines of the three types of evidence synthesis in the "big picture review" family. The author hopes that this article can help domestic researchers distinguish and identify the three types of evidence synthesis, avoid conceptual confusion, and correctly choose the type of evidence synthesis in the "big picture review" family according to the research purpose.

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  • Interpretation of the updated COSMIN-RoB checklist in evaluating risk of bias of studies on reliability and measurement error

    The COSMIN community updated the COSMIN-RoB checklist on reliability and measurement error in 2021. The updated checklist can be applied to the assessment of all types of outcome measurement studies, including clinician-reported outcome measures (ClinPOMs), performance-basd outcome measurement instruments (PerFOMs), and laboratory values. In order to help readers better understand and apply the updated COSMIN-RoB checklist and provide methodological references for conducting systematic reviews of ClinPOMs, PerFOMs and laboratory values, this paper aimed to interpret the updated COSMIN-RoB checklist on reliability and measurement error studies.

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  • TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway regulates inflammatory response involved in pathophysiological mechanisms of type A aortic dissection

    Objective To investigate activated toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) signaling pathway involved in pathophysiological mechanisms of type A aortic dissection (TAAD). Methods Specimens of full-thickness ascending aorta wall from the TAAD patients (n=12) and the controlled donors (n=12) were collected. Western blotting was used to examine the associated proteins' expression of TLR4 signaling pathway. Blood samples from TAAD (n=43) and controlled patients (n=50) were examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the circulating plasma cytokines levels of interleukin-1β (L-1β). Results In the aortic wall of TAAD, expression levels of TLR4 and protein expression of major molecule significantly elevated, and activated macrophages increased. Furthermore, elevated IL-1β levels were observed in the TAAD patients’ plasma compared with the control plasma. Multiple logistic regression analysis and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve showed that elevated IL-1β could be a novel and promising biomarker with important diagnostic and predictive value in the identification of TAAD. Conclusion Activated TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway regulates inflammatory response to involve in pathophysiological mechanisms of type A aortic dissection and its regulated inflammatory products have important predictive value for patients with TAAD.

    Release date:2019-07-17 04:28 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Interpretation of consolidate framework for implementation research (CFIR)

    The consolidated framework for implementation research (CFIR) extracted, analyzed and integrated many published theories, frameworks and models of implementation research, and provided a comprehensive and practical theoretical framework for researchers to explore the influencing factors in the implementation of evidence. This paper introduces the origin, core content and application examples of CFIR in evidence-based nursing practice, in order to provide reference for researchers to use CFIR to carry out implementation research.

    Release date:2021-04-23 04:04 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • An extension of the RIGHT statement for introductions and interpretations of clinical practice guidelines: RIGHT for INT

    Objective The purpose of the extension of the RIGHT statement for introductions and interpretations of clinical practice guidelines (RIGHT for INT) was to promote the development of comprehensive and clear article those introduced and interpreted clinical practice guidelines. MethodsThe RIGHT for INT checklist was developed following methods recommended by the EQUATOR Network. The development process included three stages. In the first stage, a multidisciplinary team of experts was recruited by email and WeChat and further divided into three groups (a steering group, a consensus group, and a secretariat group); in the second stage, the initial items were collected by literature review and brainstorming; and in the third stage, the final items were formed through a Delphi survey and expert consultation. ResultsA total of 40 initial items were collected through literature review and brainstorming. A final checklist of 27 items was formed after the Delphi survey and expert consultation. ConclusionThe RIGHT for INT checklist provides guidance for guideline interpreters on how to introduce and interpret clinical practice guidelines in a scientific and comprehensive manner.

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