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West China Medical Journal

Supervisor:Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Sponsor:Sichuan University
Editor-in-chief:LUO Fengming
Publishing period: Monthly ISSN:1002-0179 CN:51-1356/R



Editor in chief


Prof. Li Weimin, M.D.

Professor in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Doctoral Supervisor. Special allowance expert of the State Council. One of young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contribution in national health and family planning campaign.

President/Dean of West China School of Medicine/West China Hospital, Sichuan University


Current academic titles:

Ø Vice chairman of Chinese Medical Doctor Association;

Ø Vice chairman of Respiratory Medicine Committee of Chinese Medical Association;

Ø Vice chairman of Respiratory Medicine Committee of Chinese Medical Association;

Ø Vice president of Lung Cancer Group of Respiratory Medicine Committee of Chinese Medical Association;

Ø Chairman of Respiratory Medicine Committee of Sichuan Medical Association;

Ø Chairman of Internal Medicine Committee of Sichuan Medical Association;

Ø Leading expert of Sichuan Province in academic and technological field;

Ø Chief editor of Precision Clinical Medicine;

Ø Deputy editor of Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy;

Ø Editor of Thoracic Cancer;

Ø Editor of Respiration;

Ø Chief editor of West China Medical Journal;

Ø Deputy editor of Chinese Journal of Lung Diseases (Electronic version);

Ø Deputy editor of Medical Journal of West China;

Ø Editor of Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, Annals of Oncology (Chinese version), Chinese Journal of Health Management, Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, Journal of Clinical Internal Medicine, etc.


Research focus:

Diagnosis of lung cancer in early stage


Research achievements:

Ø More than 30 projects at different levels, including:

National Science Foundation of China projects;

The National Key Technology R&D Program during the 11th Five-year Plan Period;

National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Project);

Key projects by Ministry of Science and Technology

Ø Total research funding received: over RMB 59 million

Ø Publications: 240+ academic papers, including 100+ SCI papers published in journals such as Cell, Chest, Cancer Research, Clin Cancer Res, Cancer, Int J Cancer, Mol Cancer, Cancer Lett et al.

Ø Prizes:

Second Prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award

First Prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award

First Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of Sichuan Province


