【摘要】 目的 探讨复杂型胫骨平台骨折改良手术入路及双侧双钢板固定临床疗效。 方法 2006年3月—2008年12月,收治复杂型胫骨平台骨折21例,其中男14例,女7例;平均年龄37岁。按Schatzker骨折分类:Ⅴ型10例,Ⅵ型11例。均选择前外侧联合后内侧或后侧入路,双侧双钢板固定,术中探查半月板及交叉韧带损伤,一期修复处理及行交叉韧带重建。 结果 术后伤口Ⅰ期愈合19例,Ⅱ期愈合1例,1例术后10 d发生切口皮缘坏死,经换药后愈合。所有患者均获1~3年随访,平均19.5个月。骨性愈合时间5~10个月,平均7.4个月。出现创伤性关节炎2例,关节面塌陷2例,其中1例有轻度膝关节内翻。按美国特种外科医院评分标准:优18例,良2例,可1例,优良率95.2%。 结论 复杂型胫骨平台骨折运用前外侧联合后内或后侧切口入路,双侧双钢板固定,利于保护软组织血供、固定可靠稳定性好,是切实可行的有效方法。
【Abstract】 Objective To study the clinical efficacy of modified surgical approach and bilateral double-plate fixation in the cases of complex tibial plateau fracture. Methods From March 2006 to December 2008, 21 patients with complex tibial plateau fracture, including 14 males and seven females, were treated in our hospital. The average age of them was 37 years old. Based on Schatzker fracture classification, there were 10 cases of type Ⅴ and 11 cases of type Ⅵ fracture. All the cases were treated by the combined anterolateral and posteromedial or posterior approaches and bilateral double-plate fixation. In the operation, we explored injuries on the meniscus and cruciate ligament, and carried out the one-stage rehabilitation and cruciate ligament reconstruction. Results There were 19 cases of one-stage healing, and one case of secondary healing. One patient suffered skin flap necrosis 10 days after the operation, and was cured after changing the medicine. All the patients were followed up for one to three years, averaging at 19.5 months. Bone healing occurred within 5 to 10 months averaging at 7.4 months. Two patients suffered traumatic arthritis; articular surface collapse was found in two patients; and one patient had mild varus knee. According to the scoring system from Hospital for Special Surgery, there were 18 cases of excellent efficacy, two of good efficacy, one of fair efficacy, with an excellence rate of 85.2%. Conclusion Combined anterolateral and posteromedial or posterior approaches and bilateral double-plate fixation for complex tibial plateau fractures is beneficial to protect the soft tissue blood supply and give reliable fixation stability. Thus, it is a feasible and effective method and is worth further research and popularizing in clinical practices.
Citation: LI Jun,ZHANG Xingrui,HU Wenyong. Surgical Strategy and Efficacy Analysis of Complex Tibial Plateau Fractures. West China Medical Journal, 2011, 26(6): 890-892. doi: Copy
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