Physiological studies reveal that rats rely on multiple spatial cells for spatial navigation and memory. In this paper, we investigated the firing mechanism of spatial cells within the entorhinal-hippocampal structure of the rat brain and proposed a spatial localization model for mobile robot. Its characteristics were as follows: on the basis of the information transmission model from grid cells to place cells, the neural network model of place cells interaction was introduced to obtain the place cell plate with a single-peaked excitatory activity package. Then the solution to the robot’s position was achieved by establishing a transformation relationship between the position of the excitatory activity package on the place cell plate and the robot’s position in the physical environment. In this paper, simulation experiments and physical experiments were designed to verify the model. The experimental results showed that compared with RatSLAM and the model of grid cells to place cells, the positioning performance of the model in this paper was more accurate, and the cumulative error in the long-time path integration process of the robot was also smaller. The research results of this paper lay a foundation for the robot navigation method that mimics the cognitive mechanism of rat brain.
Physiological studies have revealed that rats perform spatial localization relying on grid cells and place cells in the entorhinal-hippocampal CA3 structure. The dynamic connection between the entorhinal-hippocampal structure and the prefrontal cortex is crucial for navigation. Based on these findings, this paper proposes a spatial navigation method based on the entorhinal-hippocampal-prefrontal information transmission circuit of the rat’s brain, with the aim of endowing the mobile robot with strong spatial navigation capability. Using the hippocampal CA3-prefrontal spatial navigation model as a foundation, this paper constructed a dynamic self-organizing model with the hippocampal CA1 place cells as the basic unit to optimize the navigation path. The path information was then fed back to the impulse neural network via hippocampal CA3 place cells and prefrontal cortex action neurons, improving the convergence speed of the model and helping to establish long-term memory of navigation habits. To verify the validity of the method, two-dimensional simulation experiments and three-dimensional simulation robot experiments were designed in this paper. The experimental results showed that the method presented in this paper not only surpassed other algorithms in terms of navigation efficiency and convergence speed, but also exhibited good adaptability to dynamic navigation tasks. Furthermore, our method can be effectively applied to mobile robots.
Biological studies show that place cells are the main basis for rats to know their current location in space. Since grid cells are the main input source of place cells, a mapping model from grid cells to place cells needs to be constructed. To solve this problem, a neural network mapping model of back propagation error from grid cells to place cells is proposed in this paper, which can accurately express the location in a given region. According to the physiological characteristics of border cells’ specific discharge to the environment, the periodic resetting of the grid field phase by border cells is realized, and the position recognition in any space is completed by this model. In this paper, we designed a simulation experiment to compare the activity of the theoretical place cell plate, and then compared the time consumption of the competitive neural network model and the positioning error of RatSLAM pose cells plate. The experimental results showed that the proposed model could obtain a single place field, and the algorithm efficiency was improved by 85.94% compared with the competitive neural network model in the time-consuming experiment. In the localization experiment, the mean localization error was 41.35% lower than that of RatSLAM pose cells plate. Therefore, the location cognition model proposed in this paper can not only realize the efficient transfer of information between grid cells and place cells, but also realize the accurate location of its own location in any spatial area.
The method of directly using speed information and angle information to drive attractors model of grid cells to encode environment has poor anti-interference ability and is not bionic. In response to the problem, this paper proposes a grid field calculation model based on perceived speed and perceived angle. The model has the following characteristics. Firstly, visual stream is decoded to obtain visual speed, and speed cell is modeled and decoded to obtain body speed. Visual speed and body speed are integrated to obtain perceived speed information. Secondly, a one-dimensional circularly connected cell model with excitatory connection is used to simulate the firing mechanism of head direction cells, so that the robot obtains current perception angle information in a biomimetic manner. Finally, the two kinds of perceptual information of speed and angle are combined to realize the driving of grid cell attractors model. The proposed model was experimentally verified. The results showed that this model could realize periodic hexagonal firing field mode of grid cells and precise path integration function. The proposed algorithm may provide a foundation for the research on construction method of robot cognitive map based on hippocampal cognition mechanism.
Emotion classification and recognition is a crucial area in emotional computing. Physiological signals, such as electroencephalogram (EEG), provide an accurate reflection of emotions and are difficult to disguise. However, emotion recognition still faces challenges in single-modal signal feature extraction and multi-modal signal integration. This study collected EEG, electromyogram (EMG), and electrodermal activity (EDA) signals from participants under three emotional states: happiness, sadness, and fear. A feature-weighted fusion method was applied for integrating the signals, and both support vector machine (SVM) and extreme learning machine (ELM) were used for classification. The results showed that the classification accuracy was highest when the fusion weights were set to EEG 0.7, EMG 0.15, and EDA 0.15, achieving accuracy rates of 80.19% and 82.48% for SVM and ELM, respectively. These rates represented an improvement of 5.81% and 2.95% compared to using EEG alone. This study offers methodological support for emotion classification and recognition using multi-modal physiological signals.